Sentences with phrase «taking naps»

She drinks breast milk from a bottle and usually drinks 7 oz before taking naps 1 - 2 times a day and before b...
It's perfect for taking naps.
Make sure your child is taking naps in his or her own room and separate bed as well, and you'll be able to establish a healthy sleeping arrangement in no time.
I will say that my family and friends are always asking me how in the world my twins are still taking naps and how I manage to get them to sleep at the same time.
In many traditional cultures, the timing of sleep is flexible and opportunistic, with people making up for the occasional «late night» by taking naps in the day (Worthman and Melby 2002).
Many kids stop taking naps around this age, so setting an early bedtime and good sleep habits will be an important part of a 5 - year - old's daily routine.
Reducing stress, taking naps, and going to bed early are harder said than done, but it's so necessary.
I don't feel sad, just tired and finding myself sleeping past when my daughter does most mornings and sitting in front of the TV, taking naps.
Mike: We wrote Nacho Libre together and I'd get together with them and Jared would show you violent videos he'd watched the day before, Jerusha would say, «Come on guys, let's get stuff done,» then we'd say, «Let's get some food» and then we'd share some ideas before taking naps in different rooms.
In praise of a quiet house with tinies playing outside and a baby taking her naps as God and her mother intended, of street hockey and texts from friends, of refusing to do a single thing that could be construed as productive.
A report released in mid-April by the Transportation Safety Board showed the near - disaster was the result of «sleep inertia,» the disoriented and drowsy feeling caused by fatigue and taking naps for too long.
Other ways to get a good night's rest is to avoid taking naps, exercise daily and have a comfortable mattress.
So go ahead, take that nap, leave the office at 5:30 and give yourself permission not to be crazy busy for awhile.
The last thing you want to do is look at more documents, but now is not the time to take a nap.
And if they have no choice, they should at least take a nap.
A good crib or cradle can buy you some much needed time to yourself while your baby takes a nap or snoozes the night away.
He almost never wears shoes and often takes naps on a purple velvet couch under his collection of psychedelic posters.
There are private meeting rooms where no one looks askance if an employee spends her lunch hour taking a nap or catching up on Family Feud instead of hitting a nearby shop or restaurant.
How can you convince companies to allow their employees to take naps?
And is the theory to take naps so you can be more productive or is it take naps but extend your work day longer?
Someday, cars will not only drive us home as we take a nap, they will find the fastest route home, queue up our favorite music, and dim the lights so we can sleep as they speed along at insanely high speeds using a dedicated autonomous car lane.
When you can't see what the people at the other end of the line are doing, they may be talking to colleges (72 percent admit to this distraction), scrolling through Facebook or Twitter (69 percent), or even taking a nap (6 percent).
Well, should this happen to you midflight, one simple way to de-stress is to put on an eye mask and take a nap.
It might be time to look for a replacement... or take a nap.
What if I love to take naps in a hammock?
«Maybe I'll take a nap
Travel often provides a golden opportunity for catching up on work, listening to a podcast or taking a nap.
I think I'll take a nap.
If employees are sleep deprived and weary, encourage them to take naps.
Musk said during a TED Talk in April that it would most likely be 2019 before a driver could take a nap behind the wheel of a Tesla.
Some Barclays interns told the Journal that they would take naps on the toilet in the office.
If necessary, take naps.
If you can't get in a full night's sleep, you can still improve the ability of your brain to synthesize new information by taking a nap.
It found that «taking a nap may be an effective strategy to counteract impulsive behavior and to boost tolerance for frustration,» the research release notes.
A study in June by Wakefield Research found that 43 percent of people said they watched TV while «working» from home, and roughly a quarter each admitted to taking a nap or knocking back a drink on the clock.
And if you have to make a decision late in the day, try to do something restful beforehand, like taking a nap, reading or going for a walk.
Instead, all they want you to do if you want to radically boost your memory is take a nap.
The reason the caffeine - nap combo is so effective is that caffeine takes about 45 minutes to be absorbed, so taking a nap while the caffeine is making its way through your system allows you to awake when the alertness effect of the caffeine has kicked in.
Kovacs recommends ordering a double espresso, set your alarm for 25 to 30 minutes and take a nap.
It's as if we had spent these endless grueling hours hiking a vertical volcanic summit to the cone, and now, just three steps from viewing the ring fault of the caldera, he says, «I'm gonna take a nap.
Back at the union, they'd try to get something to eat, find dry clothes to change into and maybe take a nap.
A driver will not be able to take a nap while their car drives for them, and will need to remain alert and ready to take the wheel.
Well, I'm home with a sick kid who is trying to take a nap, so while I've got a moment, 1.
Holding hands with a special someone, getting a hug, giving a hug, taking a nap, reading a good book, working out, knitting something, taking a good picture, baking something for someone, sitting and talking with people I love — all of these things bring me joy and leave me feeling content.
He said for some of us the best thing we could do is just take a nap.
And when it comes to avoiding sin, sometimes, the most spiritual thing to do is take a nap.
But I can do the next thing... even if the next thing is to give up and take a nap.
In a few weeks later, I was home again not having class to attend, and I was taking my nap before I got up to study.
Often Nathan can be found in a hammock taking a nap while Ray is smoking his pipe on the porch and Larry is sifting his way through a stack of good books.
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