Sentences with phrase «taking negative points»

Carefully consider your short - term savings and your long - term costs before taking negative points.

Not exact matches

Emoticons and exclamation points can only take you so far (especially in a business email), and in fact, sometimes formal business language can start to sound, well, negative without context.
Kelly doesn't think we'll see a double dip — when GDP moves back into negative territory — but does think the market likely will take a slight dive at some point in the year.
«(But) if there's curtailment all the way to the point of discontinuing that flow of product... that utilization taken away from the refineries would have a pretty negative effect on the refineries.»
Even more interesting is that fact that the mining stocks (HUI Amex Gold Bugs Index) rejected repeated attempts to take them into negative territory and they finished up over 6 points — 3.6 % — on the day.
Given the recent 100 + basis point move in the 10 - yr Treasury, if the Fed were forced to mark to market its $ 3.8 trillion Treasuries and mortgages, it would be forced to reduce the holding value by close to $ 400 billion, taking the Fed's net worth to negative $ 360 billion.
At his press conference, Draghi confirmed a cut of 10 basis points (0.10 %) to the already negative deposit rate, taking it to -0.30 %, which is a move that I don't consider material, but merely keeping up the pressure on banks to lend more.
I take it that by «negative», you mean either disagreeing with the story's point of view, or your own point of view.
If we allow Blake's apocalyptic vision to stand witness to a radical Christian faith, there are at least seven points from within this perspective at which we can discern the uniqueness of Christianity: (1) a realization of the centrality of the fall and of the totality of fallenness throughout the cosmos; (2) the fall in this sense can not be known as a negative or finally illusory reality, for it is a process or movement that is absolutely real while yet being paradoxically identical with the process of redemption; and this because (3) faith, in its Christian expression, must finally know the cosmos as a kenotic and historical process of the Godhead's becoming incarnate in the concrete contingency of time and space; (4) insofar as this kenotic process becomes consummated in death, Christianity must celebrate death as the path to regeneration; (5) so likewise the ultimate salvation that will be effected by the triumph of the Kingdom of God can take place only through a final cosmic reversal; (6) nevertheless, the future Eschaton that is promised by Christianity is not a repetition of the primordial beginning, but is a new and final paradise in which God will have become all in all; and (7) faith, in this apocalyptic sense, knows that God's Kingdom is already dawning, that it is present in the words and person of Jesus, and that only Jesus is the «Universal Humanity,» the final coming together of God and man.
He admits, however, that he has «no complaints to make about the positive things Hartshorne says about universals, since he is giving a good account of the Aristotelian problem» although he finds Hartshorne's negative points «ill - taken» (p. 59).
It's far from entirely negative, although its point is surely to take Ron out as a plausible commander - in - chief.
The like - for - like growth takes out the effects of currency translation into the Swiss franc and the results from the company's Brach consumer business in North America, which together had a negative effect of two percentage points on sales.
am not being negative here but i do nt see Leicester City dropping enough point for us to over take them..
Some Arsenal fans will agree with the criticism that Merson often levels at the manager or the team in general or even at specific players like Mesut Ozil, but I for one feel that our former midfield star isd always looking for a negative spin about our club, so I was surprised to see a Metro report today in which Merson suggests that we are the right side and have what it takes to defy expectations this week and come away from the clash at high flying Man City with all three points.
Against Stoke we remain positive and came out with an unfair point then regress back to negativity and get a lucky point finally we setup to be Negative again and get taken apart by Chelsea.
Never mentioning Wallerstein by name, Hetherington takes direct aim at her work with subject headings like «Myth Two: Children Always Lose Out After a Divorce,» noting that the «negative long - term effects have been exaggerated to the point where we now have created a self - fulfilling prophecy.»
I felt I was at implantation, i paid close attention and believe it or not i felt a few minor cramps and said «yep that's the egg» lol but i still wasn't sure then the lower back pains came, and I took a test about 4 days before my period and the test gave me a veeeery faint positive to the point where I said «i think it's negative» then about 4 or 5 days after my missed period i got a digital test and it says «pregnant» so I think it's very positive to tell if you are pregnant before your missed period, or it could have been coincidence who knows
But he also lost a few points for style on the «take this job and shove it» line, plus a last - minute negative ad aimed at Marchione.
I point out the benefits and the negatives, e.g. «do you really want to take on a popular incumbent?»
It's unlikely that you'll make progress on the points you planned to discuss once the meeting takes such a negative turn.
They blame themselves, suffer from negative self - talk, and obsess over every bite, every calorie taken in to the point where food stops becoming a fun, joyful experience and starts to feels like work.
People who live with alcoholic addiction become reliant on this substance to the point where their bodies have negative reactions when the alcohol is taken away.
so instead of drugs or drinking i returned to the weights and juice i guess thats a drug lol in this last 2 yrs I've tried everything, to train like i was at the intensity at 28 uh not happening, Im at the point now where i got to be happy with me at 195 0r 200 cuz if i get any stronger I'm gonna get more achy and hurt, so my long ass point here is regardless of this routine that was posted the high reps will keep you lifting longer, as your pump issue i find natural or not its the time between sets that dictates the pump, Corey you and many other naturals have done it all and still don't look huge its genes id still be 170 or less i bet if it wasn't for juice but let me say i wish i didn't do it seriously i had a crappy sexdrive till androgel came out and now I'm only on 300 test a week, I'm done with deca and eq I've been reading or maybe looking for negative stuff and I've found it, Another thing is with this routine to go to failure and getting to heavy weights on so many sets i think will take a cns toll i feel like crap for the last 4 days i overdid it.
There is not much to say at this point, except that I am not taking the time to write anything negative.
: — LRB - The other negative point is that the game takes place in only 2 locations which can make it a little bit annoying at some points.
Though it would take a purist pedant to legitimately lament the evolution of colour stock as a negative turning point in film history, there's no doubt something was lost in Technicolor's takeover as monochrome movies moved from mainstream to niche, and the basic joy of black and white became impossible to appreciate without express attention.
Initially took me a few visits to really experience the full range of what the platform has to offer as it just has so many options, which is really not a negative point but I couldn't think of anything else!
On top of that, early evidence on student achievement also points to negative outcomes for families that took advantage of the vouchers.
These bills can be a bit tricky: while you may not feel any immediate negative consequences for skipping out on your payments, at some point, your bills will catch up with you and the negative impact will take its toll.
I've been with ohmconnect for ~ 2 years but have just closed my account because they gave me negative points - again -(actually taking money from me) during an «alert» that they had conveniently failed to notify me about.
My credit score after 7 months was increased by 170 points, with a total of 13 negative accounts being removed and 93 lates taken off completely.
I must reply that I believe you are taking a more negative point of view than is justified by our messages.
«The Bank's economists estimate that the fire - related damage and shutdown of oil production will reduce the current quarter's inflation - adjusted GDP growth by 1-1/4 percentage points, likely taking growth down to negative territory.
We achieve this by taking away a point for every negative answer.
The existing higher deficit takes us out to the point where the entitlement systems go into permanent negative cash flow.
I wouldn't suggest closing a card within 6 months of opening it, both because it will have a negative effect on your credit score and because technically an issuer can take back any points it awards you for opening that card.
While I fully agree with your sentiments and hope that your analysis of the blowback from devaluation proves true, is it possible that Hilton (from its point of revenue - enhancing view) correctly took the negatives into account?
In many cases with people playing the points and miles game, the red flag is that you have applied for too many credit cards lately (not that you have too many total; that is not taken into account as a negative factor).
That's potentially dangerous, though, because this might result in you drawing a yellow barrel which means having to take a PR Crisis card that will be worth negative points at the end of the game and that also has other nasty effects.
A few setbacks that will be fixed is a bad thing, not saying it isn't or that it's not worth demerits / penalties - but it's obvious that server problems at launch - as bad as they are to the consumers, to get such a hefty pounding over it where a reviewer is all like «I take my review back, I'm lowering my score until the servers get better - Oh hey, 6 months later the servers are better, here, have a 7.5 again» That does not sound professional no matter how you want to put it (Not like anyone goes to Polygon for anything professional anyways): / Short - comings or downfalls that are temporary should be given Shame I'd say, a definite negative feedback in some variety which comes all but naturally with the players whether a reviewer points it out or not, customer reviewers do that and I think should be used for these kind of problems.
Over e-mail last year, after news broke that a developer retaliated against YouTuber Jim Sterling after his negative review with a DMCA takedown of it, Sterling told Kotaku that «In order to fight a counter-claim, they would have to pursue it in court... So far nobody's done that, as it's the point in the process where a developer actually opens itself up to any form of consequence — if they fail, the YouTuber can then take them to court and seek damages.
The final point I'll make could be taken as a negative or positive: Boulder Dash XL may very well make younger generation gamers cry.
Old Version: If a character has at least 50 style points when they would take a fatal blow, they lose 50 style, their HP can go negative, and desperation mode is activated.
It is an eruption into the present of a past long gone, wreckage which, cut adrift from its own time, has somehow washed up on the shores of the present as poverty and abandonment...» and that `... To let the place begin to speak to us, we need a practice of observation of the kind Keats meant by «negative capability»... Take my advice and skip forward to the far more pragmatic and illuminating: Dust Bunnies and Coffee Stains: Anya Gallaccio in conversation with Clarrie Wallis, curator of contemporary art at Tate Britain — a far better point of entry, where one gets to know, first hand, what the work is really all about.
Re: # 86 While I understand the negative reaction, I think Sean's main points (or at least what I think his main points...) are well taken.
The growth of solar and wind power has highlighted the issue of negative pricing on the wholesale markets, where in some instances the availability of wind or solar power depresses prices to the point where wholesalers pay their utility customers to take the electricity off their hands.
The point I was trying to make is that you can't prove a negative, but I take your point about falsifiablity.
But there comes a point when parental involvement is too much and can start to have a negative effect on the child's performance and ability to take responsibility.
However, two recent papers published in Science, including the one we discussed in our post, have pointed out that when you take into account land use changes, the global warming pollution benefit of corn ethanol is negligible or not a benefit at all but a negative (researcher Joseph Fargione's team found that most biofuels «create a «biofuel carbon debt» by releasing 17 to 420 times more CO2 than the annual greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions that these biofuels would provide by displacing fossil fuels.»)
Taking adaptation into account, rich countries will adapt to the negative impacts of global warming and exploit the positive changes, creating a total positive effect of global warming worth about half a percentage point of GDP.
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