Sentences with phrase «taking showers»

«I've been taking showers with my daughter ever since she could hold her head up!
The character shower heads look like bath toys and help parents transition their kids from bathing in the tub to taking showers on their own.
It wasn't until I was home with our third child that I started taking showers when my baby was awake.
She used to love taking showers with me, now its sounds like I'm trying to skin her alive or something.
What follows is pretty mundane: He send his five kids off to school, takes a shower and drives to work.
The discovery of the network leads to some intriguing theories about why people often fail to come up with creative solutions when they're focusing on a problem but succeed later, when they're doing other things, like taking a shower or watching a movie.
But you could just take a shower instead: the bathrooms in the lodge's wood and glass tree houses, which rest high up in the canopy, straight out into the bush, where lions, buffalo, leopards, zebras, elephants and giraffe roam freely.
This way, when someone gets an «aha moment» when they're taking a shower at 10 PM, they'll have all of the information they need to flesh out their idea spur of the moment!
Every time I take a shower, I put the water to the coldest level possible.
Afterwards, he steered her towards the bathroom and asked her to watch him take a shower.
Say, for example, you're taking a shower or relaxing in a hot bath.
As Melamed points out, this is a way to have peace of mind as older people take showers while protecting their privacy, because there's no camera.
«Take a shower, or a bath, or a spongebath, whatever you do to cleanse yourself of the daily grime and the grime of trying to come up with new ideas,» Garlock says.
Ever notice how many of your best ideas and most effective solutions to problems seem to come to you while you're outside the office, doing something like taking a shower or a walk or mowing the lawn?
«Take a shower the morning of your interview,» the guide advises.
You need to schedule it in, like dinner or taking a shower.
Inmates described cells flooded knee - high with water contaminated by urine and feces, as well as the inability to flush toilets, take showers, or change clothes for two weeks.
After three days without running water, Lowell Correctional Institution allowed women to take showers.
This is the year America wishes it could take a shower long enough to wash away the scum of daily mud - slinging.
Taking shower before shaving doesn't help a lot.
This may allow you to get that irritation / nick free shave without having to take a shower, but I admit, the shower does work great to really soften up the hairs and prep your face for a smooth irritation free shave.
Even during a downturn, people still need to take showers, wash their clothes, and flush the toilet.
MLK would take a shower if he saw the drivel you misfits propagate.
Kissed him goodnight, went back to my dorm, took a shower, went to bed and then repeated the whole process every day for the next four years.
One time that it is bad to walk on water, which makes you wonder... did jesus hit his head on the ceiling when he took a shower?
Do this daily... and then someday while you're taking a shower or driving down the street, or doing most anything other than sitting in the silence... the truth will start to unfold.
Then after sacrificing a goat, I take a shower (I'm kidding about the goat, I only sacrifice kittens).
I work hard, I pay my taxes, I donate to charities, I help people, I take showers, mow my yard and so on just like all the other productive people of society that are both atheist and christian.
She's actually taking a shower right now.
'»» One can just hear the envious Saudi woman wondering to herself, «Why can she be ordered to leave her husband and children and go thousands of miles away to fight a war and take showers with men and maybe get killed, and I can't?»
««I looked over and saw a guy taking a shower in the stall next to me,» Major Fisher recalled.
You just come off that way, think I'll call my grand kids and have the talk with them, than take a shower.
I do my best writing when I'm taking a shower, jogging, driving, or unloading the dishwasher.
I need to take a shower.
You don't lift weights with your mind, or take a shower with your mind only, you use your body to do physical things.
I would let him come in and take showers when no one was around.
You are right, hindu's, unclean are joining hindu's unclean of England, hindu's, filthy» s are forbidden to take shower with water but with hindu filthy urine of their mama cow by their hindu filthy faith and hindu filthy English, never clean their hind, but smudge their hind, with a paper on their hind.
Perhaps it's a regular program of school or work or household chores: get up, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, prop yourself up with a little caffeine, head to whatever it is you do every day, then move through the regular routine.
I've spent the evening — well, what was left of it after dinner and baths and stories and the rosary and people wanting to keep their lights on after lights out and other people wanting to take showers upstairs at the same time that the dishes were being washed downstairs, which is problematic in an old house — scrolling through the website of the Jennmaur Gallery, which
Now people think it's somehow «cool» to be a hick (which I would define as «an unintelligent man or woman with no social graces and no desire to better themselves in any way or sometimes take a shower»).
This breakfast is perfect for fueling your day because you truly need a big bowl of nourishment to keep your brain on track... or for me, I need it just to make sure I can get from rolling out of bed to that time in the mid-afternoon when I get to either take a shower or do a little yoga on my matt (ie baby is sleeping and not demanding the boob).
Took less than an hour to whip up, and I took a shower and did a load of laundry while it was baking... what a successful / productive Friday night!!!
Just set the timer, take a shower, get the kids ready, or make a cup of coffee.
I cook all of the meals, tidy up, take a shower, and then midway through getting dressed someone is always ringing the doorbell.
I just remember that after it was over how incredible it felt taking a shower and how truly amazing a plate of hot food was.
And as much as I hate the smell, or as much as I would prefer to be able to take a shower longer than five minutes so I can shave my legs without missing spots or cutting the knobby parts around my knees, I am so unbelievably happy here.
I placed the jar in the bathroom and took a shower.
Oh yeah, I'll have enough time in the morning to make my breakfast, pack my lunch, feed my labradoodle, make coffee, take a shower and brush my teeth with 10 minutes to spare.
I struggle to get out of bed and am apprehensive about getting undressed to take a shower.
But she does take a shower every morning, so I had her set her alarm at night to remind her to place a full bottle of water in her shower.
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