Sentences with phrase «taking traditional career»

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Though feminist ideals are widespread and women's career opportunities are expanding, Japanese women who marry are still expected to end their careers and take on a traditional role in the household, making the prospect less attractive.
This is a luxury you wouldn't have in a traditional career path as an employee — so take advantage of it.
Intrigued by the traditionalist resurgence that led many of her friends to abandon their careers to assume traditional gender roles in the home, Evans decides to try it for herself, vowing to take all of the Bible's instructions for women as literally as possible for a year.
Although it is too early to evaluate the impact this will have on research careers in Spain, the FJI expressed some concerns: «We deem it necessary to take steps to prevent candidates with poorer records from using the PCD [system] to bypass the [traditional selection] procedure [for permanent staff], and to avoid the creation of two layers of «1st class» (civil servant) and «2nd class» (non-civil servant) appointees.»
Many women who are still single at 40 and beyond have made a conscious decision to focus on their careers rather than taking more traditional tracks like marriage and babies.
Whether you're a multi-published author or just taking the first steps in your writing career, ACFW is the place for you to learn more about the craft and expand your knowledge of the traditional publishing industry.
The traditional idea of the midlife crisis existed because life used to follow such a well worn path — you get a job, get married, have children, own a house and your career takes a steady progression throughout your life.
Not only does he not want to fight, but the other bulls tease him for not wanting to take part in the traditional career.
The story takes the user through the first year in the pros and then it transitions to the more traditional career mode — though there are some references made later to what occurred during the story portion of the mode.
In total, 150 North Chicago students are enrolled in pathway programs across IT, healthcare and manufacturing and take career - specific coursework as well as traditional high school classes.
And then I started reading about authors that were doing it on their own and though it was scary for me because I thought I might be throwing away a possible career in traditional publishing if I went ahead and self - published myself, I just finally decided that I would take to a book five manuscripts I've already written and publish them, see how it went.»
Building a career as a professional writer, whether indie or traditional, takes time.
In my post To Indie or Not to Indie, I mentioned that I intended to take a hybrid approach to my writing career, with a mix of traditional and indie publishing.
I'm guessing for some mid list authors that using a hybrid of traditional and self - publishing will become more of a common decision as they decide to take more control of their careers.
In the time it takes a traditional writer to spend the years doing that, an indie writer could already have a pretty good career built with a half - dozen or or more books published.
I say this with love, maybe even a little envy, because author platform has taken on an astoundingly important role when it comes to whether or not a writer will get a traditional publishing contract — and it's equally important to self - published authors who are serious about their writing careers.
But then so is being taken on by traditional publishers, who will drop you quicker than you can say «writing career», if your books fail to sell.
Whether you're a multi-published author or just taking the first steps in your writing career, ACFW is the place for you to learn more about the craft and expand your knowledge of the traditional publishing industry.
Writers who choose to take their novels and their nonfiction books into traditional publishing are choosing to give their careers to the «tastemakers» who sometimes make their decisions based on their prejudices, their «understanding» of a marketplace that (in reality) does not exist, and who will do their best to destroy anyone who questions them.
They barely earned a living with a traditional publisher, took control of their careers, and only then made millions of dollars.
People interested in attending vocational or technical school may be able to skip taking traditional college classes and focus on their other career interests.
Whether you're a multi-published author or just taking the first steps in your writing career, ACFW is the place for you to learn more about the craft and expand your knowledge of the traditional publishing industry.
Rather than taking the form of a traditional retrospective, the exhibition offers a historical overview of her work from a contemporary vantage point, interspersing more recent video pieces among key artworks from all periods of her career.
«What probably makes my career trajectory so odd isn't just that I jumped out of my traditional legal career — it's the fact that I took massive pay cuts in order to do so.»
Whether you're a multi-published author or just taking the first steps in your writing career, ACFW is the place for you to learn more about the craft and expand your knowledge of the traditional publishing industry.
A traditional career counseling model may take more time, as you must meet with the career counselor, and they typically charge an hourly or flat fee.
To do that, you need to go beyond the traditional black and white «this is where I worked, this is what I did» type of resume and construct a powerful career story that packages your value, goals, and experience that not only shows your unique value, but will also make the reader sit up and take notice.
Millennials... breaking the job mold - Caroline Ghosn, Levo CEO and founder, takes a look at why many young people entering the workforce are walking away from traditional career choices.»
As the traditional career advice goes, you usually shouldn't include your hobbies on your résumé because they take up valuable space and waste the precious few seconds a recruiter spends skimming through your history.
Consider the traditional «plan and implement» approach to career change: Assess your interests, skills, and experience; identify appropriate jobs; consult friends, colleagues, career counselors; take the plunge.
While taking time off of the traditional career path — whether due to staying home to provide child care or elder care, voluntarily leaving a job, being laid off, or doing flex or freelance work — keep your future career goals in mind.
Many of the standard resume tips college students find on the internet and even from career services experts are great tips, but they're geared toward traditional college students, students who enroll in college immediately after high school graduation, attend college full - time without taking breaks in attendance, and graduate within four to five years.
If you're on the hunt for a more traditional role, having a website or strong social media presence with only further prove to hiring managers that you are taking your career seriously and embracing new technologies.
Irwin Mitchell employment partner Glenn Hayes said: «For a long time now, the traditional roles have seen dads returning to work just days after their baby has been born, while mums take a year or so away from their career to look after the children.
The agents in our brokerage benefit in so many ways over the traditional brokerage model and as a result are able to take their careers to the highest level possible.
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