Sentences with phrase «talk about justice»

I hope to see you back next Saturday when we talk about Justice: The Search for Appropriate Consequences!
And, as Dr. Bullard and the environmental justice movement remind us, «once we talk about people we have to talk about justice and equality.»
Today, we talk about the Justice Department case against Apple and how it will all play out.
Today, we talk about the Justice Department case against Apple and how it... [Read more...]
«Every time we talk about fairness, we must talk about justice; when we talk about unity, we must talk about justice and I believe that is the fair thing to do,» the Vice President added.
Christena Cleveland Associate professor of reconciliation studies, Bethel University, St. Paul, Minnesota «The church needs less Niebuhrs (privileged folks who talk about justice) and more Bonhoeffers (privileged folks who live & die for justice).»
Then you talk about justice, you islamic beggar.
If you just talk about justice, either people are not going to have a clue as to what you're talking about, or they're going to think you're talking about God being passionate about criminal justice, as chief prosecutor, or something like that.
«She wants less talk about justice and more doing justice.
He said there's less talk about justice and more talk about prosperity.
Don't try to talk about justice to other people until you develop a sense of fairness, logic, and some empathy..
Plato, however, had an odd way of talking about justice, which has led me to understand what Jesus said in a new way.
The New Testament also talks about justice and love as principles embracing one another.
So, 2023 appears more feasible and realistic on the above premise if we are talking about justice and equity.»
«This may be the first sentencing decision since the mid 1980s that actually talks about justice, that seems to have some blood in it,» said Graham Boyd, director of the ACLU's drug law reform project.
I really want to make sure that when we're actually talking about justice, that we're actually talking about it from our perspective, and we're actually looking at what's really happening.
We would like the Prime Minister to be talking about Justice Targets on the first sitting day of every Parliament, as he does now with other Closing the Gap Targets.

Not exact matches

Some Republicans complain that Comey has been talking about the memos in his book promotion tour even as the Justice Department withheld them from lawmakers.
In his 1994 study on securities lawbreaking for the Justice Department, Schlegel found that while officials were talking tough about locking up insider traders, there was little evidence to suggest that the punishments imposed — either the incarceration rates or the sentences themselves — were more severe.
As of late, he has come under fire for his firing of FBI director James Comey, his alleged sharing of guarded intelligence about ISIS with the Russian foreign minister, and allegations that Trump obstructed justice by asking Comey not to look into his former National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, who Trump has since fired for misrepresenting talks he had with Russian ambassador Sergei Kisylak.
His remarks were instead a mashup of his campaign stump speech greatest hits, talking about criminal justice reform, a «broken economy,» free tuition at public colleges, the minimum wage and campaign finance reform.
What people are talking about today: Cambridge Analytica filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday, and speculation has begun that this could be a move to evade justice over its data - harvesting activities.
Andy Brenner, head of international fixed income securities at National Alliance Securities, said in a note that the hiring of a special prosecutor «and talk about obstruction of justice being an impeachable offense» could push back efforts to enact Trump's tax reform and fiscal stimulus proposals for months.
Staver could hardly contain himself while talking to VCY America's Jim Schneider about the possibility of «one, maybe two more» SCOTUS Justices retiring and being replaced «with someone like Gorsuch.»
This week, Sheldon Gilbert of the Institute for Justice joins the ladies to talk about why it's time for SCOTUS to overrule the infamous Slaughterhouse Cases.
«The financial authorities have been talking to the country's tax agency, justice ministry and other relevant government offices about a plan to allow ICOs in Korea when certain conditions are met,» one source told Korea Times.
WASHINGTON — After more than a month of talks, and amid complaints about the nature of the investigation itself, President Trump's advisers have not committed to him testifying in the investigation involving Russian interference in the 2016 election and claims that the president may have tried to obstruct justice.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice - elect Rebecca Dallet joins Lawrence O'Donnell for an exclusive interview to talk about her victory last night, which led to Republican Governor Scott Walker sounding the alarm about the Blue Wave.
RELEVANT talks to Switchfoot frontman Jon Foreman about his band's evolution, social justice and Hello Hurricane, their new album.
Not talking about race will not magically change the fact that the criminal justice system is much harder on black and other non-white suspects than it is on white people.
The fact is there are already plenty of churches in America, arguably the majority of them in this country, that emphasize social justice, acceptance of LGBT, and «letting science to its thing» — I'm talking about the mainline liberal churches.
But since John Rawls talks so much about procedural justice, and since no enlightened professor today would dare label....
Just like he references a conversation he had, about God as follows: «When I talk about God, I mean love and justice and reconciliation, not a man in the sky.
You talk about «justice,» but she was never charged in any criminal manner.
• Note this, from the announcement of a press call on the unions» desired card - check legislation, when the bill was before Congress: «Prominent interfaith leaders, including Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners, Kim Bobo of Interfaith Worker Justice, Bishop Greg Rickel, and Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, will hold a press conference call to talk about restoring workers» freedom to organize as a moral imperative and civil and human right.»
In the other passage, St. Thomas does address divine mercy and justice, but he is talking about God's work towards creation, so those passages aren't directly relevant to the question of the divine essence considered in itself.
People have the right to leave church and organized religion, they have a right to question an institution that will do anything to save face even if it means letting children be harmed (and trust me, there are Priests that have issues with girls - my mom when to an all girls» Catholic school in the 60s and talks about how many of the priests used to «hang out» with the young girls out and girls have been abused), churches that are not practicing social justice.
And, when she describes that change, what she ends up describing is what already more - or-less exists, namely: mainline christianity, embracing the reformed and the catholic, the scientific and the traditional, which has been doing (never perfectly, to be sure) the sort of deep thinking, social justice, and disciplined prayer that she talks about continually while the evangelicals were breaking off to do their own thing (the thing she seems to want them to stop doing) throughout the twentieth century.
His questions gave us an opportunity to talk about war, terrorism and, most importantly, justice.
Far too often, Christians talk about self - control as it relates to sex, but remain silent when it comes to self - control as it relates to justice.
I needed her to talk to me about justice and jubilee, about Isaiah and Exodus, about midwives and women on the edge.
If you hear someone talking about sin they are more likely talking about big problems like environmental degradation, economic justice, and war, than about issues of personal morality like adultery or gluttony.
But in the midst of those challenges, they have something to teach Christians and the world at large: a way of being Christian that requires us to rethink some of the disconnects between our love of God and our love of justice, or our ability to talk about personal spirituality without also talking about social transformation.
I'm talking about compassion, peace and justice.
With the official launch of this week, Brett was kind enough to agree to an interview to talk about everything from Sunday school to social justice to Sufjan Stevens.
Furthermore, there seems to be specifically Christian wisdom at work in talk about the «ethics of long - range responsibility,» or in John Rawls's insistence that the notion of justice be expanded to include justice to future generations (A Theory of Justice [Harvard University Press, 1971justice be expanded to include justice to future generations (A Theory of Justice [Harvard University Press, 1971justice to future generations (A Theory of Justice [Harvard University Press, 1971Justice [Harvard University Press, 1971]-RRB-.
The professor once asked me: «When I talk about God, I mean love and justice and reconciliation, not a man in the sky.
Christians who wish to speak «the language of the people» — and thus talk a lot about what makes up «the Christian lifestyle» — often assume that they can return to their own familiar «religious» language of grace and faith, sin and redemption, justice and mercy, even act and consequence, whenever they want.
Rather than shying away from such a hot - button issue, they found it necessary to talk about the imperative role of Christians in restorative justice and reconciliation.
Bartchy never talks about eternal life at UCLA, just the social justice side of Jesus.
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