Sentences with phrase «talk about the moms»

I work in a convent infirmary with elderly and sick sisters... they also talk about their moms, dads, brothers, sisters and other people who passed on before them.
Let's talk about your mom instead.
I'm talking about a man who will cry happy tears just talking about my mom after 46 years of marriage, a man who touches the hearts of anyone he meets, and a man that can rock and roll deep into the wee hours of the morning, long after his only son has gone to bed.
Chiesa had his spotlight with the whole «Don't talk about my mom» thing and wanting to fight Yamasaki.
In this candid interview, Nicole and I talk about mom guilt, mission statements, money, building a team, not doing things you don't want to do, gratitude, and lessons learned.
From that day forward, her family never talked about her mom.
In this candid interview, Nicole and Christine talk about mom guilt, mission statements, money, building a team, not doing things you don't want to do, gratitude, and lessons learned.
So much energy goes into the debate that few people take time to even talk about the moms who do both: breastfeed for a bit and then transition to formula feeding.
What would you guys say are the dos and don'ts and again, we are talking about moms that mean well?
We all still talk about mom's Labor Day labor, and now as a doula, I look forward to one day having a client go into labor on Labor Day.
Then, Carla Birnberg — talks about Mom's losing the last 10 pounds.
We are talking about moms who are unable to breastfeed and Christine Toth, she is a registered dietitian and IBCLC, she is our expert.
We are talking about moms who are unable to breastfeed their babies and do you just stop trying.
We are talking about moms who are seeking out there village online when it comes to breastfeeding and pumping support, specifically talking about different apps and different groups they can join online.
Today we are talking about moms who may be lacking partner support.
So again, we are talking about moms that mean well.
I recommend it whenever someone starts talking about mom guilt or comparing themselves to other parents.
Note: I'm talking about moms here because Amy's situation is very specifically about moms.
I'm not talking about moms who go shopping with a newborn and two kids under the age of 5.
I'm not talking about moms who go shopping with a newborn... Read More
I try to talk about my mom on a regular basis with my daughter.
Today we are going to talk about mom jeans outfit ideas to try this year.
Talk about mom essentials.
It's time to talk about mom style for early fall.
We're her to talk about her mom.
I wanted to talk about my mom's phrase: «blip on the radar.»
I'm not just talking about boyfriend jeans, I'm talking about mom - style jeans that go straight all the way down.
Don't Talk About Their Mom.
Had Tom Cruise uttered this famous line from the movie Risky Business today rather than in the early 1980s, his suburban teen character most likely would have been talking about his mom's Cayenne rather than his dad's 928.
«When people on television talk about walls and documents, I never thought they were talking about my mom,» muses Jason Riazi, the 12 - year - old narrator of Nadia Hashimi's action - packed The Sky at Our Feet.
I would not let the press» opinion influence you, since they rarely talk about any mom being good.
«We're talking about mom - and - pop shops that sell everything from shoes to wine to food,» he says.
When you talk about your mom and dad, I can see your house on Lake Michigan, I loved going there!!
I was talking about a Mom Cave with my husband today!

Not exact matches

If you also are about wellness for new moms, let's set up a time to talk
My own mom's set lasted 35 years, but when it came to talking about companies using Cutco products as gifts, I had no example to give.
This would be been a fabulous opportunity for a company like Two Doulas, who provide perinatal, birth and postnatal support to talk about the 5 biggest challenges that new moms face when breastfeeding.
Lots of people talk a good game about supporting mom - and - pop retail and wanting their communities to stay the way they once were, but in practice, they're busy and they like having products cheaply and reliably delivered to their door.
She added, «But in the context of relative privilege, when you talk about work - life balance, the moms who don't have health care aren't called hard workers.
Maybe this little boy thinks his mom is super cool and needs to upgrade her ride, maybe he just saw a car he really liked and wanted to talk to her about it.
(«Adria's mom still talk [s] bitterly about it,» he recalls in an e-mail.)
That's not where the young people are anyway; you're talking about fucking stay - at - home moms watching that shit.
But in Germaine's case — the women she teaches are talking about freely choosing against their natures, against being moms, against the natural point of the family, against the future of our country and our species.
My Mom couldn't talk about family as she laid on her deathbed but she did talk about Heaven at the exact moment of her death.
People have the right to leave church and organized religion, they have a right to question an institution that will do anything to save face even if it means letting children be harmed (and trust me, there are Priests that have issues with girls - my mom when to an all girls» Catholic school in the 60s and talks about how many of the priests used to «hang out» with the young girls out and girls have been abused), churches that are not practicing social justice.
@ Catholic Mom before you talk you should reseach your beliefs cause in the 2nd council of Nicene they accepted that they could make Idols, that the 2nd commandment was talking about pegan gods lol... the only thing they did was bring Pagans beliefs and mixed it with Christianity....
«The more I talk about it, the more I find that people's eyes are open to the reality — which is that over 2 million noncustodial moms are in America right now, and it is definitely increasing,» Sp «icuglia said.
And so when I'm at a progressive / liberal Christian conference and people start bashing evangelicals as closed - minded and exclusive, I pipe up and say, «Hey, that's my mom and dad you're talking about
Max Wiseltier, forwarded the email to his mom to see if she had any idea what it was talking about but, instead of «forward,» he hit «reply all.»
My mom was talking to me recently about how a coworker of hers drinks it at work and if she lets it sit in the bottle for too long, it starts sprouting.
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