Sentences with phrase «talk about your induction»

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Talking about labor induction with my fuzzy uterus in hand softens the conversation and lightens an otherwise unpleasant discussion.
If size is a concern or there are other concerns, you can always talk to your health care practitioner about induction.
Your doctor or midwife might talk to you about induction now.
In this episode of the Birthful podcast, I talk with professor Gene Declercq about the complex realm of inductions.
But I also love to hear people talk with joy about their inductions and caesareans, because they are not negative by default.
Most gyms have a set induction program and whilst you may get a generic workout program for someone of your exercise experience and goals, essentially the talk is going to be about using the equipment safely.
And since we're talking about one of the most commonly prescribed PCOS drugs, it's also worth mentioning that researchers are now investigating using myo - inositol to improve the efficacy of clomid for ovulation induction.
She recently talked with Education World about the educational and economic value of teacher induction programs.
Usually when I tell this story I'm talking about pensions, but rising attrition rates also have implications for the way we think about teacher preparation, induction, salaries, etc..
# 198 The question is whether DrK's «proof by induction» is legitimate when you are talking about extrapolating from one grid cell to all grid cells.
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