Sentences with phrase «talk test»

Others still will be talking their test again, having failed at the previous attempt.
In our continuous talk test, the battery lasted just over seven hours.
If we're talking test scores like PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) or TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), the results suggest that our public schools are middling, with mediocre bang - for - the - buck.
• Education is more than test prep • kids need teachers not tests • testing is not teaching, end high stake tests • my students are people not numbers • children are more than walking, talking test scores • data is a four letter word • we want education not test preperation (sic)(This photo speaks volumes!)
The simplest way to do this is by using the talk test.
Instead, you can use a «talk test» to track your efforts.
Therefore, when using the talk test, when talking becomes difficult, we can presume that glucose is the primary fuel (8).
Therefore, when using the talk test, when talking remains comfortable, we can presume that fats are the primary fuel (8).
, Validity of the Talk Test in Identifying the Respiratory Compensation Threshold, The Performance Benefits of Training with a Sauna Suit, Video - based Fitness Lessons Could Help Kids Be More Active at School
Challenge Both Body and Brain With Task - Oriented Exercises, Core Hammer: An ACE Integrated Fitness Training ® Model Workout, ACE - SPONSORED RESEARCH: A Comparison of the Talk Test and Percent Heart - rate Reserve, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Common Medications and Their Effects on Exercise Response, New Study Explores Age - related Benefits of Calorie Restriction
Its called the talk test.
In boot camp, I'll do the talking test.
A good test is the Talk Test.
Dr. Perloe says expectant mothers should reduce their exercise intensity so that they can pass the talk test: you should be able to hold a conversation while exercising.
RPE (Rate Of Perceived Exertion) and the «talk test» are more accurate means of measuring exercise intensity.
Use the talk test to gauge your exercise intensity.
Be mindful of the talk test on machines!
Set your own pace; you won't fail the talk test walking!
In addition to acting as a neuroplasticity drill (defined in the first blog), this exercise also serves as a «talk test» to ensure proper breathing while maintaining an isometric position of stability.
First, let's talk testing.
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