Sentences with phrase «talk to me about him instead»

Most people talk to me about him instead of directly to him because he is non-verbal.

Not exact matches

So, instead of worrying about it, concentrate on what you want to communicate, such as asking good questions, not engaging in time - wasting small talk, and looking people in the eyes.
She'll be talking on Saturday about how to wed customers to your brand instead with better loyalty - building programs.
Some of the lawmakers who won't attend will instead host an alternative State of the Union — a meeting «to talk about our opposition to these racist policies that are being put out of the White House and to make sure we put out our own aggressive vision of what our America looks like as we take it back,» according to Jayapal.
Too many businesses I talk to speak generally about why they are trustworthy — instead of showing it specifically.
Instead of talking about your needs, focus on the company's needs and what you bring to the table that justifies that higher pay, she said.
Then factor in the opportunity cost for what every person in the room could be achieving instead of listening to Biff from engineering talk about groundbreaking new advances in ball bearing technology.
«Don't be afraid to smile and talk to each other, instead of about each other,» he wrote.
One of the values that we talk about is «we trust you» — not babysitting new recruits, expecting them to take risks and be on their toes instead of leaning back.
To summarize: Instead of having a profile page that reads like an online résumé, instead you talk about the unique value and benefit your product or service provides to your ideal clients and customerTo summarize: Instead of having a profile page that reads like an online résumé, instead you talk about the unique value and benefit your product or service provides to your ideal clients and cusInstead of having a profile page that reads like an online résumé, instead you talk about the unique value and benefit your product or service provides to your ideal clients and cusinstead you talk about the unique value and benefit your product or service provides to your ideal clients and customerto your ideal clients and customers.
If people decided to actually get going on their new year goals and resolutions instead of just talking about them they would begin to see an amazing shift take place.
As Clooney led off the first episode of The Late Show, the actor freely admitted he had nothing to plug and instead spent some time talking with Colbert about his humanitarian work in the Darfur region of Sudan.
What Facebook might be willing to do, however, is to talk a bit more about this problem and potential solutions for it, instead of relying on the algorithm or its own secret internal processes to take care of it.
Instead, talk about how prospects will enjoy their workout so much, they'll look forward to it each day, and they'll lose twice as much weight in half the time and all their friends will ask them what their secret is.
Don't ask direct questions; instead, get them to talk about the successes they've been involved in and whether they have mentored others or not.
Every time a man, whether it is our president, or a news anchor, demeans or diminishes a woman by grabbing her ass or talking about her body, or coming on to her instead of asking for her ideas and treating her like a professional in the workplace setting, they lose something too.
«Ten years past the financial crisis and we could see a period where, instead of talking about «secular stagnation» as our mutual friend Larry Summers likes to do, we're going to be seeing growth upgrades that we haven't seen, we're going to see investment like we haven't seen and we might see inflation in a way we haven't seen,» Rogoff said.
Adam Seifer, co-founder and former CEO of, one of the oldest and most popular photo sharing sites on the net, said: «I frequently find myself trying to convince partners, advisees, etc., that one of the biggest risks a start - up has is to not launch anything at all — to get so caught up in talking about what you're going to launch and so fixated on details that it feels like you're making progress when instead what you're really doing is moving asymptotically closer to something that doesn't ultimately matter as much as you think it does.»
You'll want to instead talk briefly about the need for the youth center to begin with.
This one was fun because I got to talk with another entrepreneur instead of just talking about my experiences.
Advertising to non-fans instead of building a fan base and then engaging them sounded like a dangerous plan at first, and I think it's very (very) important that your readers know that you're only talking about advertising to reach a highly targeted group of people (which in your case means website vistors).
We picked his brain on why customer experience is rising to the spotlight, and what companies can actually do about it, instead of just talking about it.
Instead, we talk to you about your brand, your audience, your people and then curate a selection of products that will work for you — ensuring that your brand stays front and centre.
Because in the interim, in its absence of that value, I'm sorry to say that instead we seem to be talking about decentralized digital tulips.
I'm talking about changing oil religiously and replacing part that should be replaced instead of delaying the process and allowing other systems to fail.
I'll spare you the details of my renewed commitment to kale and cardio fitness and instead focus on what the year ahead could look like for one of the most talked about investment ideas — smart beta.
Also, people often advise that is not good to talk about plans, and to show results instead.
I was thinking this the other day, when a lot of the Facebook executives get on Twitter and feel victim - y, they're doing their victim - y dance right now a lot of the time, and at one point, Boz, Bosworth, when he said, «Maybe people will die,» that memo, and instead of being like, «Oh god, we really have to be more mature about this,» their thing was, «We can't talk now.»
He talks about how we tend to want to spend money instead of saving which is fun in the present but causes major problems in retirement.
Instead of hearing about billion dollar gun - registries or carbon taxes, we all get to spend four weeks talking about potholes and roads, garbage pickup, traffic congestion, and other issues that affect people literally where they live.
Instead, Harvey resorts to talking about the «utter impudence» of Pfau's article and making a rather vague clarification that the DALBAR method calculates returns that investors «recognize as returns, not what the investments produce».
Instead, ask open - ended, probing questions to help the customer open up and talk about their larger challenges and the bigger picture of where their organization is heading.
Instead of taking their advice to stop talking about the protest, the president eagerly unburdened himself of what he viewed as political correctness in favor of a take - no - prisoners attack on the «alt - left.»
With buyer personas in mind, the form content can be used to filter an IT team member to a landing page talking about technology while a COO might be sent to a landing page that instead addresses business ROI.
Those I talked with didn't seem concerned about a «Grexit» and instead were more worried about local issues like taxi strikes and port closures, reinforcing that Greece's direct impact on Europe and the global economy appears to be small and that the recent Greek drama may not be a reason to avoid investing in the region.
Instead of putting the customer under pressure, start by asking open - ended questions that get them to talk about their overall business situation.
Instead of talking about requests for new products, he suggested, consider nudging agents to talk about the consumer.
It's funny to hear gays talk about how christians shouldn't judge them, and instead they seek acceptance for their sin.
«they» are a very scary disgusting group AND the main reason I will vote democrat no matter the nominee — I figure if a republican gets into office the social agenda that no one wants to «talk» about (instead stating the conversation shld.
That they can talk about what they want to instead of just listening to what she wants to tell them.
Instead of talking about their families you should preach the gospel of salvation to them, and save their souls from eternal damnation in hell.
A Christian Labour candidate has said he «deplores» politicians bickering over policies, and wants them to talk about values instead.
Why do people want to talk about their family instead of God when they die?
He was asked a question about the age of the earth which he did not answer, instead retreated to talking points to pander to people like you.
Maybe you should try to find out more instead of talking about things you don't have a clue about.
But this passage is not talking about how to receive eternal life, but is instead talking about how God rescued us from our enslavement to the sin of death and showed us a new way of life in Jesus Christ.
Instead, hehad talked to the man about Jesus.
But in an interview, he talked openly about the change he experienced in his heart upon giving his life to Christ, saying that time on the field «was no longer for myself, for those worldly desires and goals» but instead «to give everything to Him [God].»
Perhaps instead of virginity... or even purity (which carries something of an either / or connotation, I think)... we ought to talk about the path of holiness.
Those pastors where talking about the phony Christians too that are spiritually dead, not knowing Jesus» truth, listening to false preachers preach man's logic instead of Jesus» truth on their videos.
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