Sentences with phrase «talk to the person face»

You must be a real winner in person, or you don't have the guts to talk to people face to face like that.
I can't talk to the person face to face to know if I even want to get to know them.
I'm usually very Quiet not because I'm shy, I don't know maybe because nobody can talk everyone always texting or on the phone I like attention when I speak I like talking to the persons face not the top of the head that's looking down ha ha, I'm really laid back, I am very loyal like a DOG but...
Are we heading towards a world where the simple act of talking to a person face to face is seen as old - fashioned?
You do not feel bashful to talk to that person face to face.
Now, we can converse with someone from the other side of the globe, just as if we were talking to that person face to face.
I love doing shows because I love to talk to people face to face about my work, and make a connection with them.
Want to talk to people face - to - face?
Even the most wet - behind - the - ears lawyer knows that this is not the case, and that much of our professional life will be spent talking to people face - to - face in both formal and informal settings.
I'm a little old school, so I still like to talk to people face to face.
You need to talk to people face to face about real estate.
Do you do ok talking to people face to face?
As Zachery mentioned, talking to ppl face to face holds major weight.

Not exact matches

We want face to face reassurance that the people we talk and work with are human Steven Lowell,
She checked the price of a item to bring home to her kids and, after talking to a sales person, she suddenly turned pale in the face.
Assuming the letter you've received doesn't paint the whole picture for you, calling this number will be well worth it as talking to a person not only helps you understand the nuances of the situation but there's comfort in knowing that a human being with a name and a face at the IRS is there to help you figure things out.
Comedian and late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel tackled the latest Obamacare repeal effort head - on during his opening monologue last night, arguing that the bill being pushed by Louisiana GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy and others fails the so - called «Kimmel test» for people with pre-existing conditions — and that Cassidy «lied to [his] face» on the issue.
At least you don't have to deal with people talking behind your back; you push them to say it to your face.
The two largest daily fantasy sports companies, FanDuel Inc. and DraftKings Inc., are in early - stage talks to merge, people familiar with the matter said on Monday, as the industry faces a crackdown by U.S. states over whether it runs illegal gambling.
While the iPhone X is controversial for a number of reasons — Face ID in place of Touch ID, the lack of a home button, the ability to incorporate «animojis,» where emojis use facial recognition instead of the traditional emojis we've grown to love — what really got people talking was the $ 999 price tag for the bare - bones model (a maxed out, 256 GB model will run you a cool $ 1,149).
Would you want to talk with any of those people about one of the goals you've set or one of the problems you're facing?
«But I think it really helps to have a relatable person as the face of the app, talking about how they experienced the problem.»
Every entrepreneur should have a mentor that they can turn to for advice — there isn't a better person to talk to than someone who has been in your shoes and has experienced the same concerns, obstacles and problems that you will certainly face at some time or another.
Usually, people trying to create a new experience talk on the phone, exchange PowerPoint presentations via email or talk face - to - face about a concept.
Let's face it: every time Apple launches a new iPhone to the world (or any other product for that matter), people take immediate notice.Its most recent releases, the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, have many people talking about the future...
Back then, I didn't have any training or experience in talking to large groups of people, not to mention I wasn't very keen on the idea of facing my worst fear.
When you're talking about your homepage in developing your value proposition, how important is it to actually develop a value proposition and tailor that message to your audience versus just trying to get your products in people's faces?
Its good to talk about the family, Somehow the first goal of any chaplain is to try to lead the dying person (If he / she is willing) to face the eternity with confidence.
There are two sides to that coin Lawrence... non-religious people are tired of people cramming their religion down their throats as if it is okay for them to tought it around in other people's faces because their God says they are saved from something... It used to be considered decent to not talk about religion and politics, but people just have to put one or the other, or both in your face now - a-days.
I see a lot of people on here like that and it makes me pretty darn sad to realize that we feed them, we talk to them, we get caught up in their hatred and nastiness, while they walk away, with a little grin on their face.
People have the right to leave church and organized religion, they have a right to question an institution that will do anything to save face even if it means letting children be harmed (and trust me, there are Priests that have issues with girls - my mom when to an all girls» Catholic school in the 60s and talks about how many of the priests used to «hang out» with the young girls out and girls have been abused), churches that are not practicing social justice.
We must gather red tribe and blue tribe together in sacred circles, to talk until they are purple in the face — so we the people can gather around the heart - core values we have in common.
Yes he talked of hell, but not to the sinners, only the religious people who closed the door of heaven in the common peoples face.
And one can also pray in this fashion before undertaking some job, «May I do this work as well as I can and in a way pleasing to thee» or «Help me, Lord, in talking to this person who needs my counsel» or «Strengthen me to face this ordeal.»
I was just sharing last night how a woman at my last church was talking about unconditional love in the face of her grandkids opening presents, but when she didn't hear the tried and true message from the previous pastor (who by the way was one of architects of the church's mission to «love God and love people unconditionally) that was a problem.
Max DePress in his books on leadership talks abot the role of elders as part of the overall focus on: Respect for the future, regard for present, understanding of the past the future requires humility to face what we can't control; the present requires attention to all the people to whom we're accountable; the past gives us the opportunity to build on the work of our elders.
If the person you are talking about was observed to be chewing someone's face off while levitating, then you would have something that looked to be the work of supernatural evil powers.
«Cause we can talk and debate until we're blue in the face / About the language and tradition that he's comin'to save / Meanwhile we sit just like we don't give a sh — / About 50,000 people who are dyin'today.
Some people like to pretend to be virtuous and imply misogyny when talking about difficulties men face at such times.
As opportunities came up to talk with people face to face, and the dreaded «we are married» or «my wife» fell out of my mouth, I felt... okay.
The problem is that people who have spent years talking about grace, reading books on grace, and going to conferences on grace are suddenly faced with situations in which they need to be gracious and, instead, become... nasty.
By taking the ability to talk with groups of people from face - to - face interactions to digital, mostly written discussions, it's reshaped how people exchange ideas.
I have seen several people here talk about «what does it hurt to let Christians or other religious faiths believe what they want» and slam the atheists and agnostics for getting in the faces of believers.
They talk to people from all over the industry and tell you how they are overcoming the types of challenges you might be facing in your business on an everyday basis.
Failure shouldn't necessarily be blamed on transfers.It's part of the reason but is not the only reasons.Other clubs which can't even buy like Arsenal have won very good trophies.Even at those times we were in debt we had a good team capable of winning the EPL or winng some of the smaller trophies.But we just went on trophyless.Now we are almost debt free and we are promised glory but honestly we don't even have the hope of glory.The only thing that can save us is renewal of the mind of the manager and board.That will bring a positive change.It's only insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.We have a lot to prove out there to the world because the greatness of Arsenal has really gone down in the face of the world.They only see us as a team with good football that's all.The world doubts us and we have a point to prove.The values of a club is as important as winning trophies.If not Arsenal wouldn't have been this top club that people talk about everyday were it fpr only values or trophies.They go hand in hand.However, to the world trophies are very important and that fact can not be hidden.
I let people talk about me, say anything to my face, and I just take it, laugh it off, even when I know they are intentionally trying to disrespect me.
For instance, I have often called people face to face, «deluded and wrong» or that «they don't know what they are talking about».
I suppose Cyborg is a bad person now for wanting to be paid well to cut a dangerous amount of weight and stomp the current face of Women's MMA in the biggest fight in WMMA history, so much for all that «fighters deserve to be paid more» talk right?
People still talk about his potential, but it is time to face facts and realise that he is not good enough.
I often talk to people who are «stuck» with their memoirs, and watch their face fall when I ask them, «Have you thought about writing it straight through to the end and not looking back?»
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