Sentences with phrase «talk to their child rather»

There's always room to sit down and talk to a child rather than physically or verbally abuse the child.
Good parents will always try and talk to their child rather than physically or emotionally abusing them.

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I would suggest that it's due to an awakening to the real pain that promiscuity and abortion entail; others might say that it's actually based in «rights talk,» that young people identify with aborted children (as of this January 22, anyone under the age of thirty could have been aborted) and see abortion as an attack on their siblings and classmates, rather than a matter of women's self «determination.
It also sets off a bureaucratic chain of events which backs up the message that fathers can treat parenting as optional, as health visitors talk to mothers rather than fathers, children centres build their services around what they perceive to be mothers» (rather than families») needs, schools fail to record contact details of fathers and, when a young person ends up in court for misbehaviour, magistrates hand down parenting orders to mothers rather than fathers, even when the father is resident in the household and present in the courtroom.
«Involved» here means that you are talking to your children about safety in the areas below, for example, and have established clear expectations, limits and consequences for unsafe choices, rather than hovering.
On this call, API founders Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson talk with Lu about how: — our «flaws» are actually pathways to raising resilient, secure, connected kids; — without an awareness of how our story drives our fears, our kids re-enact it; — without self - understanding and empathy, parents then tend to manage rather than engage, control rather than connect, in a chronic practice of «defensive parenting»; — we can turn our old wounds to new wisdom and free our kids from repeating our stories; — the gift of our anger, fear, doubt, chaos, anxiety, struggles, and conflicts is that they can shed compassionate light on our old wounds and we can use this light to «heal» our inner conflicts, and pave our path for ourselves and our kids; and — doing this paving work «keeps our light on»... and our children's light on, and teaches them the power of forgiveness, humility, and humanity.
Rather than pushing, if you can talk to your child and find out the parts that are hard or scary for your child, then you can brain storm how to break down the challenge to smaller steps, or clear up a misperception of the consequences of that step, and in so doing, turn what was frightening into an opportunity for mastery and success.
The reality is that if a child doesn't feel they are being heard, then even if they stand silently «listening» while we lecture or rant or even just talk, the child is simply rehearsing in their brain what they want to say rather than actually doing any effective listening.
Schultz, who regularly treats children with eating disorders in her San Francisco practice, urges parents to talk to their children about nutrition, exercise, and good health, rather than focusing on calories and weight.
Rather than focus on all the bad things about your child's disability, talk about all the people who are making a big effort to help him.
It means that if your child feels scared, you should take the opportunity to talk to her about it, rather than just say, «Oh, there is not anything to be scared about.»
It's important to talk to your child about how bodies change — sooner, rather than later.
I'm not talking about physically how to feed children, but rather the...
While it is possible for a child to become mute after a traumatic experience, usually the child avoids talking about aspects of the trauma itself, rather than becoming completely silent.
The extent to which he was talking about tax credits, rather than child tax credits, is unclear, but no fair - minded viewer would have emerged from the exchange with the impression he intended to cut either.
«I call on this administration today, talk about how we're going to bring problem - solving initiatives in our challenged communities, rather than talk about statistics that never trickle down to grandparents, to parents, to children who lose their loved ones on the streets of New York all too often,» he continued.
Im not talking about bad behavior (we could dedicate a series of posts to that ~ I know) but rather ~ when a child acts in an exceptional way ~ a way that makes your entire day ~ week or month.
Because a just - published report by market research firm GfK for Ask, Listen, Learn, suggests that parents are reactive rather than proactive when it comes to talking to children about underage drinking.
Davies recommends that parents talk positively with their children about the sense of school leadership and their support to the school leader, and deal with any issues that arise directly with the school leader rather than involving their children.
Once a book has been flagged as unsuitable for all ages (and we're talking strictly about honest to God erotica here, rather than general fiction containing elements that may not be suitable for children (Lord of the Flies is pretty violent, but it's on the high school English syllabus in many countries)-RRB- it should be a simple matter to keep that book from appearing in a general search.
As a rather imaginative child, I remember spending hours pondering what dogs would say to us if only they could talk.
However, there are always instances where each spouse will need to talk to one another, especially if they share children or are planning on divorcing through mediation rather than litigation.
He may have decided that it would be easier to let his first wife and children make a claim against his estate rather than talk to his wife about how he wanted to leave them something out of a sense of obligation.
Talking about cognitive tasks during childhood, Dr. Carol S. Dweck at Stanford says: «Our message to parents is to focus on the process the child engages in, such as trying hard or focusing on the task — what specific things they're doing rather than «you're so smart, you're so good at this... what (the adult) does early matters.»
Talk to your child about the fact you are not doing this to make their lives more difficult but rather because like any new behaviour that they engage in you need to ensure that they are safe and protected while doing it.
Just as they do when left alone to play, children often like to work and rework stories in oblique forms, such as puppet theater, rather than talking about things directly.
As a post hoc analysis, we examined associations of self - regulatory problems with coviewing practices to assess whether parents were taking a break from their difficult children by putting them in front of the TV more often, rather than the recommended practice of watching media together.26 In crude and adjusted models, self - regulatory problems at 9 months or persistent problems at 9 months and 2 years were not associated with any parental coviewing behaviors, such as watching TV with the child or talking to the child during TV viewing (data not shown).
Create opportunities to talk to your child in a relaxed environment, sometimes it can be less intense if you go for a walk or a drive rather than sitting face - to - face.
Children of separated families often talk about feeling split in two because their parents have been unable to build the kind of cooperative, flexible and respectful parenting relationship that would allow them to concentrate on learning and growing rather than protecting themselves from the fallout of the separation.
Together they decided that rather than talking specifically about Zain to the other children, they would wait for them to come and ask questions about him and his equipment (eg his wheelchair) and provide an explanation for how it helped him.
Always, yeah I think always, umm, any type of relationships you're trying to build you can face challenges, so whether it will be the family's really busy and you know have to do a quick drop off in the morning and race right out of the door, it's hard to build that relationship without time to talk with them, so we've needed to reflect on how we can communicate with families in other ways, and then on the other side of that if in our service we have lots of families with low literacy so how can we communicate with them in verbal ways rather than lots of written work, even in terms of filling out enrolment forms can be a challenge for some of our families so working with them to get the most information about their child in ways that are suited to their level and skills.
Together they decided that rather than talking specifically about Zain to the other children, they would wait for them to come and ask questions about him and his equipment (e.g., his wheelchair) and provide an explanation for how it helped him.
In reality, this was yet another stalker - type, who had called upward of twenty times already that day to talk to the mother (not the children), and she put the phone down, rather than listen to the incessant ringing.
When talking about mental health in pre-primary children, the focus is not so much about looking for signs of mental illness, but rather about creating a secure environment for your child to develop at their own pace.
It's a very powerful way of entering a child's world (or connecting with the child parts of an adult) rather then expecting them to enter our world of verbal / talk therapy which is not developmentally appropriate.
If it is necessary to talk to each child later, after the incident, it may be best to do this one on one rather than together.
«Why does the child feel like it's a better choice to die rather than talk to and open up to their parents?»
The codes selected to measure overinvolved, or intrusive, parenting include Parental Influence, parental attempts to regulate, control or influence the child's behavior (e.g., I wish you would learn to how to set up your own appointments); Intrusiveness, over-controlling behaviors that are parent - centered and emphasize task completion rather than promoting the child's autonomy (e.g., I don't care if you don't want to talk about your high blood sugars, we have to); and Lecture / Moralizing, the extent to which the parent tells the child how to think in a way that assumes superior wisdom and provides little opportunity for the child to think independently (e.g., You should know better than to leave home without your meter).
The fact that fathers» use of emotion talk was not related to mothers» psychopathology symptoms might be due to our focus on the way parents talk about emotions with their children rather than the way parents express their emotions and their reactions to child emotions.
Children begin to seek friendships based on quality (having a friend who cares, talks to them and helps with problems) rather than quantity.
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