Sentences with phrase «talked about faith in»

Of course your professors never talked about faith in your science classes.
Actually that verse is talking about faith in God and not faith that he will do what you ask.
I would like a politician who thinks it's crass to talk about faith in public.
AGAIN Hebrews chapter 11 talks about faith in GOD PROMISES >.
Why are hip - hop and grime artists suddenly talking about their faith in God?
«I would hope what they want is for people to talk about faith in the widest sense, and I think they will achieve that,» she said.
The author begins by talking about faith in God, the dignity of man, and the rightness of our democratic way of life.
Therefore, to talk about faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life is to say that we believe that Jesus is speaking the truth when He says that He gives eternal life to those who believe in Him for it (John 3:16; 5:24; 6:47; etc.).
And when that happens, we have an opportunity to talk about our faith in far better ways than ever before.
But also feel connected because of your open - ness in talking about your faith in Jesus Christ.

Not exact matches

We don't like to talk about faith, but it is a key component in letting go of situations we can't control.
When Sparrow Records in Nashville caught wind of Kendall's little - talked - about faith, they decided to partner with their mainstream big brother and sent her out with big named Christian acts such as Third Day, Nichole Nordeman and Delirious.
This verse is very early in the Book of Hebrews, where the author is talking about faith.
Faith, which is the main driver of so much that happens in the world could be talked about.
Yes, talk mostly about family and love and life, but don't withhold elements of that persons faith that they deserve in settling their existential angst.
To paraphrase him, I'd say: «That if I was ever sick in the hospital, if I was ever dying, that the last person I would ever want to see is some Harvard Divinity School professor wanting to talk to me about faith or the depth of his spiritual life.»
Perrotta talked to CNN about the book, his own faith and putting himself in others» shoes.
I listen to how they talk about matters of faith, religion, what they watch on their favorite religious tv programs, often listening as well to their radios playing their favored «Christian music» radio stations in the background, what are in the lyrics.
I know what I'm talking about and faith in God IS NOT THE SAME THING as turning the last pages in one's mental family scrapbook.
What does that have to do with a legitimate chaplain that comes in at your request to pray and talk about God and faith?
I didn't need to talk about God, or about religion... I had assurance in my faith about those things, and I assumed the chaplin understood them and didn't need me to explain them.
I do think that maintaining the normativity of Scripture entails giving it a higher priority than worship, if we are talking about our means of knowing the shape the Christian faith ought to take in the world, even if our primary encounter with Scripture is within the context of worship.
It seems to be everywhere the suggestion that people should stop talking about faith and the founders of faith, in public.
Dr Brown talks about why ther is trouble in a christians life and how to overcome through prayer and faith in the LOrd in heaven.
If they know their faith, then there's no point in talking about it.
See, try to run for president, and talk about faith and prayer in the same way that Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich do.
I'm talking about what happens after we've been made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
The first half of the book I talk about, in a sense, the tension between the scientific worldview and a faith worldview.
I have found that when we speak as if we know what we are talking about, regarding Christian faith in any regard at all, we are in effect saying «thus saith the Lord».
He confesses to feeling that, since 1984, by no longer talking about what happened in a distant jungle, he has broken faith with his promise to the memory of Maria.
Interested in exact quotes from Islam that talks about respecting those of other faiths?
Given these people's wariness in talking about faith, it was hard to see how they could pass that faith — whatever it was — on to their children.
I talk about how the evangelical obsession with sex can make Christian living seem like little more than sticking to a list of rules, and how millennials long for faith communities in which they are safe asking tough questions and wrestling with doubt.
Ahead of the Rio Olympics, double world champion in the 400m, Christine Ohuruogu talks to us about her faith More
In Christian circles, people talk about «The Faith» as if it is something very much outside of you - like somehow, belief just descends on you and it resides in your heart like an immovable stonIn Christian circles, people talk about «The Faith» as if it is something very much outside of you - like somehow, belief just descends on you and it resides in your heart like an immovable stonin your heart like an immovable stone.
«I miss that evangelical fire - in - the - belly that makes people talk about their faith with passion and conviction.»
I'm convinced that one thing folks from my generation long for is the chance to talk openly and honestly about our faith, our doubts, our questions, our ideas, our struggles, our joys, etc. in the context of a faith community.
The FAITH Movement has never shied away from recognising problems: a look through the back editions of this magazine reveals plenty of blunt talk about challenges within the Church and in Western society, occasionally with a note of gloomy relish.
You cessationists (based on the language you used I'm assuming that's the position you hold) love to talk about a «completed Bible», but here's the irony, if you profess to have such a strong faith in this Bible, you must walk it out.
The apostle Paul talks about this in Romans 14 when he explains that we must regard one another with kindness and without judgment for the decisions we make that keep us from stumbling in our faith.
In talking about these books with some friends, I was reminded that books that challenge us at one stage of life or faith may not seem so challenging as we continue to mature.
Concerning preaching on aspects of the Catholic Faith that don't always render comfort to the subjective dispositions of all the listeners I've found that the critiques frequently lie along the lines of, «Oh Father, you're always talking about (fill in the blank)» or «It's just too complicated an issue.»
All of this points to what I hope is a trend toward talking more openly about doubt and acknowledging the vital role it can play in shaping our faith.
We former evangelicals LOVE to talk about our faith and are sometimes surprised by how little opportunity there is to do so in a Mainline Protestant church environment.
This week we've been talking about how changes in faith affect our relationships, and today I wanted to share a few lessons that I've learned as my own faith has evolved over the past ten years or so.
As millions settle in for the seventh series of The X Factor, fourth series runner - up Rhydian Roberts talks to Martin Saunders about how his faith inspires... More
Matthew 21: 21 and Mark 11:23 Isn't talking about prayer working absolutely, it's talking about having faith and whether or not you have any doubt in your heart in which if there isn't any doubt you can move mountains.
Yet even while it ventures to talk about this man in terms of the God - language of faith, the New Testament does not hesitate to describe this Jesus as a real man and one who points to Him who sent him.
But Vine is certainly happy to talk about it to me, and admits that, despite growing up in a strongly Christian background, his adult relationship with faith was an on - off affair for a long time.
Im not talking about religion, or being religious, but believing in His word and applying it to your daily life, living it truly not by man's principle, but by God's Word, putting faith in Him just as a mother would to a babysitter who is going to look after her child, or just as you would trust someone with your money, or yet with your own life.
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