Sentences with phrase «talked with a god»

Prayer changes things A good man prays A great man acts on prayer Prayer is talking with God Prayer changes things
I believe faith is a personal experience and Religion is not necessary to talk with your God.
Prayer changes things Talking with God in the morning Brings joy to the day Prayer changes things
Wake up and smell the coffee Matt, atheism isn't reality, and prayer or talking with God is the best resource mankind has.
Prayer — which is simply talking with God — is considered a critical aspect of faith.
Prayer changes things Each post is a heartfelt encouragement to prayer Prayer is talking with God Pray without ceasing in 2012 Prayer really changes things
Believers see God, «walk» with God, talk with God, witness miracles and answered prayer.
He seemed to talk with God as a man talks to a friend, or a Father.
IN my weekly talk with God, He told me how to undo this mess.
The founder of «Psychiana» does a million - dollar mail - order business teaching people to talk with God under the slogan, «I talked with God — yes, I did, actually and literally, and you can too.»
It has been my experience that those church leaders who are more into control and performance will get very uncomfortable and irritable when someone joins the group who actually want to talk with God in order to learn from Him, rather than talk (or yell) at Him in the hopes of sounding super-spiritual and maybe even manipulating something out of Him.
It is because of the Holy Spirit that we can hear from God, learn about God, and talk with God.
I am atheist talking with god.
Contemplative prayer is about being with God rather than talking with God.
Prayer changes things Learn of the peace that passes understanding Talking with God In the cool of the evening
Therefore, talking with God is mostly for emotional support.
That seems to be the most natural way for me to talk with God.
Prayer changes things Prayer takes many Biblical forms Prayer is talking with God Prayer can be private Prayer can be corporate Prayer can be public Prayer can be political Prayer can be formal Prayer can be casual Prayer can be in public schools Prayer is not curtailed by the words of a man Prayer is never stopped by an unbeliever Prayer changes things
He said, «Why do you find it hard to spend ten minutes talking with God?
Do theology with prayer and you end up talking with God.
A man claimed to be talking with God and to have written the things they talked about in a book.
After you are born again you will talk with God on many things, opposition to prayer will not be among them.
Christianity teaches that this particular individual, and so every individual, whatever in other respects this individual may be, man, woman, serving - maid, minister of state, merchant, barber, student, etc. — this individual exists before God — this individual who perhaps would be vain for having once in his life talked with the King, this man who is not a little proud of living on intimate terms with that person or the other, this man exists before God, can talk with God any moment he will, sure to be heard by Him; in short, this man is invited to live on the most intimate terms with God!
It's a win - win situation that the Subject of my dissertation can now talk with God face to face!
Still, my face shone because, like Moses, I had been talking with God.
Help some yourself instead of misunderstanding the importance and place of talking with God
Talking with God provides the plan.
How to Talk with God 2.
The «seperated» U.S.A. has a president who was elected thanks to the christian right, who has gone to war after talks with a god, who opposes homosexuals although I don't think homosexuals in general hurt him and who on religious grounds has opposed science, wich could potentially help billions in the next few decades.
Some have been deceived in prayer, thinking they were talking with God.
Prayer is the act of talking with God, there is no shame or embarrassment in that.
Prayer is then not an especially virtuous religious act, of which a man can be proud, contrasting himself with others; it is talking with God, and concerns God alone.
You want to talk with God?
Your responses are proof of the futility of talking with a god - believer — you attribute things to me that I didn't say.
The speaker must see that during the address he pays attention to himself, to what he says; the listener, that during the address he pays attention to himself, to how he listens, and whether during the address he, in his inner self, secretly talks with God.
For me I just talk with God like I do others, with love and respect...
It is hard to hate one you talk with God about.
-- I say it differs little from your conceptual talk with God - only some of us need someone with skin on in the here and now.
He is the one who was always talking with God.
This means that as an unsaved person, Abram followed God, obeyed God, walked with God, talked with God, worshiped God, and tithed to God.
It was like that which happened to Moses on another mountain when «the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God» (Exod.
Cobb, John B. Jr. (1983) «God and the scientific worldview» in Talking with God (eds.
Prayer involves talking with God and only God.
First that atheism is totally useless and second that talking with God is available to you.
It's now always easy especially if we slip in to doing it our own way... but take time out many times a day to talk with God and you'll know what to do.
Of course we have the occasional burning bush or trek up the mountain and of course he / she is the only one who seen / talked with god.
Prayer, talking with God provides a perfect plan.
Second you need to understand that talking with God is prayer.
Remember how Moses» face shone because he was talking with God.
Jesus made it possible for all mankind to talk with God 24/7.
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