Sentences with phrase «talking about humility»

(I'm not talking about humility, which is a trait I greatly admire, but about crippling insecurity even when gifted with compliments and resources, like the Writer Unboxed community's support.)
Talk about humility, that is remarkable humility by Jesus Christ.

Not exact matches

«Everyone talks about the importance of being willing to fail, but more importantly it's being willing to have enough humility to recognize ahead of time that you don't know all the answers, that you do need other people's help.»
This is not another self - absorbed athlete — not as long as he ventures into monologues about the «deep responsibility» that comes with being an Irish champion, or talks with humility about «showing up to the gym every day as a white belt.»»
When it comes to good decision making, qualities like intelligence, patience, curiosity, and self - control get talked about all the time, but intellectual humility is less often mentioned.
He demonstrated humility about the current political climate and expressed interest in them rather than talking about himself.
What Munger is talking about above (in addition to the importance of humility) is the idea that a business with superior quality bought at the right price can still be a bargain consistent with the principles of value investing.
I think the humility that NP is talking about here has to recognize that Billy Graham had to say «no» to the segregated seating at one of his crusades.
TC look who's talking about lack of humility and maturity LOL, you should read your comments out loud so you can hear them, I don't call people names but you seem to be a radical religionist, like the muslims I fought in both wars.
The president talked about the importance of humility and the fair treatment of Muslims and about the ultimate necessity of nation - building in Afghanistan.
It is often better to live in humility and talk about the challenges of dealing with our own internal struggles rather than anointing ourselves as the expert only to be exposed later on.
But it was clear to me after about one week inside the Synod Hall that humility was the new starting point for talking about the future of the church.
In the last part of your posting you talk about how important humility is.
Using the themes of giants (such as Nephilim and Goliath) in the Hebrew Scriptures, Taylor Murray shows how this talk of giants in the Bible reveals truths about pride and humility.
It is possible to talk about the origins debate with an attitude of respect and humility.
And as we talk about them, we must remember to address them with humility, understanding and grace, keeping in mind our role as fellow hospital patients, not museum curators.
Because of the financial demands of commercial broadcasting, the electronic church can not afford to talk much about suffering, shared need, or requirements of the cross, about justice and humility, and giving one «s self (not just one «s checkbook) in love to one «s neighbor.
Talking about God as mystery, on the other hand, stresses God's holiness and otherness, leading us to respond with awe and wonder, as well as an appropriate humility about our beliefs.
While the whole world seems to be excited about football's most unexpected triumph, Ranieri's masterstroke has been tapping into his team's humble backgrounds, spreading that humility in the media and delaying talk about title ambitions until the last few games.
On this call, API founders Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson talk with Lu about how: — our «flaws» are actually pathways to raising resilient, secure, connected kids; — without an awareness of how our story drives our fears, our kids re-enact it; — without self - understanding and empathy, parents then tend to manage rather than engage, control rather than connect, in a chronic practice of «defensive parenting»; — we can turn our old wounds to new wisdom and free our kids from repeating our stories; — the gift of our anger, fear, doubt, chaos, anxiety, struggles, and conflicts is that they can shed compassionate light on our old wounds and we can use this light to «heal» our inner conflicts, and pave our path for ourselves and our kids; and — doing this paving work «keeps our light on»... and our children's light on, and teaches them the power of forgiveness, humility, and humanity.
And yet this critical technology found itself confined to small rooms constructed out of plywood buried within a labyrinth at the latest iteration of climate talks in Paris, a handful of enthusiasts, both old and new, talking to each other about roads not taken and humility while zero megawatts of plant - fired power with CO2 capture and storage exist in the world today.
We talked about me training with him or his colleague, and Ross's schedule openings simply fit my work schedule better (a great sign — not shy to recommend someone but himself = humility!).
Bill: His immense talent, his sense of humor, his ability to dunk a basketball, to talk about foreign affairs with experts on «Morning Joe», his work ethic, writing ability, thoughtfulness, humility, parental skills and on and on it goes.
He also talked about Iwata's good nature and his way of putting other people first as well as his humility, self - effacing style and generosity.
I hope we'll remind ourselves of this exchange next time the urge to talk about scientific humility will come up.
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