Sentences with phrase «talking about sexual addiction»

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He's pleased that more Christians are openly talking about pornography and sex addiction, but Laaser says he's concerned that some Christian leaders and therapists are confusing sexual sin with sex addiction.
Listen as Joe talks about how his wife discovered his sexual addiction and how it motivated him to w
In this episode Jim talks about how his sexual addiction has effected his life and what others can do to avoid the mistakes that he has made.
Tonight Carol the Coach talks about the fundamentals of what is sexual addiction so that one can decide if he or she meets the criteria for this illness.
18:40 Dr. Marty talks about the six different types of affairs: conflict avoidance affair; intimacy avoidance affair; sexual addiction affair; split self affair; exit affair; emotional affair.
We talk to Ben Bennett and Jake Kissack about being single and battling sexual addiction.
We talk to the CEO of KingdomWorks Studios, Jeremy Wiles, about their 10 - week cinematic study on sexual addiction called the Conquer Series.
Sexual addiction is a massive, marriage - wrecking, life - destroying problem that no one talks about.
We talk to Rodney Wright, pastor at Lake City Church in Idaho, about the struggles and hurdles pastors face when addressing sexual addiction in their church.
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