Sentences with phrase «talking cure»

Where, Oh, Where to Begin With a Little Help from My Friends You Just Don't Get It The Talking Cure Board Stiff
Many would argue that it's possible for her to feel better without taking drugs: she could try the «talking cure» (regular sessions with a counselor), or an alternative treatment such as herbal or light therapy If she goes to an M.D., though, she'll likely carry my a prescription for an antidepressant such as Prozac or Zoloft — one of these brave new medicines that promise such good results with so few side effects,
Below the surface of consciousness, our minds are absorbed with ruminating over memories and feelings, dreaming up fears and fantasies of the future, generating all the raw material that the «talking cure» taps into.
In practice, this talking cure translates into deep self - knowledge.
In the «talking cure» — the practice of psychoanalysis — the therapist helps the patient notice these mental lapses, interpret the unconscious struggles they reflect and bring them into the light of self - awareness.
Talking cures for phobias or addictions take ages to detrain your brain.
And in the Telling Stories display, learn how early psychoanalysts relied on the power of storytelling, or the «talking cure,» to help patients work through their problems.
For most people, this «talking cure» as Freud called it, should be a foundational part of any comprehensive approach.
«A Dangerous Method» (screenplay by Christopher Hampton, based on his play «The Talking Cure» and the book «A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud and Sabina Spielrein» by John Kerr)
He shames his charges, whose rage then surfaces, taking the form of boils presumably lanced by the talking cure.
Christopher Hampton wrote the screenplay from his play «The Talking Cure,» which was based on the book «A Most Dangerous Method» by John Kerr.
«An intellectual ménage - a-trois,» is how Cronenberg describes the troika at the center of the film: Michael Fassbender as Carl Jung, a respected young doctor eager to pursue «the talking cure» promoted by Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen), and Keira Knightly as the troubled Sabina Spielrein, whose hysteria is conquered through therapy and she becomes a doctor in her own right.
George Clooney «s «The Ides Of March» is loosely adapted from the play «Farragut North,» and manages better than most to open the stage version up, while Roman Polanski took on Yasmin Reza «s «Carnage,» and David Cronenberg turned Christopher Hampton «s «The Talking Cure» into «A Dangerous Method.»
Production Weekly reports the title change for the film, which is based on Christopher Hampton «s play The Talking Cure.
A Dangerous Method, David Cronenberg's film version of Hampton's stage play The Talking Cure takes place in...
A humongous hit in London in 2007, the play is a touchstone of the 1970s - era preoccupation with the talking cure.
What serves to highlight their increasing differences of opinion is the case of Sabina Spielrein (Keira Knightley), a young Russian woman who arrives with a bundle of tics and spasms to receive care from Jung and his revolutionary new «talking cure» method of treatment.
While Four for the Talking Cure was cordoned off from would - be recliners in the exhibition, the idea of psychoanalyzing painting — not merely taking a Freudian approach to regarding an artwork but actually treating painting like a patient — was a seductive one, suggesting all of painting's crises were neuroses, and could be disbanded with some time on a therapist's couch.
The brief exhibition text noted Four for the Talking Cure as embodying the organizing principle of the show.
At MoMA, his soap - and - wax works were just another nod towards the gestural, at LACMA a mixed - media installation titled Four for the Talking Cure (2012) was given a central place, both physically and metaphorically.
Left to right: Sun Goddess (2009), Four For the Talking Cure (2009), and Pyramid (2009).
If you're suffering from a low - conversion website, live chat could provide a talking cure.
Here's a well - written defence of the «talking cure
The talking cure describes relief from psychological disorders with the help of talk therapy.
I study and practice psychodynamic psychotherapy, a time - tested method of psychotherapy known as the «talking cure».»
He challenged the «talking cure» and the hegemony of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic principles to develop a philosophy and method that utilized the whole group to assist in the emergence of a «protagonist» who would represent a common dilemma that group members experienced in their own lives.
The point of a «talking cure» is not for the psychotherapist to force a solution on a client, but to provide a safe environment in which the client can examine his or her issues with the help of an objective counselor.
PACT is so much more than a «he said, she said» talking cure with the therapist playing the role of judge and determining who's right and who's wrong.
Psychotherapy is redefined as the «affect communicating cure» rather than the «talking cure» (Schore 2005).
During this time, the first laboratory for psychological research was established by Wilhelm Wundt, and Sigmund Freud's «talking cure» laid the foundation for psychoanalysis.
Citing research literature neurobiology, developmental psychology, trauma, and psychodynamic therapy, she insists that the body has been left out of the «talking cure,» and argues that integrating body - focused interventions into our work provides a more holistic — and effective — approach to the treatment of trauma, attachment, and relational issues.
It has given rise to one of the first «talking cure,» psychoanalysis, on which many psychological therapies are now based.
The psychodynamic approach has given rise to one of the first «talking cure», psychoanalysis, on which many psychological therapies are now based.
One of the ingredients in healing from trauma, and part of «the talking cure» is referred to as «the narrative.»
Diane Poole Heller, Ph.D.: At a time when psychotherapists trained primarily in the «talking cure» are increasingly recognizing the need to «read» clients» nonverbal communications, particularly those buried in early attachment issues, Diane Poole Heller has been a leader in addressing the unconscious issues that clients are often unable to express.
Asserting that the body has been left out of the «talking cure,» she offers a scholarly review of very recent advances in the trauma, neurobiology, developmental, and psychodynamic literatures that strongly suggests that bodily - based behaviors, affects, and cognitions must be brought to the forefront of the clinical encounter.»
«The body, for a host of reasons, has been left out of the «talking cure.
The Talking Cure or What Good is Talking?
Ever since psychotherapy (the talking cure) was conceived over 100 years ago it has grown and evolved.
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