Sentences with phrase «talking snakes»

We're talking snakes, bunnies, exhibits of birds.
You beleive in talking snakes and blood sacrafices for goodness sakes.
I simply can't take anyone that believes in talking snakes seriously, sorry.
sure the bible sounds like a children's fairy tale with unicorns, dragons, satyrs and c.ockatrice in it, along with talking donkeys and talking snakes - but it's to be taken seriously!
Believe in talking snakes.
If you can believe in talking snakes, the voices in your head probably seem real also, scary stuff the Chad!!
Open your mind and open a book, other than some several thousand year - old fairy tale about talking snakes, floods requiring more water than exists in the entire solar system to create, mythological heaven dwellers who stole men's wives, ful of numerology and suppossed «fulfilled prophesy».
And I personally can't take a book that has talking snakes and magic in it as historically accurate...
Given two possibilities... 1) God created this world... sent Abraham, Moses, Jesus... caused great feats like the Red Sea parting, the great Flood, talking snakes, 600 year old people, etc..
You have a choice: Vote for a guy who believes in talking snakes and donkeys and mass zombie outbreaks or a guy who wears magical underwear and thinks he and his multiple wives are going to populate outer space for eternity..
Talking snakes, virgin births, floods, death sentences for witchcraft (yes, both the bible and the koran believe in witchcraft) and people vote for some that believes in that crazy stuff.
Talking snakes, global floods, and burning bushes, oh my.
These are the same people who believe in talking snakes and resurections....
Yes because those normal jesustards who believe in talking snakes and magic apples are to be taken far more seriously than a jesustard with a tat.
Why Milennials are leaving the church: Because a 21st century education inscience leaves no logical room for: men made from mud, 6000 - yr - old planet, talking donkeys, talking snakes, talking shrubbery, insects that wear hats, water turning to blood, corpses returning from the grave, flying men (winged and not - winged), or prophecy.
@TC... really we try, we're lame, uneducated, stupid... and your the one believing in talking snakes, burning bushes, giant boats, and walking on water.
So far there is no evidence that supports the crazy Christian claims of talking snakes, young earth, virgin birth, Adam and Eve (or was that Steve), and so on.
Gods, talking snakes, parting the sea, raising the dead, must I go on?
there are talking donkeys and talking snakes in the bible.
Yes, but that's coming from a book that describes dragons, co.ckatrices, talking snakes and donkeys, mass zombie outbreaks, and a god who's so stupid he has to continually adjust his «perfect» plan by finding loopholes so that he can sacrifice himself to himself to appease himself so that he doesn't torture more than 99.999 % of his creation in a never - ending torture pit he made for his own enjoyment.
The old testament was a time when God was closer to His people which is why there were talking snakes and four - legged flying creatures.
The only way I'd ever believe in talking snakes, sky fairies and virgin births, would be if I was high.
That is just as likely to be true as talking snakes and donkeys, and I respect it because it is faith, and all faith, no matter how totally insane, must be respected because technically you can not disprove it.
Idiocy — The mental illness (or psychosis) is the fact that religious people believe in things that have proven to be complete fiction (The Earth is 6000 years old, evolution is a myth, people walking on water, talking snakes).
So are fairy tales about magic loaves and fishes, talking snakes and virgin births.
They grow up believing in an Eternal Hell of fire and brimstone, talking snakes, the Doctrine of Original Sin, animals in an ark, a Young Earth paradigm, the notion that people lived to be hundreds of years old a few thousand years ago, patriarchs that practiced child sacrifice and committed genocides, books that are supposed words of gawd that contradict real world observations, deities that kill their own children (human manifestations of their own selves) for the sake of sins that they never committed, the symbolic cannibalism and vampirism of a deity... I could go on for days.
If you're fool enough to believe in gods and demons and talking snakes, then you're fool enough to be led by your vote.
there are talking snakes and donkeys (like Shrek!)
People living to near a 1000 years old, giants, creation stories, talking snakes, angels making out with women, sea monsters, people being turned into salt, human sacrifice as a good thing,... Compared to that some of the Greek myths actually look realistic.
their book has talking snakes and talking donkeys in it (like in Shrek!)
If you were running for president, I'd like to ask you about talking snakes, Invisible and undetectable body parts (soul), and invisible and undetectable diseases (sin), and all the other stupid sh!t in the bible.
Wow, the stories of talking snakes and virgin births sure fooled a LOT of people.
Is this the same book that has talking snakes and donkeys and mass zombie outbreaks and invisible body parts (soul) and invisible diseases (sin) that get passed down from father to son so god had to sacrifice himself to himself to appease himself so that he doesn't torture 100 % of his creation for all eternity in a pit of fire but only 99.99 % of his creation..
Why, you have the god given right to believe in talking snakes, knowledge and eternal life giving fruit, centuries old people, a flood that required at least a pair of every animal to be stuffed on a boat that was not viable, a tower, god was afraid would reach all the way to heaven, a zombie messiah, unicorns, satyrs, and a leviathan god does battle with.
«Talking snakes», 500 yr old men and one of them called «Noah» with an ark who somehow magically saved all the animals (LOL), «Adam and Eve» in the «Garden of Eden» even though all the proof shows that the human species began in S. East Africa., a planet and universe that was supposedly created in 6 days 6 thousand years ago... thanks, but I have all the proof I need to NOT believe in your twisted book of fairy tales.
The similarity in style and content between the stories I knew from the Bible and the myths of other Mesopotamian cultures suddenly made those strange tales of talking snakes and forbidden fruit and boats packed with animals seem colloquial, routine — nothing more than myths operating from the religious and literary conventions of the day.
Q. 4 It is only acceptable as an adult to believe Bronze Age mythology like talking snakes, the Red Sea splitting, mana falling from the sky, a man living in a whale's belly, a talking donkey, superhuman strength, a man rising from the dead and angels, ghosts, gods and demons in the field of:
Talking snakes and Adam and Eve is not history.
Of course they are, but they're essential to society, actually exist and, most importantly, are changeable... People who adhere to the notions of god and religion tend to be completely inflexible and also tend to force those beliefs on others... Want to believe in talking snakes??
Hopefully the message might make a believer take a hard look at their ridiculous beliefs, like magic gardens with magic apples that are guarded by talking snakes, lol.
Your silly book of «gods», talking snakes and myths was written for people in the bronze and iron ages.
Funny... coming from someone who believes in such things as satan, demons, angels, and talking snakes.
Love those talking snakes, though.
No wonder you beleive in talking snakes.
It's 2011 folks, do you really believe in talking snakes, burning bushes, witches, angels & the like?
Yes now she can babble mindlessly about talking snakes, talking fiery bushes, big boats that held 250,000 species of beetle along with wooly mammoths and snow leopards, guys that floated into the clouds in front of everyone (yet somehow the Jews and Arabs still just don't buy that he was the saviour), parted water / wine to water / walking on water / healing water, food from the sky....
Just like not all Christians believe in talking snakes, or that man is made from dust and woman from a rib.
«Truth is whatever you feel it to be» Sounds like Christianity's talking snakes, virgin births, resurrections, miracles.
I don't mind being called a loser by somebody who believes in talking snakes and invisible diseases (sin) in invisible body parts (soul) and a big magic sky daddy created everything with a magic spell..
How stupid does someone have to be to believe in an invisible magician in the sky, talking snakes, people rising from the dead, magical ribs, etc?
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