Sentences with phrase «talking with your child»

Parents can prevent this by having a talk with their children that communicates clearly, «You still needing me is draining mom and dad,» Thompson said.
«It is an ongoing process where parents perform the activities with their children, and they talk with their children about how they felt,» said Dwight Burlingame, a professor of philanthropic studies at
I often talk with our children about how we are all learning to follow Jesus — even their old mum.
They talked with their children about what the future would be like without their mother; they grew in sensitivity and appreciation of one another and life and everyday events; and most of all, they deepened their experience of sharing one life with God.
Please talk with your child's health care provider for more information on this subject.
Rashan Gary and Cesar Ruiz were at Emerson School in Ann Arbor last week talking with children.
British fathers of under fives spend about the same amount of time at weekends as mothers (1:10 / day) on reading, playing and talking with their children (EOC, 2003).
Talk with your child's teachers to see how they reinforce language development.
If you want further quick and easy ideas for talking with your child about sexuality topics, sign up for The Parent Buzz, an e-newsletter that features current, age - appropriate, helpful strategies and resources for talking with kids about sex and sexuality topics.
Find resources online about talking with children his age, helping them express themselves, and talking to them calmly.
Parents teach discipline by example with loving guidance, natural and logical consequences, and talking with their child about their expectations.
Talk with your child and listen to her.
At a later time you can talk with your child about his behavior and what your expectations are.
I believe it's a good idea to sit down and talk with your child when there's a behavior issue you want to address with him.
Talk with your child's new teacher about the positive roles that your child can have in their new classroom.
Why The Raising Supaman Project is a Top Parenting Blog: Parents and teachers alike will appreciate this blog as a resource for advice when it comes to child development and talking with children about difficult subjects.
So talk with your child in a calm, age - appropriate way about healthy boundaries and how they can stay safe.
Talk with your children about what is going on.
Talk with your child often as well to see if things are getting better, and come up with new ideas to try if needed.
This will include listening to the heart and lungs, observing motor skills, and talking with your child to assess language skills.
Why not talk with your child about it?
Talk with your child about the desired theme.
Continuity of care midwife, great relationship with knowledgeable midwife, lots of interaction and talking with children about birth and baby, stand ing strong in the face of medical opposition, eating vegies and staying away from sugar and carbs, empowered by Blessingway ceremony, contractions started and stopped, sleep in between, wanting pool but clear about at what temperature, different kind of pushing, more power required and more lucidity, her body knew how to give birth and her baby knew how to be born
Spend time talking with your child about preschool even before it starts.
If you're concerned, talk with your child's pediatrician and teacher to find out if your worries are warranted.
If you see examples of people being bullied on TV or in books, talk with your children about it.
The parent works through stages such as talking with the child about using a potty, introducing the child to the potty, letting the child sit on the potty while clothed and finally actual attempts at using the potty for real.
«A few days before you transition from crib to bed, have a talk with your child.
If your child takes a much greater amount of time to complete their homework, talk with your child's teacher about what can be done to help your child.
Talk with your child about the things she uses in her daily life that weren't invented 100 years ago.
If your child is spending a great deal of time on their homework each night, more than 10 minutes per grade level, talk with your child's teacher to see if the work needs to be reduced or if there is a different approach to doing the work that your child needs to try.
If you sense that his back - to - school anxiety may be rooted in something more serious, such as an anxiety disorder or a problem with a bully, talk with your child, your child's teacher, and the school counselor.
See these resources for coping and talking with children about violence, safety, distress, death, grief, and fear.
While we work with your child, we also strive to teach you and other family members effective ways to talk with your child.
Talk with your child using new vocabulary, longer sentences and simple questions during conversation — «How old are you?»
Talk with your child during a calm moment — when she's not upset about the situation — and ask her to tell you what's making her unhappy.
If you have questions about how to talk with your child about them, ask your doctor for suggestions.
Unlike the old «birds and bees» talk with your child, which was considered a one - time discussion, sex education should be tailored to their age and should consist of many discussions, not just one.
So, you've talked with your child's teachers, asked fellow parents for recommendations, crunched the numbers and have decided that a real live, in - person tutor is what you need.
When tough news hits the headlines it can be tempting to hide the facts when talking with children.
Reading and talking with your child can help to foster this skill.
In a landmark study by Betty Hart and Todd Risley, an important fact about talking with your child was uncovered.
However, as the children grow, the parents find it more and more difficult to talk with their children.
Talk with your child about his or her interests, watch what he / she is drawn to and help find books about those subjects.
Take advantage of any opportunity to talk with your child about dating, what's allowed in your family, and what your expectations are.
It can also be a starting point for talking with your child about making friends and may encourage her to open up and express her feelings.
Talk with your child about the relationship between freedom and responsibility.
If you have questions about how to talk with your child about sex, consider asking your doctor.
They spend more time with their children, set clear rules and consequences, talk with their children more often and engage them in back - and - forth dialogue, and provide experiences for them (such as high - quality child care) that are likely to boost their development.
Be sure to talk with your child after everyone has calmed down and find out what's going on with them.
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