Sentences with phrase «talks about being pregnant»

A woman talks about being pregnant at her wedding.

Not exact matches

They talk about an attack on religious teachings while speaking at an NRA event about how abortion is murdering unborn children while at the same time wanting to go to war and bomb thousands of innocent men, women, children, as well as innocent pregnant women with unborn babies.
Its also ridiculous to hear a preacher talk about a husband and wife (8 months pregnant) die in a bus crash and leave a 3 year old child behind continuing to repeat that «god is good, always».
The section from Exodus is talking about what the family of a pregnant women who is attacked and subsequently miscarries is allowed to do according to how injured the woman was.
I'm sure that she and Elizabeth talked about Joseph, and what he might do when he found out Mary was pregnant.
Aside from that, we were specifically talking about the Roman census that is the purported reason Joseph hauled a pregnant and ready to deliver Mary all the way to Bethlehem.
If you Google the name of the guy mentioned towards the end who looks fondly on as his 7 year old daughter talks about dead bodies and death, («Benjamin Ramrajie»), you'll see that he was arrested for aggravated assault on a pregnant woman... just over 7 years ago.
Or is she still trying to cover all that talk about how suddenly she was almost 9 months pregnant and nobody could tell?
Pregnant people suck, we are boring, the only thing we talk about is babies, pregnancy and food.
They talked about Jennifer Gardner being pregnant right at the start - you know the old saying SHOW me do nt TELL me.
People always talk about it like Jon Jones ran into a woman he knows was pregnant lol.
I am not talking about getting out the GRE books while still pregnant, but it is a no - brainer that talking and reading to your baby does make an impact.
Share I am not talking about getting out the GRE books while still pregnant, but it is a no - brainer that talking and reading to your baby does make an impact.
Talk to your doctor about whether or not any medication you are currently taking is safe if you become pregnant.
In our case, we're not planning anymore, and hubs has been talking about the V word,... well... since we found out we were pregnant with number 3.
In an absolutely heartbreaking interview, the 24 - year old pregnant widow of one of the soldiers killed in Niger talks about her husband, how she's dealing with her loss, and how she felt when Trump called her.
But her superiority, judgment, and downright nastiness when she talks about other pregnant women is just gross and uncalled for:
Anyone who want to get pregnant, if you are planning on getting pregnant, it's always a good idea to see your health care provider, whether it's your midwife, family practitioner or your obstetrician, and talk to them about your medical history.
Dear Abby: Both times I was pregnant, my mother - in - law, «Lois,» talked non-stop about how much she wanted a granddaughter — even after my husband told her we were expecting a boy.
Are you in need of a community that meets in person and seems like old friends that you can talk about the grief and the joys that come with being pregnant again after your other baby died?
We've shared our war stories, and talked about how we all despaired of ever having children, and how scared we were when we did get pregnant again.
Start talking about your desire to have your placenta released while you are still pregnant.
In our meetings we try to ensure we have talked to each pregnant mom about who is going to be there in the early days when she has her baby and how those people feel about breastfeeding and their knowledge level.
Maybe you could breastfeed in public, share your breastfeeding story on our site (like many mothers already have), wear clothing that promotes breastfeeding, talk about it to women who are currently pregnant or attend breastfeeding support groups to help breastfeeding mums who are finding it difficult.
If you're concerned, talk to your provider about gradually reducing your dose once you're pregnant.
«I started talking to my son about being pregnant almost as soon as I learned the news.
If you are considering tubal ligation reversal in order to become pregnant, or if you're simply worried about falling pregnant after your surgery, talk to your doctor about your concerns.
If you're in a hurry to get pregnant before then, talk to your doctor about your particular situation so you can come up with the safest timeframe.
And lastly, one of the things you can do is talk to them about their plans for their future, to help them make concrete what it is they want for themselves, and to raise questions that make them think about how their life might be different if they were to get pregnant as a teenager or if they were to contract the HIV virus.
All pregnant women talk about is how difficult pregnancy is.
I remember she would talk about how she, «hated being pregnant, loved giving birth and loved breastfeeding».
Something that isn't often thought of or talked about is that postpartum depression is a risk for anyone who has been pregnant, regardless of whether the pregnancy resulted in a healthy baby or not.
We talked to Tayè K, who's using the Pumpables Milk Genie and expecting her second child, about her experience using a breast pump while pregnant.
Well - intentioned parents can talk forever about their children's poops, to the point where you — newly pregnant with your first baby — are backing away as fast as you can to get to your car so you can barf, but do people ever tell you about the really scary stuff?
OK, so let's introduce our panelists here in the studio, as you guys know, we're talking about prenatal yoga today, so some of our panelists are pregnant, actually, we have one panelist who is pregnant and two panelists that had their babies, but have experience with prenatal yoga.
If you do not want to get pregnant, make sure to talk to your healthcare provider about what birth controls are the best for you while you're still breastfeeding.
It's a misconception that all mums - to - be will naturally fall back on «maternal instincts» and be fine, but in reality plenty of pregnant woman are worried about what's to come and not talking about these worries can lead to anxiety and depression.
I've talked a lot about pregnancy symptoms I did have when I was pregnant (here in my posts on unusual pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy symptoms in the second trimester) but what about pregnancy symptoms I didn't have?
Be sure to talk to your partner about how their breasts feel if you are with someone who is pregnant.
After finding out we were pregnant with twins this last pregnancy, it hit me that this was an opportunity for me to practice what we talk about sooooo often here on My Mommy Manual.
She was 17 and pregnant, I took her dinner to talk to her about adoption.
It is not talked about much, but it enables pregnant women to enjoy the blessing of pregnancy while living a full life.
Never fear, you're not alone, many pregnant women have these symptoms, even if they don't talk about it.
Her eyes got big and she started talking about other pregnant ladies on island and how one in particular is much smaller than me.
I didn't shop in big box stores for myself and I certainly didn't want to start with my baby, so when I was pregnant, I would drive over an hour from our house in Massachusetts to the cutest little boutique in Connecticut that sold cloth diapers just to see the different colors and be able to talk with someone about what we would need or want.
In October 1956, Mrs. Froehlich was pregnant with her third son when she joined six other women from Franklin Park in the living room of Mary White's home to talk about breast - feeding.
The best maternity pants reviewed by a pregnant woman (me) who knows what she's talking about.
We need to stop being afraid to talk to pregnant women about miscarriage and stillbirth.
If you say that obgyns do not practice evidence based medicine, and then in your next comment you mention recommending pregnant women take homeopathic remedies to get a breech baby to turn, you have just shown that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to what evidence is.
When my daughter first told me she was pregnant, we talked about her psoriasis and her concerns with whether she would successfully breastfeed.
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