Sentences with phrase «talks about chemistry»

Let's say we are talking about chemistry.
Given NO's talk about chemistry and fit and asking players what they know about players, I think we are vetting well.
I talk about chemistry, physiology, we talk mechanisms.
He's the ideal foil for Theron, and we talked about their chemistry, his «Big Fan» fans, and his efforts to distance himself from the natural instincts of a stand - up comic in a recent one - on - one interview.

Not exact matches

Your god — via the itinerant bronze - age shepherds he «talked» to were totally ignorant about the science of se.xual orientation (like he was totally ignorant about most things in biology, chemistry, and physics).
To talk about the leap from subatomic particles and probabilities to objects as we know them, and to talk about the leap from chemistry to consciousness, is in a very real sense to engage in metaphysics.
Yes, we are still talking about a smoothie here, but trust me it can act as a de-stressing & fun study break snack / activity to get your mind off chemistry, oh wait, that's me again!
Magnums just taste better «This is the perfect format,» says Riera, who can talk your ear off about the superior chemistry of magnums.
Picture this, we don't come out of the gate firing on all cylinders, Wenger speaks of how there wasn't enough time for the first - teamers to build chemistry, several key players aren't even playing because of Wenger's utterly ridiculous policy regarding players who played in the Confed Cup or the under21s and the boo - birds have returned in full flight... if these things were to happen, which is quite possible considering the Groundhog Day mentality of this club, how long do you think it will take for Wenger to recant his earlier statements regarding Europa... I would suggest that it's these sorts of comments from Wenger which are often his undoing... why would any manager worth his weight in salt make such a definitive statement before the season has even started... why would any manager who fashions himself an educated man make such pronouncements before even knowing what his starting 11 will be come Friday, let alone on September 1st... why would any manager who has a tenuous relationship with a great many supporters offer up such a potentially contentious talking point considering how many times his own words have come back to bite him in the ass... I think he does this because he doesn't care what you or I think, in fact he's more than slightly infuriated by the very idea of having to answer to the likes of you and me... that might have been acceptable during his formative years in charge, when the fans were rewarded with an scintillating brand of football and success felt like a forgone conclusion, but this new Wenger led team barely resembles that team of ore... whereas in times past we relished a few words from our seemingly cerebral manager, in recent times those words have been replaced by a myriad of excuses, a plethora of infuriating stories about who he could have signed but didn't and what can only be construed as outright fabrications... it's kind of funny that when we want some answers, like during the whole contract debacle of last season, we can't get an intelligent word out of him, but when we just what him to show his managerial acumen through his actions, we can't seem to get him to shut - up... I beg you to prove me wrong Arsene
Anderson, Knapp and everyone else involved with the team bring up one common word when talking about the team chemistry: Family.
When you talk about the Thunder, you have to mention chemistry and star - power.
I often talk to graduate students who are interested in learning more about my job as a professor of chemistry at a top - tier liberal arts college and about the best way to prepare for a job like mine.
We are trying to look at what the water chemistry looks like in the areas where fracking is occurring and help all kinds of people talk about that together.»
Szostak: Well, chemical reactions are, you know, controlled by the thermodynamics of chemistry by kinetic considerations, but Darwinian evolution is completely different because in our case we are talking about populations with variation and the selection of variants that are more fit, and it's that -LSB-'s] it's repeated and repeated; then better variants come to dominate the population.
And really this is a wonderful chemistry story in many ways as it describes how if you create conditions that you know could have existed, that were plausible to exist, then you watch what comes out of it; and then you ask the next question, «Well then how could, for instance, you know, how could these lipid molecules we were just talking about break apart to form new cells?»
«Understanding the global carbon cycle is really important, especially when talking about climate change,» says Catherine Drennan, an MIT professor of chemistry and biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator.
So when they go back to the classrooms they talk about their own research, their high - tech research of isolating cancer cells to space technology — we've sent students to NASA or they do nanotechnology or, you know physics or chemistry or, you know, you name it, agriculture — and when they go back to their classrooms and talk this over among their peers, more peers get interested.
When we meet someone we really like — someone with whom we have instant chemistry and infinite things to talk about — the desire to spend all of our time with that person right away can obviously be intense.
For anyone who has ever wondered how food affects our ability to concentrate and be productive, this talk will explain how the chemistry of food affects the chemistry of the brain, including all of the latest research studies about the subject.
Balanced Brain Chemistry — We are excited to welcome Dr. Dan Kalish to talk about balanced brain chemistry.
Today we're going to talk about brain chemistry and how it's implicated in depression, ADD, obesity, addiction, and even Parkinson's and how it's actually possible to reverse these conditions naturally by addressing neurotransmitter levels in the brain.
Usage of single form (instead of mix of all relevant tocopherols) would also potentially worsen the results for supplement group... not to even talk about introducing un-natural form to body which can not be operated by body chemistry.
Caryn Hartglass: You were talking in your book about the biochemistry of the body, and this is another case where you know the head bones connected to the... everything's connected and there's a lot of chemistry going on in our bodies and our thoughts create the chemical reactions, the chemicals that we excrete in different situations, and some of them can be toxic to us right?
Essentially, the first date with someone you've met online is all about discovering whether there is chemistry between you and therefore the location you pick needs to allow you the space to talk.
It's quite weird finishing a date with someone where you know there's chemistry, but you don't really know how much, and you've been talking for a good portion of the night about all the other dates you're going on!
Have a think about what might be interesting for your date and try to ensure that the venue allows you ample opportunity to test your connection and chemistry; a night at the cinema might appeal to you as a cosy option, but would mean less time to talk and get to know one another.
There's nothing wrong with talking about the second date on the first date if you both feel the chemistry.
Dan called in to talk about the latest trends in mobile dating as well as their focus on matching based primarily on chemistry over compatibility.
A place to post chemistry news, talk about your latest experiment, or socialize with a large group of chemistry enthusiasts.
I have been talking to a potential SB for a couple of months, and we met two weeks ago — had great chemistry — but she is getting cold feet about my marital status — not sure what will happen on that one, but I am not too optimistic right now.
Jennifer Lawrence was unsurprisingly charismatic and she has some great chemistry with Hutcherson, but Francis Lawrence didn't talk much about how he approached the material when he took over as director.
Vera Farmiga went on to talk about working with Jacob, the chemistry between them and how the young actor is open, mischievous and very savvy.
There's nothing revelatory about any of the character's backstories and Kendrick's chemistry with Russell is the kind of bad that we just don't need to talk about.
We also talked about Johnson and Wayans» New Girl chemistry and Johnson's appearance in the upcoming Jurassic World.
Actors with an ability to deliver filthy dialogue very fast, have perfect chemistry, talk a ton of crap and dish about football.
The filmmaker talks with SPINOFF about the chemistry between stars Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart, and the comic adaptations that got away.
At the film's recent press day, Carrey and Daniels talked about reprising their roles in the sequel, how it was driven by fan demand, what it was like getting back into character and finding their chemistry again, the love between the characters, which one is Dumb and which one is Dumber, how the characters hold a special place in their lives as they do for the fans, the return of the Mutt Cutts van and other callbacks from the original film, working with Kathleen Turner, their favorite scene, and where they see their characters in another 20 years.
During our chat, Ms. Nadda and I talk about her recent fascination with thrillers, the art of on - screen chemistry and the difficulties, especially in today's landscape, of romances that simmer just below the surface.
The first two acts still manage to entertain, relying heavily on the charm and chemistry of Lerman, Watson and Ezra Miller (Kevin of We Need to Talk About... fame).
One student, for example, in feedback provided to Rachlin, talked about not giving up after receiving a devastating score of 49 on a chemistry test.
... She connected to nuclear decay, local customs, policies regarding clean up after a disaster etc. (all things she is deeply interested in), and then she talked about her struggles in statistics and how applying the knowledge from chemistry gave context to what she had been attempting to master in statistics.
A place to post chemistry news, talk about your latest experiment, or socialize with a large group of chemistry enthusiasts.
Here's a direct link to the opening section of the 2003 lecture that I described in telegraphic fashion on Twitter — an inspiring talk given repeatedly in 2003 by Richard Smalley, the chemistry Nobelist who spent his final years on the planet speaking about the great opportunities that lay in pursuit of a durable energy menu:
There's also a reason you don't want to talk about atmospheric chemistry proper, as it's in all the textbooks on earth, regarding calculation of the temperature of gases and air.
He spent a lot of time talking about the profound effects of these «black smokers» on sea - water chemistry.
And talk about the invisible things that we're doing, that shift in the chemistry of the oceans is completely invisible but very consequential in the long run.
Because to be able to understand the climate system, «we have to talk about geology, Earth's history, some chemistry, even biology.
Talk briefly about your passions here and further generate chemistry to help hiring professionals get a feel for what kind of person you are.
A place to post chemistry news, talk about your latest experiment, or socialize with a large group of chemistry enthusiasts.
Welcome to episode 55 of the Sexology Podcast, today I am delighted to be joined again by Dr. Sharon Cohen who talks to us about why sexual chemistry is a necessity for any relationship to thrive, learning to enjoy the stability of relationships and...
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