Sentences with phrase «tall plant in»

That little spot to the right of the black bench is just screaming out for a tall plant in a lovely pot.

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The humidity is so high in one of the finishing rooms, filled with vertical shelves packed with mini marijuana plants, that a light rain falls from the tall ceiling.
But that's nothing compared with an in - development project he believes will be his masterpiece: a 100 - foot tall cannabis plant.
Usually compact plant with stays under 1m tall but in ideal conditions these plants can grow up to 5 - 6 meters tall!
As a result, his pepper plants grew seven feet tall and were still producing in mid-December.
Somewhere, someone got the idea that this automatically meant genetically modified super peppers were just around the corner; that Corporate America couldn't wait to swoop in and destroy small growers in the state by planting taller growing, sturdier chile plants.
The tomato plants in our container garden are a 4 - foot - tall tangled mess.
Tall plants like tomatoes in the background, smaller plants in the foreground.
The plants regularly grow to between one and two - and - a-half feet tall, with white blossoms and slightly elongated fruit that rarely get bigger than two inches in length.
Also a problem is that some transplants are «forced» with high levels of nitrogen, resulting in tall plants with insufficient root growth.
This is understandable considering that coffee plants can range from small shrubs to tall trees, with leaves from 1 to 40 centimeters in size, and from purple or yellow, to the predominant dark green, in color.
The plant grows between 24 to 30 inches tall and produces late in the season.
In Jamaica, we found an 12 - foot tall pepper plant growing right outside a kitchen window.
At the house that we lived in during the 80's I had an tarragon bed with plants 4 feet tall!
And I can't wait until the corn grows just a little bit more, so she's fully surrounded by tall green plants, snug in her corner with a book and her hammock.
I intended it for the garden, but I think I might just plant some tall decorative grasses in it and make it a front porch planter instead - at least for this season.
Annabel's corner of the garden is all but hidden with the tall potato plants in front of it.
Danger in the Reeds is a series of documentary videos developed to educate the public about an aggressive invading plant, Phragmites australis, which is pushing out the natural diversity with dense, monoculture stands of tall reeds with deeply penetrating roots.
A ton of you suggested getting a tall plant to help fill the space, but I have zero faith in my ability to keep anything alive besides myself...
After he had gathered it in a pot, he hanged it in front of him and was climbing a tall tree to plant it there but wasn't successful, it took his son to tell him that hanging it behind him was a better option».
It offers a good - sized growing area, especially for taller plants, and is easy to stick in a corner out of the way even if you don't have tons of space.
While all around it cower from the cold and wind high in the Himalayas, one plant stands tall.
The bucket size can suit medium - sized plants and also help prevent plants that like to get big from getting too tall or too large in general.
The Fukushima plant is crowded with 10 - meter - tall tanks storing tainted water used to cool melted nuclear fuel masses and groundwater that infiltrated the site — some 750,000 tons in all.
Its tall, gangly, inefficient architecture makes it an environmental laggard among plants, one that sucks up water and fertilizer while leaching out gobs of nutrients that run off in rainfall, polluting surface waters from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico.
Titan arums, native to the sweltering tropical forests of Sumatra, produce the largest unbranched inflorescences in the plant world, routinely topping the heights of the tallest professional basketball players.
A plant for «dire» circumstances «In many cases, the varieties that are grown in countries of Africa, Asia and South America are very tall,» Tuinstra saiIn many cases, the varieties that are grown in countries of Africa, Asia and South America are very tall,» Tuinstra saiin countries of Africa, Asia and South America are very tall,» Tuinstra said.
In a greenhouse in West Lafayette, Ind., Burkhard Schulz and his colleagues have created an estimated 15,000 dwarf mutant corn plants that stand only a few feet tall but pack all the nutritional content of a conventional corn planIn a greenhouse in West Lafayette, Ind., Burkhard Schulz and his colleagues have created an estimated 15,000 dwarf mutant corn plants that stand only a few feet tall but pack all the nutritional content of a conventional corn planin West Lafayette, Ind., Burkhard Schulz and his colleagues have created an estimated 15,000 dwarf mutant corn plants that stand only a few feet tall but pack all the nutritional content of a conventional corn plant.
Three chemicals companies, one in Britain and two in mainland Europe, are testing the hormone on cereal crops in the hope that they can make the plants stocky and robust rather than tall and straggly.
Because the seedlings stand only 10 centimeters tall, the scientists concluded that the leaves» color would help a young, tender plant blend in with leaf litter and hide it from a browsing moa.
Native Americans cultivated sunflowers to use for food, medicine, and dye, says Lentz, and their breeding efforts produced tall, single - headed plants with big seeds that are rich in nutrients and easy to harvest.
Diminutive azaleas, bright with jewel - blue blossoms, blanketed a slope, and in a damp spot, Yin pointed out a tall primrose, Primula wilsonii, the first plant named for Wilson and one that he collected in 1900, on his first expedition.
A simple signaling pathway tells plants whether to grow tall in search of sunlight (far right) or to develop leaves (left).
If not killed early, pigweed — also called Palmer amaranth — can grow as tall as a small shade tree in fields, gobble nutrients away from cotton plants, steal yields and in severe cases make harvest difficult or impossible.
Nonetheless, building a user - friendly device that allows scientists to track the activity of a single gene in all cell types over the course of a plant's life cycle is a tall order.
These pellets are loaded into metal tubes that are bundled in fuel assemblies (12 to 17 feet tall) and shipped to nuclear power plants.
Response: The tallest SMR - 160 plant structure is similar in height to a small city water tower.
Compounds in the fruit of this tall, blue - violet plant appear to increase the production (or block the breakdown) of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate the hormone prolactin.
Poison Control Campers, backpackers, and other outdoorsy types can steer clear of poison ivy, oak, and sumac by knowing how to identify each plant: Poison ivy typically has a woody, ropelike vine and three leaflets that turn green in the summer; poison oak shows off clusters of yellow berries and oaklike leaves (usually in clusters of three); and poison sumac is a rangy shrub that grows up to 15 feet tall, with seven to 13 smooth - edge leaflets.
A while ago, I planted two young spruces along a wooded path to my cabin in Minnesota — a sapling 3 feet tall and the other, a foot and a half.
Both the snake plant and ZZ plant are tall, structural showstoppers, while the philodendron and pothos are trailing plants with heart - shaped leaves, which come in a variety of variegations.
The rubber plant can grow up to 8 feet tall in the proper conditions.
In time, these stately plants can grow 5 to 6 feet tall.
They grow in bunches of 20 to 40 on the stem of a plant that grows as high as three feet tall.
In fact, one summer, we had 3 foot tall basil plants take over the garden.
On the other hand, the Masai tribe of East Africa that are among the tallest people in the world eat a diet mainly of animal proteins and even blood, with very little plant based foods, but have an almost non-existent cancer rate.
By the time the plants are a few inches tall, you will need to thin them — just pull out a few for an instant salad of fresh baby greens in November!
In fact, 15 - foot tall dracaenas are common, making it a great plant for decorating your living space.
Native to Andean region of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru, in South America, quinoa plants grow up to 3.3 - 6.6 feet (1 - 2 m) tall, and flowers range in color from yellow to violet and every shade in between.
A ton of you suggested getting a tall plant to help fill the space, but I have zero faith in my ability to keep anything alive besides myself and my dog (though Will informs me our future children will require more than weekly hydration, so I'll keep you posted).
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