Sentences with phrase «tangible books do»

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It's pretty damn easy to maintain the illusion if everything is «on the books» and you do not have to do anything to tangible demonstrate your cash generating abilities.
Quoting scripture doesn't prove anymore than quoting a Greek myth, these are books and tales written thousands of years ago, where plenty of their corresponding stories have been dis proven, and no tangible proof, what we would consider modern - day scientific proof still exists.
One Year to an Organized Life with Baby is a book that is tangible in scope — perfect for those who need guidance on what to get done, and in a totally doable fashion.
For me personally I don't like having to use a website all the time, I like tangible books to browse through.
Long before social media gave us a way to gather tangible evidence that we're not as fabulous / successful / attractive / cool / fill - in - the - blank as the people we know, most of us were highly skilled at telling ourselves that no matter how much we did — how many times we worked out or meditated, how many books we wrote or clients we had or money we made — it wasn't enough.
How does book marketing for authors produce tangible results and spark book sales?
No, there isn't a tangible copy, and print costs were not incurred, but didn't you write the book?
Mostly, I expect to save money with an ereader over a physical book, because I do not get a tangible object of any value beyond the intellectual property that I can borrow — until the content provider, be it Amazon or B&N decides to remove it from my device.
Do you think people are resistant to change and breaking out of old patterns to read on an e-reader instead of a tangible book?
Not only can you do this with characters, but also specific events or other tangibles that are mentioned throughout the book.
e-Readers often do a good job at obfuscating what you are reading more than a tangible book.
The average customer does not have a Android, Apple or iOS smartphone due to the costs and still rely on tangible books.
Sometimes electronic formats can't do a book justice and there's nothing like holding a tangible manifestation of your hard work.
However, I do believe that those who support the bookstore and tangible books are being ripped off in the sense we are not getting a e version with our tangible book, so we would have to buy another version if we wanted a e version so buying the book twice is not something most people would approve of nor want.
Marcus Leaver, CEO, The Quarto Group then said that «the tangible book is pretty good technology and we don't have to digitize everything that moves.
In the past, Rich has self - published various compilations of his series in tangible book form, but did not see it in the retail sphere.
And yet I don't know one single person — including people who swear by their Kindles — who doesn't want there to be tangible, portable, non-electronic books.
Somehow the tactile process of writing goals, crossing of completed items and seeing a book full of dated pages of notes is satisfying and tangible proof that I accomplished things I set out to do.
You can do what I plan to do and go to and create a little video and see if you can raise sufficient funds to self - publish your tangible book.
A book may not require the same «tangible» overheads that a bag of potato chips does, but it does require time and money to write and produce one, and Amazon's Kindle Unlimited is simply not a sustainable business model as of this moment.
There's nothing like a tangible thing when you go and speak to people, and so very much of what I do is getting in front of people, so if I didn't have a book in my hands — to tell them to go and download it isn't the same.
I'm doing a lot of work on bank stocks lately, looking at a lot of cheap stocks selling for significantly less than their tangible book value.
@japhychron @TFMkts @dvandeventer @Dvolatility Or, does the negative tangible book have an impact on modeling?
This analysis does not even take into account the value of Aviat's long - term assets of $ 61 million, or $ 1.02 per share, which, when added to net current assets of $ 3.35 per share, equates to tangible book value of $ 4.37 per share.
How do you calculate Tangible Book Value, is it just Book value with Goodwill subtracted from total assets?
This being retail, actually the former is probably more appropriate, but you can't teach an old dog new tricks; I have always liked to use tangible book value as a proxy for intrinsic value, so that's what I did here.
Tangible book value is of interest to me because I assume it more closely describes the likely value of a company in liquidation than book value does.
Unfortunately, we were restricted from buying back more stock when it was cheap — below tangible book value — and we did not get permission to buy back stock until it was selling at $ 45 a share.
For the next 3 days, Margaret focused on identifying tangible examples of what she wanted in a job simply by paying attention to her current job, talking to friends, reading books, and noticing what other people did in her workplace.
One of our favorites is the WorryWoos series, a set of books and accompanying plush toys that do a stellar job of making emotions «tangible» for kids in a way that feels empowering to both parents and kids.
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