Sentences with phrase «tangible expression»

To you, those gifts or gestures are tangible expressions of effort and care.
The release of human bodies in the context of worship gave tangible expression to what Pentecostals meant by freedom in the Spirit.
The most tangible expression of religious practice among college students is the surge in volunteerism.
Therefore, the incarnate life that John presents is divine and eternal life, not its human derivative, and this life finds tangible expression in the person of Jesus Christ and him alone.
However, fearing that such an apology — which might indeed have laid the matter to rest — would be deemed inadequate, the stubborn eighty - seven - year - old owner of the company had demanded a more tangible expression of...
If you or your partner respond best to tangible expressions of love, the receiving of gifts may be your primary love language.
On the other hand, a vague mood of impulse toward goodness sometimes passes as prayer, as but usually soon dies away for lack of tangible expression.
The subject of a twenty - two - line poem found in the last chapter of the book of Proverbs, the «woman of noble character» is meant to be a tangible expression of the book's celebrated virtue of wisdom.
It is a tangible expression of love and self,
The Great Commandment (Mark 12:28 - 34) challenges us to ensure the tangible expressions of our holistic love for God is seen the way love our neighbor.
It is a tangible expression of love both for God as Creator and for His people.
He writes that the laymen reported increased honesty with patients; increased ability to listen to the patients; increased ability to notice nonverbal behavior; lessening of the savior role; increased ability to help the patient face the facts as they are, and a lessening of the temptation to give false assurance; and finally, further realization that their being with another person was a tangible expression of God's concern.
Because for some it is the tangible expression of respect.
Yet our tech is a tangible expression of something much greater.
Writing Love Letters To Your Wife - How To Get Started Writing love letters to your wife is a great way to give her a tangible expression of your love.
Every year, competitors are asked two questions in order to seek out tangible expressions of DesignShare's key theme, Designing for the Ever Changing Future of Learning.
She added: «They realise that a healthy, safe and thriving community is the tangible expression of their values as an effective place of learning and development for all pupils.
They are the tangible expression of a museum's mission.
ROCI became Rauschenberg's primary preoccupation between 1984 and 1991 and was a tangible expression of his belief in art as a catalyst for global dialogue.
More importantly, the CPP is of immense symbolic value on the international stage, as the tangible expression of Obama's promises at the Paris climate talks.
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