Sentences with phrase «tangible products which»

Paradoxical as this may seem, despite their abstract or fleeting nature, digital media undoubtedly generate their own visual language and tangible products which, as it were, form a tactile residue: physical traces and fragments of another, abstract dimension.

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In other countries, he notes, banks are making products more tangible by allowing customers to shop for them in off - the - shelf boxes, which makes things like getting a new bank card as easy as picking up cornflakes at your local supermarket.
Statistics Canada describes Canada's economy as one «divided into two sectors: the goods - producing sector which makes tangible products, and the services - producing sector which is essentially everything else».
This is the tangible financial impact to hard foreign body contaminants in food, however there is also the intangible brand impact which a product recall can have — made even more prevalent given the ease with which bad news spreads through social media.
Question topics included financial incentives given by the City to Altronix (which hosted the Mayor for a visit just before the press conference), whether the mayor has concerns about offering such incentives, whether his jobs task force will work with local communities, whether his affordable housing plan conflicts with his plan to enable more manufacturing in the city, what a base livable minimum wage is, whether the mayor is concerned about the possibility that Republicans may control the U.S. Senate next year, whether NY State has done enough to assist NYC in obtaining hazard mitigation money from the federal government, the Mayor's views on items sold at the September 11th Museum gift shop and what the first «tangible» product of the task force will be.
The activities are clearly aligned with both the prompting and making levels of the model, in which students are challenged first to «observe detect patterns, create associations or make inferences» (Hammond & Manfra, 2009, p. 164) and then transfer their understanding and skill through the development of a tangible product.
The site mentions that yet - unheard - of model will also be a «tangible example of the fascinating possibilities of digital product development, exemplifying the fundamental technological changes which are taking place in the automotive industry.»
The Cash Back / Free Trade / Product Offer category of promotions includes those offers from brokerages that typically consist of a user either getting cash back, free trades or trading credits (either through waived commission fees or commission reimbursements) and product offer promotions where a discount brokerage may be offering up a tangible item or equivalent gift card which has a definable marketProduct Offer category of promotions includes those offers from brokerages that typically consist of a user either getting cash back, free trades or trading credits (either through waived commission fees or commission reimbursements) and product offer promotions where a discount brokerage may be offering up a tangible item or equivalent gift card which has a definable marketproduct offer promotions where a discount brokerage may be offering up a tangible item or equivalent gift card which has a definable market value.
Like any successful kickstarter project you not only offer the tangible (buy my seminar product in advance for «XYZ» dollars) but you also offer the intangible which is XYZ + + + + more valuable.
Why it matters: It's the most tangible product update the company has made in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which sparked a global conversation around user data privacy being compromised for advertising and marketing purposes.
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