Sentences with phrase «tangled in»

They become tangled in vegetation, lost among the dunes or in peril on the highways.
They found her tangled in a pile of driftwood in a ravine.
The lanterns got tangled in trees and power lines as they rose, causing fires, and more than once the bars went dark.
A corridor of redwoods and pines tangled in the fog of San Francisco Bay.
Pets can get tangled in costumes with lots of ties and strings, and there is a risk of choking on small costume parts if your pet loves to chew.
(Of course, that means you have to brush more frequently, or those shed hairs tangled in the long hair will fuse into a matted mess.)
Please do not attempt to do this yourself or your dogs might become tangled in the lines of the team in front in the process.
The leash should be long enough to give your dog some slack, but not so long that he's constantly tangled in the excess.
As your cat sheds his dead hairs, they can become tangled in the rest of his hair, causing mats.
«Animals are drawn to car engines because they are seeking warmth and then they can get tangled in the motor pipes, including the fan belt,» said Insp. Miriam Smith.
FYI - a lot of the smaller fleas I got of my cats were not caught in the teeth but were either tangled in the removed loose fur or just on top of the teeth so I just used my fingers to hold them in place until I could put them in the dish liquid / water container.
A rambunctious dog could knock an IV pole over, or get tangled in the tubing.
That's not only so his leash doesn't get tangled in a stroller, but it's primarily so you can sense his mood.
Starting with the legs and abdomen and working your way up to the face, use a wide - toothed comb to remove any debris which may have become tangled in your cats fur and separate any knots.
A neighbor called to report that Miley, an eight - pound Chihuahua, was tangled in a tie - out cable and yelping in pain.
Make sure they do not become tangled in ribbons or other wrappings.
The best collar option is a breakaway safety collar, which allows for quick detachment should your curious cat get tangled in something.
Low - hanging Christmas lights are a burning hazard, and animals can get tangled in them or shocked if they bite through the wire.
Pets can get tangled in lights, or worse yet, they can get electrocuted if they chew on them.
They can be a lot of fun at the park, in areas where there aren't other dogs around to get tangled in it.
Days later I found him tangled in some...
According to the Telegram, Willard had left a dish of water in the front seat, but the dog's leash was tangled in a seat belt, preventing her from reaching it... and though the car windows were cracked, they little to dissipate the sweltering temperature inside.
It can get tangled in the intestines (which sometimes can be fatal if surgery is not done).
After watching the bird closely, it became obvious that his wing was tangled in a piece of fishing line hanging from a tree, so she called the OHS for help.
They often have very long fur to protect them in the farm environment, but in a family home this translates into a lot of grooming to remove burrs, leaves, small sticks, and other foreign objects that will become tangled in the coat.
Curtain and drapery cords: Should be tied up high enough to be out of reach so they can't get tangled in them.
NOTE: Never leave your puppy unattended while she is tethered as she may get tangled in her leash and injure herself.
Half hour later you could see the fleas paralyzed, tangled in the fur and starting to fall off.
Your job is to save animals, and if you get lazy or sloppy and end up getting sued or prosecuted or audited, you will not only be kicking yourself, but you will be tangled in an ugly mess that will make it a lot harder for you to fulfill your rescue's mission.
As a farm dog, he diligently carries out his responsibilities, be they bringing in the stock or finding that stray one that got tangled in the brush.
Even if you're gone «only for a minute,» something could spook them and they could become tangled in the leash.
You may even want to trim his hair if it drags on the floor to avoid any foreign items getting tangled in the coat.
The hair of some of the dogs was so matted that groomers found velcro, chewing gum wrappers, a four - inch plastic spike and countless other items tangled in their coats.
Keeping toys out of reach of small children is vital because a child could easily swallow small pieces, get tangled in the toy or be harmed in some way.
Many dogs have become tangled in these and strangled.
Her muzzle suddenly became tangled in the other dog's collar.
I recently came home and found my chihuahua mix had gotten himself tangled in the button part of my duvet cover and it was wrapped around his neck several times, very tightly!
Otherwise the hairs gets tangled in the dog's dense, curly, single - layer coat.
Park vegetation that may have burrs or seeds that could get tangled in a dog's coat or lodge in a dog's feet, ears, or eyes.
The complaints I hear today are mostly from people still tangled in a current attorney model debt settlement program or an old advanced fee program.
I wonder if sometime after the July report, Amazon changed their HTML slightly and the spider got tangled in the web
I never manage to be as clear as you on this subject, but tend to get myself tangled in irritation when I read the sort of glib misleading stuff that you have so brilliantly unpicked.
Lillian practices using her enchantment in the forest, where she goes unnoticed.But when she gets tangled in the business of curses and fae, Lillian must openly defy her uncle, or lose the magic that she holds dear.Frogs & Fae is a Tales of Fae novelette, and is a standalone story.Sign up at karajaynes dot com, for notifications of future releases...
Will Thad figure it out in time to save her, or will Casey become a conspirator to a murderer?The Celebration SeriesWelcome to the first book in the Celebration Township Series, Tangled in Tinsel.
Samsung and Apple are tangled in a number of legal battles around the world, and Samsung carried the companies» squabbles over to a recent advertising campaign that built up to the launch of its supersized smartphone, the Galaxy Note.
Begin by selecting dramatic pictures from the book, such as a close - up photograph of a bat tangled in a net.
My ears still raw from the rush of wind, seaweed still tangled in my hair, sea salt still dripping from my eyelids... I was cradled in a wave of words
The children are forced to seek help when the bird, Isis, gets tangled in fishing line, and after a naturalist gets involved, the community is able to track the osprey's migration to Gambia.
Olivia stuffs her baby brother full of blueberry pie, gets tangled in the lights and sets the table for dinner.
Second Street Station by Lawrence H. Levy Brooklyn's first woman detective, Mary Handley, finds herself tangled in a mystery in the late 19th century, just as the notorious Edison / Tesla feud over the electricity market unfolds.
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