Sentences with phrase «tantric chakra system»

The tantric chakra system tends to function within the context of the esoteric culture within which it arose.
In this course, Kristine will lay out the knowledge of the Tantric chakra system, as detailed in the Mahanirvana Tantra and the Sat Cakra Nirupama.
The oral tradition of yoga overflows with these fractal patterns which are outlined in the teachings of the tantric chakra system.
In this audio download with Kaoverii Kristine Weber, we will look at the tantric chakras system and discuss the basics of chakra asanas from a physical and psycho - spiritual perspective.

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And if we can understand the application of the chakra system through the lens of traditional tantric teachings, I think it can offer us a more expanded, holistic model of human health, potential, and thriving.
In the tantric system the idea of optimizing the function of your chakras is related to bringing the vibration of your own individual elements into harmony with the cosmic elemental vibrations of the universe.
According to the tantrics, the chakra system organizes prana and facilitates essential subtle energy flows which then provide a blueprint for the structure and function of the whole human being — body, mind, and spirit.
The medieval tantrics had some substantially different ideas about the chakra system than those that are currently popular in the West today.
For the tantrics, the chakra system is the microcosmic fractal of the cosmic elements (mahatattvas) within each of us.
Understanding the tantric perspective on the chakra system may be useful in better understanding who we are as human beings and how we heal and thrive.
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