Sentences with phrase «tapered off»

There wasn't anything that really sped labor up for me, but with my first, I ate dates and that seemed to help with recovery after, my bleeding stopped 6 days after delivery, while with my second and no dates this time, my bleeding had tapered off around 3.5 weeks!
So, after taking it for 8 years, and experiencing disabling insomnia, I tapered off it.
It is not safe to abruptly stop taking it (instead, the dose must be tapered off) and long - term use is discouraged.
so she wants to be tapered off it.
The study also showed that the health benefits of exercise significantly tapered off after anything more than 90 minutes of exercise per day.
I tapered off meds over a period of a year.
I was on 1.5 mg xanax and tapered off valium as prescribed.
I have been on a short course before and tapered off over a week or so and added adrenal cortex once I had ceased taking it.
I lost the first 50 lbs quite rapidly, then tapered off.
Even after eating a ketogenic diet for some time, when I ate at a large calorie deficit for a prolonged time, my weight loss tapered off and I had symptoms of metabolism falling.
The bleeding had ruined two pairs of underpants but had tapered off by the time I climbed onto the examining table.
Two patients who remained seizure - free tapered off the diet because they found it difficult to follow.
In the higher administrative positions the numbers further tapered off, with only 6 percent holding lab chief positions.
Taken together, these data suggest that Zika infections would have tapered off well before the Olympics, which is just what happened.
After treating the mice with two forms of dietary antioxidants, the researchers observed that the biomarkers of kidney damage diminished and the faltering kidney filtration rate tapered off.
As with seasonal flu, infections tapered off during the summer of 2013 but reappeared with colder weather.
Some of these mice were also engineered so that levels of the BACE1 enzyme, which is mostly found in the brain, gradually tapered off over time.
The blitz finally tapered off 3.8 billion years ago.
At the end of six months, the amount of EZH2 and DNMT1 enzymes had tapered off in the cells exposed to the smoke.
Maguire said he couldn't recall, but agreed that the amount of food tapered off as various agencies demobilized and left the emergency operations center.
De Blasio's increasingly bitter war of words with Cuomo has also tapered off, even though the two still appear to disagree on several policy issues including funding for Medicaid and the City University of New York.
(NYSUT has given $ 22,500; its contributions tapered off last year.)
While the snow has tapered off, Picente still urges travels to exercise caution as temperatures will continue to dip and some areas of the county... Read more
It is tapered off between # 20,000 and # 42,000.
I have tapered off the granola bar to 2 - 3 days a week and now that the thrill is gone she barely notices when I don't pack it.
We had tapered off to just twice a day, then once a day, then I went out of town for a long weekend.
I finally decided that I had more milk than we could ever use, so I tapered off and only pumped 3 times a day.
My fourth and fifth babies were only 20 months apart (didn't want the fourth to be virtually an only child, and I was nearly 40) and though my 20 mo. had tapered off in my last months of pregnancy, she was so excited when my milk came in, it was hilarious!
I tapered off over the next 2 months.
So my body kind of tapered off from that and I remember thinking with the twins, when I was still pregnant with them thinking, okay, I can't let that important time frame where I'm like literally my waking up, my shirt just soaked.
The medication is usually tapered off gradually, always monitoring for any reappearance of symptoms.
There were a handful of occasions we both turned to her breast for comfort after weaning (on really bad days), but it tapered off by age 6 or 7 or so.
I've already tapered off considerably from where I used to be — posting daily or nearly daily — and it feels good to take a break.
In recent years, Top the Cops» attendance has tapered off.
He had tapered off his heavy training to a series of light isometrics in the York Barbell Company gym, in which he would tug and push against fixed equipment until he bent girders and generally twisted everything out of shape.
During the fourth quarter 2015, share price declines of the precious metals mining companies tapered off once the last of the weak hands gave up and sold their positions to stronger, forward - looking investors.
«The supercycle ain't over, China is still buying, demand for commodities hasn't tapered off, it's even higher than it's ever been,» Glasenberg said today in an interview.
New home building tapered off over the last decade.
As soon as the likes, comments and shares have really tapered off, this indicates the post is probably no longer sitting in the news feed of fans and it's safe to make another post.
There are more traditional shaving products available today than since the use of the double edge razor tapered off in the 1970s.
For example, Huffington Post's estimated monthly unique visitors is on the order of 200 million, but that number tapered off dramatically when BuzzFeed emerged as a serious competitor.
It also was the start of a third consecutive spring in which employers tapered off their hiring after a healthy start to the year.
The data seems to bear this out: At companies where payout rates tapered off beyond a given target, CEOs tended to deliver results at or just above the target and seldom much beyond it.
Buffett's performance has not tapered off over the decades, despite Berkshire Hathaway's size, with its legendary 1,063,315 % shareholder returns over the years (or 22 % annualized).
The researchers concluded that since that time, boards appear to have become much more thoughtful about how they make grants to CEOs, and the growth rate of CEO pay has also tapered off.
Handy: Theoretically, the amount in private equity should be larger early on and taper off over time as they get closer to retirement age.
With car ownership estimated to taper off over the next decade, perks like complimentary parking are no longer appealing or possible in metropolitan cities where parking space is limited.
The shrieking lasts for about 30 seconds before tapering off, though a stray, plaintive «Iloveyoouu!»
While you may want to taper off the frequency of your social activities with work friends to avoid undermining your authority, don't be afraid to celebrate your new job with your colleagues.
«I think the pressure [to increase interest rates] will be there, because the Fed in the U.S. should stop printing money, and taper off as they say,» Mr. Flaherty, referring to the dialling back of U.S. bond - buying, told CTV in an interview aired Sunday.
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