Sentences with phrase «tar sands companies»

In an example of why tar sands companies» efforts to focus on ways to reduce the carbon intensity of their operations misses some of the equally bad, and more immediate, environmental problems with tar sands extraction, it
There is no requirement for tar sands companies to return the boreal forest to its natural state, only «an equivalent land capability» capable of supporting one or more uses that «existed prior to any activity being conducted on the land,» even though «the individual land uses will not necessarily be identical.»
This rapid increase in GHGs is because there is not one single federal regulation to limit the amount of GHGs from tar sands development, permitting tar sands companies to continue to expand production — and greenhouse gas emissions — in perpetuity.
It turns out Canadian tar sands companies and American conservationists agree on something: The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would significantly raise America's gas prices.
Though not a formal recommendation, three - quarters of the committee members supported the university divesting from coal and tar sand companies but not from other fossil fuel industry members.

Not exact matches

The biggest environmental story of the year was the company's enormous tar sands pipeline, and the backlash against it — a movement built around a simple idea: If this project is built, we can kiss a stable climate goodbye.
In the face of a court challenge from a broad coalition of environmental and community groups and massive community opposition, the DEC today halted Global Companies» proposed expansion of its massive Albany oil train facility to handle tar sands oil.
Besides exploiting its own reserves, the government also owns 67 per cent of the energy company Statoil, which is investing in Canadian tar sands, among other projects.
The Canadian energy company TransCanada wants to build Keystone XL to carry oil from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, to Nebraska.
If this happens, a combination of even more subsidies to the oil companies and technological breakthroughs could easily enable both tar sands and shale oil - and then we may be really in trouble.
Due to the successful delay of the Keystone XL pipeline, Canadian oil companies to consider alternate routes for getting tar sands to market, including the Energy East Pipeline to New Brunswick and the Northern Gateway, which would flow west to Vancouver.
Relationship to Cap & Trade Assume, for the sake of discussion that, outside of a few outer continental shelf areas near the USA, Canada's tar sands are the only economically useful major new reserves accessible to publicly traded oil companies.
Well, because tar sand - extracted oils have a 2X + greater carbon footprint than «conventional oil,» operating margins for producing oil in Alberta will be roughly 1/2 as good as those of the competing state oil companies, once Cap & Trade is fully implemented.
The company took to Twitter this afternoon to respond to what it called «allegations» that Exxon isn't liable for the full costs of cleaning up their tar sands crude spill in Mayflower, Arkansas.
Protesters fear environmental damage, especially from possible oil spills; are frustrated with oil companies» grip on US politics; and condemn the impacts of tar sands exploitation on the boreal forest and First Nations in Canada.
It must be noted that it was conducted by firms connected to companies involved in tar sands production.
Five companies in this guide are listed in the latest report looking at who funds extreme fossil fuels, like tar sands, Arctic oil and coal mining:
We know which oil refineries process tar sands, and ForestEthics has already convinced 19 companies to stop buying from them.
«Nearly three years after the Kalamazoo river spill, tar sands pipeline companies are pushing ahead with major expansion plans without doing due diligence of the risks associated with tar sands diluted bitumen transport on pipelines....
Like the 2013 historic floods in Calgary that forced the head offices of the oil companies mining the Alberta tar sands to go dark and send their employees home, while a train carrying flammable petroleum products teetered on the edge of a disintegrating rail bridge.
As the refining of bitumen from tar sands mines creates particularly dirty fuel, Valero and the other oil companies crawling around northern Alberta aren't happy to see California's Global Warming Solutions Act survive Proposition 23.
The massive pile comes from the Marathon Oil Company's refining of tar sands at its Detroit refinery, and it's been getting a lot of attention over the past few months.
With most of the world's highest quality resources already exhausted, companies are turning to formerly undesirable alternatives such as tar sands oil, which come with higher energetic price tags yet lower returns.
To increase supplies, most companies are looking to tar sands in Canada or converting coal or natural gas into liquid fuels, technologies that emit far more carbon dioxide than conventional oil does.
The company insists its tar sands production is only 15 % more carbon intensive on a well - to - wheels basis and says it has always played a constructive role in climate - change issues.
Instead of wildcatting in costly, unproven non-conventional fossil fuel technologies such as fracking and tar sands that add greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, the company could show foresight and leadership by investing in clean, renewable energy such as wind, solar and geothermal.»
For compulsive watchers of Enbridge Inc., the spill - crazy pipeline company that wants to pipe tar sands crude to the Canadian West Coast - or just for students of the barefaced lie - this video can't be beaten.
But this is an area where American companies have always excelled, and 19 have already made strides to be tar sands - free.
Companies with fleets of cars and trucks have a critical role to play ensuring that as America raises efficiency and embraces renewable fuels, we also turn away from the dirtiest, most carbon - intensive sources of oil — Canadian tar sands.
Nineteen U.S. companies, including Walgreens, Whole Foods, and Columbia Sportswear, have committed to taking action that reflects strong opposition to tar sands.
«We want to see more British companies active in the energy supply chain across Canada,» he said, repeatedly pointing to opportunities in Alberta's tar sands and Western Canada's shale gas reserves.
With a focus on 17 primary target banks, they call on «individuals, businesses, organizations and governments to withdraw their money from these banks» until they stop financing Enbridge, Kinder Morgan and TransCanada, the companies behind the Dakota Access Pipeline and four proposed new tar sands pipelines projects.
Dutch Rabobank will now refuse loans to companies involved in tar sands and shale gas, citing the long - term financial and environmental risks are too large.
Transporting toxic crude oil — and tar sands in particular — is inherently dangerous, more so because oil companies care about profit, not public safety.
In July 2013, Storebrand, a major Norwegian pension fund advisor, excluded from its Energy Sector all 13 coal producers and the 6 oil companies with the highest exposure to tar sands «to reduce Storebrand's exposure to fossil fuels and to secure long term, stable returns for our clients...»»
Because until we are sure beyond any doubt that companies will actually fix faulty pipelines, until we know that public health officials will actually protect our children, until we know what we're dealing with and how to clean it up, tar sands oil is just too dangerous.
Both were shocked during yesterday's testimony by TransCanada (the company who wants to build the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline across the US) officials who said, «Diluted bitumen [tar sands oil] is not any more corrosive than conventional crude.
Jeremy Grantham, a billionaire fund manager who oversees $ 106bn of assets, said his company was on the verge of pulling out of all coal and unconventional fossil fuels, such as oil from tar sands.
A number of the involved firms — refineries, storage companies, etc — are in line to get massive tax breaks related to changes to their facilities to handle the tar sands.
Video: Robert Redford explains why the tar sands are good for oil companies but deadly for the Earth.
Check our humorous dating profiles (citing real - life events) on an ALEC senator in Ohio attacking clean energy incentives and an ALEC senator in Nebraska who was courted on a trip to the tar sands courtesy of ALEC, oil companies and the Canadian government.
Moreover, a new environmental review is needed to account for the dramatic changes in the outlook for the tar sands industry, as lower oil prices and a global movement to address climate change has led Exxon to write down billions of barrels of tar sands reserves and companies like Statoil and Total to pull out of the tar sands entirely.
In other words, the EU, China and Latin America get the oil, the foreign - owned oil companies get the profits and North Americans are left cleaning up oil spills and shouldering the pollution burden from extracting and refining the dirty tar sands.
Nineteen major companies have already adopted policies not to purchase oil from tar sands, so it's high time that the rest of America's corporations follow suit,» said Michael Bosse of the Sierra Club's Beyond Oil campaign.
that it would no longer be investing directly in new oil and gas pipelines (though it's worth noting that US Bank does continue to provide billions of dollars in «lines of credit» to companies building tar sands pipelines).
** By the way, a small research company has recently demonstrated a new technology to effectively remove 98.8 % of the tar / oil from tailling ponds while supply clean hot water for adjacent tar sand operations.
Something like 2,400 American companies from 49 states already are involved in the development of Canada's oil sands» — «It's «oil» sands not «tar» to be scientific»
We ensure that never again can a company like BP take a tax deduction for money spent cleaning up its own mess in the Gulf of Mexico, and we close the loophole that lets tar sands oil pipeline operators avoid paying the oil spill cleanup tax.»
Unless a company has a specific policy in place not to purchase tar sands oil, the company is in practice supporting the destructive tar sands mining industry that is polluting our water, air, communities, and climate.
With depressed oil prices, the opportunity for oil companies to expand their reserves through extreme and expensive drilling, like tar sands and deepwater drilling, have fallen off the business plan drafting table.
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