Sentences with phrase «target audience because»

The firm should target their audience because these are potential clients for the firm.
Niche dating sites tend to convert better than generic sites and tend to garner more word - of - mouth exposure amongst their target audiences because of their more focused approach.

Not exact matches

No matter who your target audience is, be sure to narrowly define them in this section, because it will be your guide as you plan your media and public relations campaigns.
You can and should target the 5 percent of searchers who represent your core audience and are ready to buy, but don't neglect the other 95 percent of searchers who will give your content wings by sharing and linking to it because you helped solve their problem.
Tailored Audiences offer a great opportunity to increase ad performance because you can drive more targeted ad creative to reach specific segments of users... but can it really be that good?
Jeff Hurrle, VP and general manager for Sport Systems (No. 319), an Almonte, Ont. - based company that builds and installs sports equipment like bleachers and nets, knew he needed expert help to evaluate whether the brand's content was engaging enough, particularly because they target the B2B market, a notoriously challenging audience to engage on social media.
That's because most media buyers treat psychographic data — the kind of data used by Cambridge Analytica to target audiences — with skepticism.
With that knowledge and with that insight, I think you can do extraordinary things, because you can go out and target your audiences, in a way that in the past, it would have just been whoever was passing you on the streets of Dubainow, you can target similar sets of people anywhere in the world, and I think that's a fantastic opportunity.
The European privacy laws may crimp targeted advertising by limiting the flow of personal data, but firms like Google and Facebook still have an advantage because advertisers are likely to turn to services with reach and enormous audiences — akin to buying an ad during the Super Bowl.
This is especially important with inbound marketing because you're tailoring your content specifically to your target audience.
You're in business because you're solving a problem for your target audience.
I was initially skeptical because I didn't believe that our target audience was searching for that term, but the available search volume led me to approve the topic in hopes people would naturally link to the post.
Coconut's target audience are the freelancer community so it makes sense to stay put at a generic space, as Goodall explained: «We'd definitely consider it [a dedicated FinTech space], although we like agnostic coworking spaces because many of our customers don't know what FinTech is.
I've been looking for a long time to develop digital marketing through facebook, however I have to follow the tide and go running to join the advertising of the instagran, because everyone is now in that intagran and we have to be aware where our target audience is.
But because he's targeting his ads to a niche audience, the ROI is through the roof.
Because a targeted audience can understand you better and vice versa.
Because Oak Bottle is in the early stages, Paglione says the company has not pinpointed a demographic, but considers its target audience to be wine and spirit enthusiasts of all kinds.
In addition, target audience tests have a limited capacity to restrict children's exposure to food advertising, because there is no reason to think that they do not notice any other kind of advertisement.
«Jackie Stiles is the future of the WNBA,» says Nygaard, «in part because she looks like our target audience.
Most jokes need a witty mind and a deep understanding of their target audience, but there are also some jokes that need none of this because they write themselves up.
And if the top leaders have to approve everything that goes out, god help you — I've seen so many good ideas die in the executive suite just because they didn't «sound right» to someone who was decades away from the target audience.
Mike Connery wrote an article last week for Future Majority (cross-posted on MyDD) that raises some interesting points about the potential of online video to reach niche audiences: «Cable [tv] buys are smart not just because they are cheap, but because they are targeted and can help you...
Based on the survival rate of books by Copernicus, Gingerich had expected to find twice as many volumes, but some 300 were destroyed by the publisher, he suspects, because the book's difficulty made it unpopular with its target audience: «A user familiar with the previous way of computing would no doubt freak out in the opening steps of the Rudolphine procedures,» upon seeing all the calculations Kepler had added for accuracy.
«Because most appeals for pro-environmental action rely on guilt to motivate their target audience, our findings suggest a rethinking of environmental and climate change messaging» to harness the power of positive emotions like pride, Weber said.
But, that's typically because most of us have the tendency to want to find our target audience.
In China, if a company is creating a lot of user - generated content that's targeted at a large audience, then we pay a lot more attention because regulation is more sensitive here than in the U.S.
It just happens to be one in which the main character possesses no moral qualms about killing his foes, revels in the resulting carnage, swears up a storm, and is quick with a pop - culture reference for any situation (All of those references are about 20 years out - of - date, because they're what the target audience is familiar with and apparently wants to hear).
It does seem to be targeted at a slightly older audience, if only because it's about a group of couples who go to an island resort to participate in marriage counseling.
Luckily for the producers of this film, a PG - 13 rating was awarded, because now their target audience can be reached, namely 13 - year - old boys who find jokes about pooping, farting, belching, and urinating in one's pants to be the height of comedic glory.
It proves that bad jokes can bomb not once but twice if offered consecutively (Bad Company, because it fears correctly that its target audience won't understand a joke unless it's repeated, does two Czech language jokes and two New Jersey jokes one after another to a rising chorus of crickets), and it will demonstrate by its inevitable box - office failure that even the dumbest members of the audience have the animal sense not to sit through something this appalling a second time.
If the target audience of teens and «tweens went to the multiplexes expecting that magical a movie, they were setting themselves up for disappointment, because «Prom,» though solid as a made - for - TV movie, isn't a «forever» experience.
Route 192 and Florida in general provides a wonderful palette: there's these Floridian colours, kitsch small businesses that are trying to rip - off the parks (because they're targeting the same audience), they're brightly coloured, kid - like, candy - coated.
The younger adolescent audience that the film is targeting may get some chills out of the images of old ladies stalking sexually active teenagers — especially if they haven't seen The Shining — but those looking for the next big thing in horror will have to keep on looking because It Follows does as its name suggests — follows, but it never leads.
Keep in mind that implementation is a key stage of the ADDIE process, because it is during this stage the information contained in the course you created is transferred to the target audience.
I worked on projects to create new marketing and sales material, to develop tools for employees to use, I helped craft new policies, draft employee communications, define new roles, and build culture initiatives - all because I understood the problem and had the empathy for the target audience.
From its start, the BASIS target audience has been middle - class and working - class kids because «they have a stinky education, too,» Michael Block said.
Although eLearning is highly extensible because it can be localized into your target audiences» own languages, it can also be tricky.
You don't have to worry about reaching your target audience, because our readership becomes your readership.
Because it helps you understand the level of cognitive processes involved in human learning, that is the natural order according to which your target audience will process the information you present.
Because of all this, 100 percent of the reported grade is based on individual achievement on our critical learning targets, which, when combined with the audience and peer feedback, paints a detailed picture of student achievement in multiple aspects.
And that's not the case because, really, any digital content that you have can contribute to an MVP — it's just a matter of uploading or embedding it into a training experience that your target audience can interact with.
Ultimately, I chose to work with them because rather than simply acquiescing to my direction, they challenged me to shape the manuscript in a way that would ultimately optimize its impact to my target audience and make it the successful publication that it is today.
I» ve set mine to 51 % because that just covers the mid-point context shift, the «this changes everything» point, and if you've reached that far and don't want to read any further, you're really not in my target audience.
I was also in splits because Rick Riordan book was one of the books I read this year, and I was like man, I am a middle grade and children target audience.
Because publicity seeks to find, identify, or target the audience to make it aware of your book, the authors in the best position are those who are already familiar with their audience and who have aspects of their online presence already in place.
I've just self - published a couple of e-books and I'm actually quite frustrated that I can't get Amazon to do them for free because I need to be realistic about what I'm worth and as a complete unknown, with no idea of whether my target audience actually like them, unfortunately currently that's nothing!
IBA does the latter, probably because its target audience isn't layout pros or even regular authors but high school teachers creating their own ebooks.
The difference in what Amazon is doing is they've effectively built the platform first and are now using it to publish books (print, ebooks and audio) targeted to specific audiences in ways traditional publishers can't because intermediaries are still their primary customers.
uk» (United Kingdom) because you're targeting a global audience with selling your book online.
But you'll also rally with her as she explains she has a very targeted audience and a platform because she did leg the work.
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