Sentences with phrase «target culture»

«In order for any mindfulness training to be effective and sustainable, it needs to be embedded in the organization's context, and mindfulness tools and techniques need to target culture change as well as individual transformation,» says Jutta Tobias, Cranfield senior lecturer and co-author of the report.
30: The sales role was fun and good for straight out of uni, but the relentless target culture was something that became too repetitive and you wanted something more stable, and more to do with people development as you enjoyed this a lot once you'd progressed to be a manager at Meltwater.
They also hope to interrogate the prime minister on what she knew about the targets culture.
In denying there was a target culture at the Home Office, the former home secretary became a target herself
We will only improve the NHS if we are honest about terrible problems which happened because of a target culture Labour have never taken responsibility for.»
And they intend to free public services from the target culture straitjacket.
«At the Home Office we work in a target culture,» said a source on Sunday.
Unlike the fluid mix of crew and actors - namely American headliners Richard Widmark and Gene Tierney, plus a fine supporting British cast - the film's music soundtracks and longer / additional scenes in the British version reflect their target cultures.
In localization, information is not just translated from one language to another, but rather is adapted to effectively convey the same meaning in the target culture.
You would insert the topic into the frame, and change «target culture» to your own focus for students in your language class.
Students can choose which popular hobbies in the target culture interest them.
Materials are taken directly from the target culture, and consider a variety of real - world topics from science, history, the arts, and other subject areas.
A heritage language learner is a student studying a language who has some type of proficiency level in that language or in that target culture (e.g. Spanish — a language other than English in this case).
The localization process ensures that a game is linguistically and culturally appropriate for the target region; the design of the game remains unchanged, but all texts are adjusted to the target culture.
The Importance of Culture As «cultural fit» is an important part of evaluating a candidate being considered for an international position, it's important that all your career marketing material be written with the target culture in mind.
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