Sentences with phrase «targeted assessments»

If you do still need outside expertise, you'll be able to provide the consultant with a more targeted assessment of the help you need most.
Through targeting assessment and assignments, you'll clarify your skills, abilities and interests and develop confidence to overcome the obstacles to move forward.
We will explore the overlap regarding the insights and treatment options that it affords, including targeted assessments and interventions to support us in our work with the most challenging of couples.
Through this project, they are creating targeted assessments for learning for each of five categories of Habits of success.
«Should we be doing these major assessments every five years or so, or should we be doing more targeted assessments that policymakers need?
One approach discussed was the use of targeted assessments around inherent product risk — e.g., a food that is grown in the soil and has no pathogen - reduction steps versus a food that is thoroughly cooked — and around supplier risk — e.g., suppliers that have a robust food safety and quality culture along with the processes and record - keeping to back that up versus those that do not.
This tool is not intended to replace customized target assessments for each company, but can serve as an indicator of approximate potential financial savings and carbon reductions that a company like yours could achieve by following the guidance outlined in the report.
Grants, meanwhile, can provide support for activities that pave the way for clean energy enterprise, like targeted assessments of where these technologies are needed most or the development of new policies that enable distributed energy.
By performing targeted assessments of your skills, the most reliable and efficient Recruitment agencies in Singapore offer the best jobs to aspiring individuals.
Publish smaller, more targeted assessments: Since the IPCC was founded, the group's main assertions — that the world is warming and humans are responsible for it — have only grown more certain.
Quick and targeted assessments of discrete skills that indicate whether students are making adequate progress in reading achievement
The study suggests that the targeted assessment and treatment of specific sleep problems may reduce the risk of suicide among those who use alcohol.
«There needs to be a targeted assessment of how the fishery can still be profitable while deploying less gear so we can reduce the risk of marine mammals encountering fishing gear in the first place.
Our platform also enables on / off - target assessment.
Unfortunately, better squat mechanics / depth are almost never achieved in a WOD, but rather reveal themselves as a result of a targeted assessment, individualized coaching or mobilization, and mindful repatterning of movement.
The argument for targeting assessments and interventions on where students are in their learning (rather than on where somebody wishes they were) is not an argument for lowering standards, providing success experiences or making students feel good.
Once again, the answer is not to lower aspirations, but to recognise that the best way to assist students to reach high standards is to target assessments and teaching on current levels of achievement.
Use more than 6,000 high - quality formative assessment items from Measured Progress to create smaller, targeted assessments and gather evidence of student learning.
Most descriptions of RTI stress the importance of initiating the instructional process with a targeted assessment of all students that is quick, inexpensive, and focused on crucial knowledge, skills, and behaviors.
• If a National Climate Service is created, it should be designed as a partner of the USGCRP and serve the purpose of meeting a wide range of time - sensitive stakeholder needs for data, information, and targeted assessments.
Responding to an immediate need for a narrowly - targeted assessment - based recognition program in EHR order entry demonstrates that the AAMA can respond in a timely manner to the ever - changing dynamics of the allied health labor market.
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