Sentences with phrase «targeted message capabilities»

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«Facebook Ads provided us with unique targeting capabilities to look beyond broad demographics and specifically target messages in English and Spanish to specific groups of Cuban, Puerto Rican and other descent,» he said, according to Facebook's page.
Most CRMs can also break a list into chunks based on members» location, demographics or past behavior such as donation history, a capability that lets list managers target messages at people deemed likely to respond.
Most CRMs can also break a list into chunks based on members» location, demographics or past behavior (such as donation history), a capability that lets list managers target messages at people deemed likely to respond.
It is plausible Cambridge Analytica — itself apparently a propaganda outfit replete with messaging, creative services, and targeting capabilities in addition to black ops and an apparent knack for employing Ukrainian sex workers to secure damaging kompromat — closely tracked the Russian effort and considered how to leverage it on behalf of its client, Donald Trump.
Marketing develops the strategic plan to establish the firm's overall message, benefits, and capabilities for the target audience.
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