Sentences with phrase «targeted midsection»

It also has a targeted midsection shaping, high - waist design and an extra panel for the tummy.
This stabilization exercise targets your midsection, while each progression adds a creative challenge to crank up the sweat.
More advanced abdominal exercises will also be introduced to target your midsection, making sure we are targeting any fat around the stomach and getting your abs to appear.
Target your midsection to eliminate fat reserves and you should notice a difference in the chest area as well.

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«This suggests that targeting individuals who store more of their fat in the midsection and adapting psychological interventions to focus specifically on body fat distribution could be beneficial for preventing eating disorders.»
And if you want to enhance the appearance of your midsection as fast as possible, try targeting your abs with the two powerful supersets below that will ramp up the metabolic stress and give you the most bang for your buck!
Midsection exercises should primarily target the rectus abdominis or upper abs, the transverse abdominis or lower abs, and the internal and external obliques.
These targeted poses strengthen the muscles around the midsection to form a natural muscular corset that will support and stabilize the spine.
Other days we would target the back of her arms, inner thighs, and the sides of her midsection.
But did you know that there are many different variations of this popular exercise that targets all areas of your midsection?
Most everyone knows that spot reduction is a fallacy, yet people still think they can target each «cube» of their midsections.
These moves target your entire abdominal wall, especially the hard to reach «lower abs» and the midsection muscle that pulls in your belly like a corset.
Susan goes in depth on the essence of core training and the muscular structure of your midsection, exercises to target the various abdominal walls and why the TVA is nearly always the very first muscle to trigger in any movement, whether in the gym, or not.
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