Sentences with phrase «tattle on»

It's high time RECO started looking into some of these claims from all sides of the industry without expecting us to tattle on each other to do it.
They may encourage the child to spy and tattle on the other parent.
Observations that could be important while drawing: There will often be a first person who breaks a rule, such as making a second line, which will prompt someone else to tattle on them.This can often signal tensions between members who try to maintain control in the family.There could also be a person who is strictly trying to adhere to the rule or someone who tries to control what others are doing to the drawing, asking them to change the color or order of family members chosen.
Greece is recruiting them to tattle on its people.
Find out how it can keep secrets for someone — and tattle on that same person — depending on what you spray it with.
Tattle on me to WITSEC, I guess, but surely they'd prefer I not make an incompetent spectacle of myself.
«The girls also like to tattle on the boys,» she says and smiles, when the boys are goofing around and not doing their work.
Please understand, we do not mean to hate on your jokes, but keep them clean or we will tattle on your foul play.
NASA visitors boldly go; Italian cyclist booted for doping; Tattoos tattle on problem prisoners; Solar - powered racing cars; Grunting fish; and more...
Many of the brethren in the faith were snoopers, too, always ready to tattle on you to make themselves look «holier than thou.»
«I won't tattle on my gay priest if you'll give me absolution for contraception» seems to have been the unspoken deal in many parishes since Humanae Vitae.
If they act like you're going to Tweet their next comment or run to the boss to tattle on them, they probably don't trust you, Taylor says.
Or, «you tattled on me, so I'm going to tattle on you!»
It didn't matter that Stevie stole something from me, or that Mikey had tattled on me, or that Jenny was just plain ugly.
Most parents who have more than one child will sooner or later find one child tattling on the other.
When a preschooler tattles on a friend or a sibling, he's demonstrating his moral compass.
To some degree, we want to know when Jessica is smearing Vaseline all over the nursery walls so when her brother tattles on her, it helps us stop the problem before it gets (too) out of hand.
Following two teachers (Andy and Ron) as they try to maintain a corrupted school environment, Ron is fired after lashing out in his classroom, but only due to the fact that Andy was a rat and tattled on Ron, thus sparking a feud between them, strongly favoured by Ron.
For example, cities and towns are tattling on you for unpaid parking and speeding tickets.
With mandatory water restrictions come water cops and drought shaming — what some call tattling on wasteful neighbors.
Category: Building a Positive Family Environment Tags: kids tattling on others, kids telling on others, NBC Parent Toolkit, Parent - teacher communication, parents and school rules, Tattle - telling, Telling or tattle - telling

Not exact matches

While not all gossip is bad — one can share secrets about wonderful things like a suspected pregnancy or job promotion — Epstein points out that «useful gossip is, in the minds of most people, not what gossip is really about,» and so the majority of the book focuses on the more naughty kind of tattling, the kind that makes your heart beat faster when the subject of ridicule comes around the corner.
Giving your child some work to do when he tattles puts the burden back on his shoulders.
Another effective way to discourage tattling is by giving your child some tools to help him learn how to solve some problems on his own.
Instead of stepping in each time your child tattles, guide your child toward figuring out how to work through conflicts and help make the situation better for your child on a more general level.
As your child moves into the preschool and early childhood years, focus on communication, whether that takes the form of whining, tattling, endless questions or some combination of all three.
Teachers should be on your team to HELP your child, not just tattle to you about his behavior.
Here is an intriguing post by Rebecca who got to observe a Waldorf Kindergarten classroom and her observations on how fighting, tattling and not taking turns was handled by the seasoned teachers:
No one in this administration tattles and lives to tell the tale, so it can be taken on faith he is speaking because the governor has told him to.
Winning in May 2015 is absolutely imperative and everyone should stop tittle - tattling and recognise they just have to get on with it and win.»
A new Social Development study reveals that even when children can not be blamed for a transgression, they tattle about it nonetheless, likely because tattling may be a way for children to enforce norms on others and thus help maintain cooperation.
Andy and Strickland go before the principal, who lays an impossible ultimatum on the two: either one of them confesses or tattles, or they're both fired.
• The Awardist I Tonya's breakout star (the parakeet) tattle - tales on Allison Janney • The Guardian on Jessica Chastain's emergence as a outspoken activist this year • THR We forgot to share the news that SAG was having all female presenters this year!
Now, we here at THN pride ourselves on proper movie news and not mindless celebrity tittle tattle (hehe, tit).
Melvin proudly works as Krupp's tattle - tale minion and gathers dirt on the trick - playing twosome to the point that the scheming principle is finally able to justify separating George and Harold.
Social and emotional issues also are high on the list, from bullying and teasing to dealing with tattling or weaknesses in emotional intelligence, problem solving, friendship skills, or self - management and self - control.
Christakis even finds a benefit in the inequities that arise when kids are allowed to play together: «When the older kids get too mean or too rough or don't respect the feelings of the younger children, the little ones rattle their chains: they go on strike, they break things, they tattle.
In Understanding Sibling Rivalry, these doctors take on topics such as squabbling and tattling, the effects of birth order...
I've had great results with teaching dogs to «tattle» on themselves when they poop, for stopping coprophagia.
His Tattle ability is valuable, as he provides hints on how to defeat certain enemies.
They claim that other students approached their teacher to report the abuse, but the teacher allegedly «told the students to sit down and stop «tattling»» on others.
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