Sentences with word «tattling»

Tattling was always a pet peeve of mine and, whenver one of mine would come to me witha complaint that someone had hit, or grabbed, etc., I learned to say, «What happened just before he / she hit, grabbed, etc.» I believe anything parents can do to foster a positive self - image (that means private, not public, discipline, even if it means a quick walk to a restroom or back to the car), and to encourage mutual respect (allowing a child to express how he / she feels about the discipline being meted out by the parent, and giving an age - appropriate child a say - so in the discipline) will not only benefit the child, but will benefit all those who encounter that child during his / her lifetime.
«I didn't want to go tattling to the HOA, but something had to be done,» Hood says.
Socially competent children who are aggressive tend to use aggression in a way that is accepted by peers (e.g., fighting back when provoked), whereas the aggressive acts of rejected children include tantrums, verbal insults, cheating, or tattling.
Category: Building a Positive Family Environment Tags: kids tattling on others, kids telling on others, NBC Parent Toolkit, Parent - teacher communication, parents and school rules, Tattle - telling, Telling or tattle - telling
At an early age, tattling, arguing and jealousy can complicate the formation of friendships between siblings.
Teaching children to be able to discern the differences between telling and tattling; 6.
Most judges find out about juror misuse of Net media from tattling by other jurors or lawyers (perhaps lawyers who feel they are losing the case?).
‥ The Bishop of Winchester ‥ was mightily disturbed at it, calling it] his tattling.
364 We do it in private to keep you from tattling.
303 He declares the tattling of his little Grand - Daughter, who is above a Year and half old, is sweeter Music than the finest Cry of Dogs in England.
They claim that other students approached their teacher to report the abuse, but the teacher allegedly «told the students to sit down and stop «tattling»» on others.
With mandatory water restrictions come water cops and drought shaming — what some call tattling on wasteful neighbors.
When tattling the younger of the Armored Harriers, Goombella theorizes that it may be some sort of rule that younger brothers must wear green, offering a possible explanation for Luigi's trademark green shirt and cap.
For example, cities and towns are tattling on you for unpaid parking and speeding tickets.
In Understanding Sibling Rivalry, these doctors take on topics such as squabbling and tattling, the effects of birth order...
I created «Pretzels» to develop stronger social skills in a particularly rambunctious first - grade class that was rife with daily tears, tattling, and teasing.
Social and emotional issues also are high on the list, from bullying and teasing to dealing with tattling or weaknesses in emotional intelligence, problem solving, friendship skills, or self - management and self - control.
# 1: Don't try to help youth differentiate between «tattling» and «telling.»
The eavesdropping and tattling fits of her Ginerva are, more often than not, what set off the falling dominoes of lusty encounters and vengeful urges boiling out of the other women.
Tattling subacrid Reese jounces residentship flake pitting.
With age, though, children become more reluctant to admit a misdeed and view truth - telling or tattling as likely to get them in trouble or pose problems for their friends, research shows.
Winning in May 2015 is absolutely imperative and everyone should stop tittle - tattling and recognise they just have to get on with it and win.»
Written by not your average mom · Categorized: Parenting · Tagged: Nubmer 6, ping pong, positive discipline, tattling
Here is an intriguing post by Rebecca who got to observe a Waldorf Kindergarten classroom and her observations on how fighting, tattling and not taking turns was handled by the seasoned teachers:
It's the pointless tattling that gets under mom's nerves because it most likely distracted her from a really important chore that she was finally getting some time to get done.
Tattling crops up as kids start to learn about rules but are not able to distinguish between major rule - breaking and minor infractions.
Backseat Bickering * Bribery * Bullying * Cancer * Children's Nudity * Co parenting * Communication * Consequences * Death * Divorce * Drugs * Masturbation * Morning Routines * Phone Interruptions * Potty Talk * Praise * Puberty * Quitting Activities * Self esteem * Sex * Sexual Abuse * Strangers * Swearing * Talking About Alcohol * Toddler Tantrums and More * Tattling * Television Viewing * Threats * Time Outs *
As your child moves into the preschool and early childhood years, focus on communication, whether that takes the form of whining, tattling, endless questions or some combination of all three.
I try to always respond gently and thoughtfully to their behaviors, whether they are having a meltdown, whining, tattling, questioning, or even challenging me.
Tattling is an annoying but very common problem among grade - school age kids.
Be available and open to conversations about bullying and don't confuse «reporting» with «tattling
Another effective way to discourage tattling is by giving your child some tools to help him learn how to solve some problems on his own.
All that is a recipe for tattling, but parents can help guide kids toward more positive behavior and teach children how to tell the difference between tattling and telling to help someone.
Let us celebrate this glorious journey that we call parenthood... and by celebrate I mean lock ourselves in the bathroom, open a bottle of wine together, drown out the whining, tattling and screaming.
Raise the cost of tattling.
August 12, 2013 Categories: anxiety, bullying, childhood, children, communication, learning, middle childhood, preschooler, Uncategorized Tags: bullying, communication, discipline, parenting, tattling 10 Comments»
Tattling, physical aggression, and name - calling often arise when kids don't have the skills to play well with others.
I know this is sort of encouraged tattling, but its fun!
The ability to scoot away fast and slip off quietly without the grating sound of the trainers tattling.
Like many other «problem» preschool behaviors, such as lying, tattling and temper tantrums, interrupting has a lot to do with immaturity.
Ask any parent of a preschooler and the chances are good that tattling tops the list.
However, some tattling has less - than - honorable motives.
The silver lining is that tattling can have a positive side.
Most parents who have more than one child will sooner or later find one child tattling on the other.
The hate of the brothers is inspired by Joseph's tattling propensities and the favoritism of the father Jacob according to J (vv.
While not all gossip is bad — one can share secrets about wonderful things like a suspected pregnancy or job promotion — Epstein points out that «useful gossip is, in the minds of most people, not what gossip is really about,» and so the majority of the book focuses on the more naughty kind of tattling, the kind that makes your heart beat faster when the subject of ridicule comes around the corner.
While Dimon had previously said that «it's too hard and too late» to run for the White House position in 2016, tittle - tattle of a potential campaign has persisted.
Don't gossip, don't tattle, play nicely.
If they act like you're going to Tweet their next comment or run to the boss to tattle on them, they probably don't trust you, Taylor says.
«I won't tattle on my gay priest if you'll give me absolution for contraception» seems to have been the unspoken deal in many parishes since Humanae Vitae.
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