Sentences with phrase «taught ancient scriptures»

It is from this classical grounding that Babaji taught ancient scriptures of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Bhagavadgītā, and Samkhya Karika as well as the philosophy and practices of Ashtānga Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga, and Tantra Yoga.

Not exact matches

On Luther's side, the final break with the Church authorities came in the wake of Leo X's bull of November 1518; in that document, as Luther saw it, Leo arrogated to himself the power of defining Church teaching without accountability to Scripture, the Fathers, or the ancient canons.
It was agreed in the Samaj that «the Vedas, the Upanishads and other ancient writings were not to be accepted as infallible guides, that reason and conscience were to be the supreme authority and the teachings of the scriptures were to be accepted only insofar as they harmonised with the light within us.»
Finally, for whatever it's worth, the Catholic Church, surely an ancient community of believers at least, teaches that «final impenitence» will never be forgiven, a conceptual interpretation of the passages rather than a literal one, but one that seems to have support within the relevant scriptures collectively.
He appealed to Scripture, to ancient rituals, and to the teachings of the Church of England to argue for his radical Christian ideas.
The first two hours of each day are devoted to the Main Lesson block, with Language Arts, Math, Science, and History taught artistically through developmentally appropriate stories, including fairy tales, saints and fables, Hebrew scriptures, Norse Myths, Ancient India, Ancient Rome, the Renaissance, and American History.
A tree in the temple grounds is encircled by brightly painted niches holding golden Buddha images in various different positions, and the grounds also contain a Pali language school which teaches the language in which the ancient Buddhist scriptures are written.
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