Sentences with phrase «taught in language»

It focuses on «real expressions» used by locals rather than the phrases typically taught in language school.
The Core Knowledge Sequence provides a detailed outline of specific content and skills to be taught in language arts, history, geography, mathematics, science, visual arts, and music.
released for International Mother Language Day (21 February), argues that being taught in a language other than -LSB-...]
But the Report shows 40 % of the global population are taught in a language they don't understand.
As in the world of gamification you can never stand still because your product gets old very quickly, we are working now on developing Science games directly in English Language, because it is a subject in the Community of Madrid and other parts of Spain directly taught in that language and that is part of the bilingual curriculum that schools are offering right now.
Teachers taught in our language, so earlier generations could speak the native languages, but also read and write them,» he says.
They argued that students were being deprived of an education if they were taught in a language they didn't understand.
The paper has key recommendations to ensure that children are taught in a language they understand:
released for International Mother Language Day (21 February), argues that being taught in a language other than their own can negatively impact children's learning, especially for those living in poverty.
Annotation sounds a bit like what is taught in language arts classes.
Equally, to suggest that it is enough merely to reassert Catholic teaching in the language and the manner of the recent past is to ignore the core message of the Magisterium outlined in Gaudium et Spes.
A Department for Education spokesman said: «We are also investing millions to raise the quality of teaching in languages and science through initiatives like the Science Learning Partnership, which benefited more than 2,600 primary schools last year alone.
(ii) Increase the number and percentage of effective teachers (as defined in this notice) teaching hard - to - staff subjects and specialty areas including mathematics, science, and special education; teaching in language instruction educational programs (as defined under Title III of the ESEA); and teaching in other areas as identified by the State or LEA.
«There are new policy opportunities in California» that can help English learners, she noted, including the targeted funding under Gov. Jerry Brown's Local Control Funding Formula, the passage of Proposition 58 which allowed students to be taught in languages other than English, and the state's new English Learner Roadmap.
Congress could pass a law withholding funding from any educational institute which teaches in a language other than English (teaches any students), but such a law would also require repeal of various anti-discrimination laws whereby children have a right to native - language education (to a point); patients have a right to a translator; witnesses and the accused have a right to a translator in official hearings.

Not exact matches

The courses at Flatiron (which is actually located in the New York's Financial District, after growing out of its small original space on East 26th Street) are designed to teach a full range of technical and creative - thinking skills in either iOS app development, or the programming language Ruby on Rails.
Morgaine points those interested in this path to «this article by Tammy Bjelland, who started a language teaching and consulting business,» and notes there are «plenty of options beyond basic Craigslist» where you can list your services.
Many of these tools, apps and games are teaching children how to code through dragging code onto a screen - great to teach fundamentals and basic of coding, but we wanted to create a language that was hands - on, where kids are actually typing code and seeing results in real time.
In addition to the resources above, check out this article by Tammy Bjelland, who started a language teaching and consulting business.
Each course is taught by an expert in the field — hand - picked by Investopedia — and delivered in easy - to - follow, actionable language.
«I have been in entertainment and branding for 25 years now, but this is a whole other language that most people don't know, and to be able to teach this to kids that don't have the Harvard education is a beautiful thing because it's not just about owning your life, it's not about owning property,» Lopez said.
Amazon is planning to teach Alexa how to translate languages in real time, according to Yahoo Finance.
Only half support more teaching about Asia in Canadian schools, and less than one - third feel we should focus more on teaching Asian languages.
Furthermore, by removing language about an «unacceptable pregnancy,» «past Christian teaching» (which seems to be used as a cover for what follows in the sentence), and what may «warrant» abortion, some of the paragraph's more pro-choice references have been removed.
While anything is possible it is not likely because of the types of language he used in his teachings.
Once we accept that the language of Genesis is symbolic, then there is no difficulty in holding both what it really teaches about creation and what we have learned from modern science.
Sometimes I get the idea that folks in the mainline are so frustrated with how evangelicals have wielded the Bible and faith in the public square, they avoid language, practices, and teaching that might be construed as overly religious, overly biblical, or overly exclusive.
This language has stuck in my head for more than forty years: «First they would teach you the prayers and the Psalms, and that would be the right door (the one with the circle) and the long sweet words with the holy sound, and that would be the one to jump at to get where the food was.
Or would import a lot of American teaching or values cloaked in Jesus - y language, conflating the two.
Starting with no grammar or dictionary, indeed not one written word to aid them, missionaries have learned the oral language, often without benefit of any interpreter — definitely the hard way — worked out an alphabet, reduced it to writing, prepared a grammar and dictionary, translated some portions into the newly written tongue, then had to teach the natives to read their own language in order to read the Bible.
While couched in different language, Catholic social teaching has much in common with this approach, in its overriding concern to safeguard the unique dignity of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God, and in its emphasis on the duty of civil authority to foster the common good.
The sacred teaching of Jesus is when posting in a foreign language use spell - and grammar check as to make yourself and give your insane ramblings at least the appearance of coherence.
The # 14million handwritten gold lettered tome, penned in Jesus» native Aramaic language, is said to contain his early teachings and a prediction of the Prophet's coming.
Christ came among men with a simple ministry of teaching whose main purpose was to confirm that the kinds of ways in which God had been understood in Natural religion, and the very language used to express those insights, were broadly right.
Then, in the early 20th century, the view that God would choose to inspire just one version of the Bible in any given language was developed, mainly in the USA, teaching that in English, that translation was the 1611 King James.
This is confirmed with the distribution of this book that is in over 2500 languages, and has been sent all over the world for reading and teaching.
Instead of settling for the minimum in biblical languages, I try to teach that minimum and introduce an electronic product that will make translation almost nice.
(It is because of specific difficulty attached to learning how to use the moral expressions of a language that we find novels more helpful than explicit ethical reflection in teaching us how to live morally.)
The theologian must strive to duplicate the teachings of Scripture even if the latter is written in ordinary language and the theologians own essays are written in a more academic mode.
In the ordinary language of educated people logos might mean speech, narrative, pronouncement, report, teaching, call, sense.
Avelino Gonzalez, using language that I had hoped had gone out of fashion among Catholic seminarians, opines that «nothing has changed in two thousand years,» and attempts to enlighten this Jewish author that «what the Pharisees were teaching about hating your enemy... was scripturally unsound.»
I teach English as a second language to international students at a local university here in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
In class, we were taught to use books for exegetical papers, diagrammatical analysis, word studies, and everything else related to learning these languages and using them to study Scripture.
It is often wrapped in scientific language, but it is not real science, and should not be taught in science class.
Probably the most important scholarly and theological generalization to be drawn from the hundreds of articles in the Kittel Dictionary has been that the teaching and language of the New Testament, including the teaching and language of Jesus himself, can not be understood apart from their setting in the context of Judaism.
The Holy Spirit teaches us all things; we speak of the things that the Spirit brings; truth reduced to language and writing (again); we continue to remind one another (in speech, script & action); meanwhile philosophy makes claim upon the derivatives, often assuming even to authorship.
Rabbi Jesus used language (Aramaic, to be exact) in order to teach.
Taking into account that Jesus wasn't just claiming to be some kind of guru here to teach people how to get along, that the claimed for himself the name «I AM» which is the very name of God in the Hebrew language, calimed that he is «Lord of the Sabbath» and Judge of the human race, one must come to one of three answers: a) Jesus is the Son of God b) He isn't.
He describes in characteristically straightforward language Protestantism's crisis of authority and its need for real shepherds: «The Church must have not only normative sources written down on paper but also authoritative officeholders ordained to teach the whole Church.»
So the principle that God uses language to tell us things is at once established; and the claim that Scripture is a further case in point - a claim, be it said, that is irremoveably embedded at foundation level in Jesus» teaching about his Messiahship and God's righteousness (1)-- presents no new conceptual problem.
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