Sentences with phrase «taught safe sex»

He's produced music in Liberia, demolished unsafe structures in Nepal, taught safe sex in Namibia, supervised children in Washington DC, and coordinated events in Brooklyn.
Many of us are taught safe sex practices when we are in our teens.
They have found that abstinence - only education does not have different long - term outcomes than more comprehensive sex ed and that comprehensive programs teaching safe sex and abstinence together are effective.
I liken it to safe sex education: If you only preach abstinence then those who will do otherwise (for many reason) will not have the information to keep themselves and others safe, but if you speak of the benefits of abstinence and acknowledge it won't work for everyone and then teach safe sex on top of it, well, you're making sure more people are safe.

Not exact matches

While some programs also encourage abstinence or noncoital sex, most are concerned with teaching techniques for «safe sex»; offspring (and disease) are thus treated as (equally) avoidable side effects of sexuality, whose true purpose is only individual pleasure.
If we are going to caricaturize pro-abstinence teachings — be sure to caricaturize «safe - sex» teachings as well, please.
Neither abstinence teaching nor safe - sex teaching, at least not the stereotypes, adequately each kids.
Surely you're not saying that teaching sex only within marriage was the cause of her shame, because if so ANY teaching about «safer» sex would have had the same result... because she was used she would have still felt used.
Sometimes parents themselves, bombarded with nannying advice about how they should teach their children to be «safe», feel that they are letting their children down if they don't give their ten year old explicit sex instruction.
parents should teach their children about abstinence and safe sex, not the church.
So let your kid keep his junk and teach him proper hygiene and safe sex.
Teen abstinence comes to mind: if we just tell teens not to have sex at all instead of teaching them safe ways to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, then teen pregnancy and STI rates among teens will plummet, right?
It's just like sex ed... you can preach abstinence all you want, but if you want to be the absolute safest, preach abstinence and also teach people how to have safe sex.
In particular, there needs to be stronger teaching about sex education in science, in order that young people have the knowledge and skills to make safe and fully informed decisions.
«The research is very clear; where sex and relationships education is taught in conjunction with contraceptive services, young people are more likely to delay their first sexual experience, practice safe sex and are less likely to have an unplanned pregnancy or contract an STI.
And the evidence suggests that young people themselves want SRE to be taught in schools, using an approach that is «sex positive» — one that aims for young people to enjoy their sexuality in a way that is safe, consensual, and healthy.
Your Strength, Stamina, Stretching, Stress - free living Style, Safe Sex, Sleep - Siesta, Seeds,Safe - water, Starch - free food,Salads - Sourcing plant based foods, Shed weight, Skin Protection, and ultimately Self awareness Self Motivation by Self taught Scientific attitude to Screen - Scan in Time for unrelieved Swellings, Sores, Symptoms will win the battle of prevention of cancer till you Live..
In light of these findings, Plan UK is calling for greater support for teachers to prevent incidents of unwanted sexual contact, as well as high - quality statutory sex and relationships education to teach young people about issues of consent and healthy relationships, and ensuring bullying policies address gender and sexual violence, providing a safe environment for pupils to report concerns.
It will also explore how parents expect their children to be taught about sex and relationships in a «safe and age - appropriate way», and what children think they need to understand, and the online risks they are concerned by.
Among other benefits, promoting sex and gender equity can help schools ensure equal access to rigorous coursework, a healthier and safe learning climate, and high quality teaching.
If there weren't yawning demographic and taste divides in this land, half the country wouldn't be preparing to secede over their right to celebrate the Confederacy by brandishing assault weapons in church, while the other half demand that the particulars of safe gay sex be taught in the schools.
No one had ever taught me about condoms and the need for safer sex, so I didn't have the tools to protect myself.
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