Sentences with phrase «taught with different»

This is why it is best to pick a Perro de Presa Canario puppy from a reliable breeder that does not keeps the dogs separated and away from human contact or contact with other animals, raising them in an environment where they are taught with different people, animals, and surroundings from their very first days of life.
It doesn't matter what your ability or age, the classes are taught with different options for each exercise depending on level of strength or ability.
If we learn to teach with different foci and emphases, perhaps with less isolation from one another and more emphasis on the needs of students, the church, and the world, can we affect the ways in which our guilds function?
I teach this with a different energetic concept and approach: I encourage students to press the souls of the feet down, noting the corners, back and base center of the heels press downward into the yoga mat.

Not exact matches

«Nearly all employers agree that all college students should have experiences that teach them how to solve problems with people whose views are different from their own,» LinkedIn's report on in - demand skills notes.
The solution: Universities would serve their students and businesses well by offering courses with specific offerings to sell, teaching students how to make calls on the different titles within buying committees and having students walk through numerous buying cycles to gain competence.
They can also teach us invaluable lessons about ourselves, how to work with different personalities and how to solve problems on the fly.
I am extremely lucky to work in a job which causes me to be thanked countless times a day to which i have always replied with «no problem» or «no worries» and although my customers never seem to mind it drives me crazy mostly because I spent many years learning to speak and have spent many years teaching my children and think the constant use of one or two phrases over and over is limiting so just recently I have tried to use different phrases such as «your welcome» and «my pleasure» and anything else which springs to mind and is more suited to each scenario.
What the priest did was in direct conflict with everything I was taught by two different orders of nuns and more than one Jesuit priest.
If your faith is so weak as to not be able to tolerate those with different perspectives, may I suggest that you re-examine what your faith actually teaches about loving others?
belonging to a sect that goes as far as to write it's own version of the ten commandments (yes the catholic ten commandments are different to those in the bible) means you are not in line with the teaching of the bible.
As the nation becomes more diverse, will white conservative Christians reexamine their teachings as they encounter others with a different history and worldview?
it's insane how you know so little of your own religion and how you go against your Christs teaching with such arrogant and disdain towards atheist and other religions your nothing but a bigot and hatemonger your world is only black and white and you can't fathom how a country can have so many different people with different believes that don't match yours and can live peacefully without your christs.
They have unsound doctrine towards people of different races and those their Prophet» received a new revelation that blacks could hold the priesthood, it is contrary to Christ's teaching with having no respect of persons.The believe Native Americans are lost Jews, not to mention alot more.
They are taught in conversation with other texts, other framings, some merely different, some once or presently contending with them for canonical relevance.
Had they stuck to the spiritual teachings unpinning the faith — AND actually bothered to even attempt to live by those tenets — and been less political, less angry, less hypocritical, less concerned with everyone's bedroom habits but their own... I imagine my live and my spiritual path would have turned out very different.
When reading his article, I kept asking myself: «Dennis, don't you think after teaching the Bible for 40 years, John MacArthur is already quite familiar with these Bible verses, but just has a different understanding?!»
A church leader would have a good following of people in a particular town or city, and some other teacher would arrive in town, and begin to teach Scripture in a different way or with a different emphasis.
The news of including teaching about same - sex relationships has not gone down well with those who consider sexuality a moral issue which parents will have different views on.
While couched in different language, Catholic social teaching has much in common with this approach, in its overriding concern to safeguard the unique dignity of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God, and in its emphasis on the duty of civil authority to foster the common good.
But insofar as we can call racism a blind spot (by which I don't in any way mean to absolve people of responsibility), Jesus taught a very different process for correction: start with your own sin.
Ironically, while Biblicists claim to take the Bible with utmost seriousness for what it obviously teaches, their theory about the Bible drives them to try to make it something it evidently is not... Regardless of the actual Bible that God has given his church, biblicists want a Bible that is different.
He was so open about Islam and the distinctions between the different sects with in it, that we declared that he and his wife should go around to schools and teach.
It has never taught to hate gay people it has just taught that we don't agree with it and don't think it is right but are still accepting that everyone is different.
Common sense is anything but common in a land where some churches teach you to hate people who are different than you, where the media blasts you with unfettered violence and when our schools have been gutted by the greed of those who don't wish to pay to educate the next generation.
H. Richard Niebuhr taught us in The Kingdom of God in America that the triune themes of the sovereignty of God over the whole world, the reign of Christ in the heart and the expectation of a Coming Kingdom in and beyond time were all embedded in the term «kingdom of God,» and that these themes were decisive in the way Christian theology and ethics provided — with differing accents in different periods — a spiritual and moral rudder for American civilization, from its founding through the industrial era.
It does not take much interaction with lay readers to see how enormously different are the problems they see in Scripture from those theologians are taught to see.
Keep in mind that even though Jesus dined with those different than him and taught loving everyone (because we are all sinners), he did not advocate their behaviors and sins.
I do believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, but with a slightly different twist than what is traditionally taught.
Lisa, I agree with you, I also teach something very different from Brian on Romans 9.
CNN having three guest all believing that it is a good idea to promote god or teaching about god in the schools and not a single guest with different ideas on this subject is just wrong.
I do not agree with the catholic teachings so I don't go to their church.I went to a church for many years and when they went a different way than what I believe I stopped going to it.I didn't try to change them.Government and a church will never agree on everything and its not the church job to change government and the government should not change a church beliefs.If you are a member of a church and do not agree with them anymore you should leave that church.
You can say whatever you want to... Al Quran teaches that God created human in different nationality, ethnicity, language so that one can interact with other and then HE gave free will to every single one of the human... and every one of us will be held accountable for the using of this «free will»....
Though the early Church was quite concerned with social justice as a sign and fruit of the teaching of Jesus, over the centuries Churches have had different perceptions on rights, according to their social alliances and theological elaborations.
This is a very different starting point from traditional Christian teaching which began with God, the Creator, who came to earth in Jesus Christ.
This relation of the Christian teaching to life (in contrast with a scientific aloofness from life), or this ethical side of Christianity, is essentially the edifying, and the form in which it is presented, however strict it may be, is altogether different, qualitatively different, from that sort of learning which is «indifferent,» the lofty heroism of which is from a Christian point of view so far from being heroism that from a Christian point of view it is an inhuman sort of curiosity.
The same lesson, with a different background, is taught in the last chapter of John, where Jesus is working with his chosen right - hand man, Simon Peter.
Its immediate effect was to leave Paul and those who shared his view free to continue the Gentile mission with the support of the leaders of the Jerusalem church, but with an interpretation of Jesus» life and teaching different in some important respects from their own (cf. Chap.
And even as I uphold this peculiar and particular faith, I want to teach William to engage his friends and teachers with different faith backgrounds and commitments with deep respect.
First of all it has to be said that, even if a real understanding should be impossible, a good acquaintance with the teachings and practices of a religious group already marks a great step beyond the prejudices born of ignorance which have so frequently tended to poison the relations between members of different religious communities.
Funny, I would love to see a cartoon with three classrooms with a wall dividing them, with three different religions teaching their own literal myths, with the three teachers saying the exact same silly but true thing.
I have learned that many of the classical sources I was taught to rely on so heavily, from Augustine to Tillich, sound very different when they are read with women's questions in mind.
With hundreds and maybe thousands of different churches and the same number of translations of the bible, how could anyone know the truth when all churches, even in the same denomination teach and believe differently.
Now I experience a liberation for orthodoxy in the endless flexibility of centered apostolic teaching to meld with different cultural environments while offering anew the eternal word of the theandric, messianic Servant in each new historical setting.
Are they the one's on Earth controlling our lives or are you about God the creator of universe that is worshipped by mankind in different ways, given different names, given different looks and combinations, partners, sons... others worshiped Satan or made him partner to God... The Message of the «Monotheism» was there from time of existance up to Noah PBUH and the monotheist derived from those saved by Noah named Abraham PBUH who came up then with the message of «Submission» and rebuilt the house of worship in Mecca for religion teachings redirecting pagans worshiping idols, trees, or worshiping many Gods they made and named as in Greek mythology...
The various elements can be identified in different ways; but I should say that this central event must be thought of as including, whatever words may be used in designating them, the personality, life and teaching of Jesus, the response of loyalty he awakened, his death, his resurrection, the coming of the Spirit, the faith with which the Spirit was received, the creation of the community.
Betty Currie, JED planning coordinator, stresses that the systems will be heavily backed with teaching and learning plans, leadership support, and a variety of resources for different settings to make such an integrated approach possible.
Further, people with such different attitudes as those I have mentioned are united in a common inability to listen with complete objectivity to what the texts teach us about the faith and hope of primitive Christianity, without mixing their own opinions and the views that are so dear to them with their interpretation of the texts.
There is probably very little about my religious upbringing and teachings that are different from yours, with the exception that I listen.
Jesus did teach that we should not seek revenge or resort to violence — two «wrongs» do not make a «right» and we can't do the Lord's work with the devil's tools; but that is quite different from devaluing ourselves as an excuse to surrender to fear when abused.
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