Sentences with phrase «taunted police»

The reason the Crown sought such a stiff penalty was that the Client was said to be one of the Riot's «early instigators», and because the Client had not only taunted police, but had «sucker punched» and thereby assaulted a citizen who, as it turns out, was trying to put fires out (though that was not known to the Client).
Twelve - year - old Serra Williams says her mostly white classmates once taunted a police officer by yelling out «Black Lives Matter» from a bus.
Over the course of the next decade, the killer taunted police and the media with a series of ciphers and letters of confession, never revealing his identity.
When the local police seem incapable of tracking down her daughter's killer, Mildred (McDormand) rents three derelict advertising hoardings on the edge of her home town and covers them in posters taunting the police — and specifically Chief Willoughby (Woody Harrelson)-- for their failure.
As a serial killer terrifies the San Francisco Bay Area and taunts police with his ciphers and letters, investigators in four jurisdictions search for the murderer.
Frances McDormand excels as a mother taunting the police to uncover the truth about her daughter's death
SYNOPSIS: A serial killer in the San Francisco Bay area taunts police with his letters and cryptic messages.
I saw a personalized license plate one time — HUNTER — and my first thought was, I wonder if that's a serial killer taunting the police?

Not exact matches

I think of how every Latino kid taunted by classmates, every soldier sent to war, every autistic kid who will lose his therapy when ACA is repealed, every black man shot by police is somebody else's baby boy, somebody else's most important person in the world.
One of her crushes was on a serial killer (who hacked up little children and sent the body parts to the police to taunt them).
Even before the game, police had to remove a provocative banner on a motorway close to Manchester designed to taunt Liverpool followers heading to Old Trafford.
Police and school officials are promising a full investigation of the videotaped taunting of a Greece school bus monitor.
March 17: Our investigative reporter James Fanelli wrote about a Bronx mom Tyeesha Mobley, 29, who sued the city and NYPD after she had called the police to teach her son why stealing is wrong and ended up wrongfully arrested and taunted by an NYPD officer that «black b — es don't know how to take care of your kids.»
Court papers filed by the family say police taunted Chamberlain by calling him the N - Word during the standoff.
The killer taunted local police and newspapers with handwritten letters containing threats, claims of further undiscovered victims, and coded messages.
Angry ex partner harrassed woman with texts and social media, court told — By phone and social media he taunted her that he had a serious communicable illness and he repeatedly posted her contact details on dating sites with messages encouraging... Police inquiries revealed Ronganui is a Hepatitis B...
Both Joe and Chrissie are frequently taunted by their ex-cop father Lenny over their namby - pamby, liberal police work not getting the results that the aggressive wollop - the - suspect - until - you - get - the - answer - you - want tactics of his era garnered.
The film taunts that it might probe the moral ambiguity of the increasingly unhinged police at the centre of the tale, but they are mere taunts.
What: There's enough story in this pitch - black comedy to warrant the mouthful of a title: Seven months after her daughter is murdered and no justice has been served, a mother uses the titular billboards to taunt the chief of police, inciting chaos in the process.
There's a potentially engaging jurisdictional triangle at the heart of his story, but it's largely obscured by what amounts to mediocre amalgam of a basic, post-CSI procedural and a serial killer B movie, in which a devilish antagonist does things like phone the police to taunt them as he's snuffing his latest victim.
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