Sentences with phrase «tax delinquency»

Tax delinquency refers to the failure to pay the required taxes to the government on time. It essentially means not fulfilling your legal obligation to pay the taxes you owe, leading to unpaid or overdue taxes. Full definition
The foreclosure process, whether for property tax delinquency or mortgage payment delinquency, does not require the lender to take the homeowner to court.
No, we're not talking spiritual redemption; we mean redemption of a property that's gone up for auction after property tax delinquency.
According to the Albany Times Union, the state has withdrawn a contract for $ 3 million to Espada's Soundview Healthcare Network because of alleged misstatements about the organization's history of tax delinquency.
While the cost of the proposal is not yet clear, the city's Independent Budget Office is studying the matter in wake of increasing tax delinquencies at such properties.
He recounted his own ballot challenges and his ongoing lawsuit seeking access to the primary and derided the Daily News» coverage of a prior tax delinquency that Dietl is paying off.
And new independent research by the rating agency DBRS finds that, «PACE delinquency metrics are lower than general aggregate property tax and single - family residential - only property tax delinquency levels
In 2014, when apparently unknown to Mr. Day, the property was in its second year of tax delinquency, he signed the lease renewal.
When an investor buys the lien on a property in property tax delinquency, he or she can charge interest.
As the Sheriff is not responsible for the collection of property taxes or the list of tax delinquent properties, I was unaware that a tax delinquency issue existed with this property until I was informed in a memo from a member of Mr. Day's staff on May 5, 2015.
Trinity Christian also has a long history of tax delinquency, having failed to make timely payments of federal and state payroll taxes dating back to the early 1990s.
While such a provision might not have caught Trinity Christian's past instances of tax delinquency, it could have revealed the school's most recent financial questions prior to the state sending millions to the school through vouchers.
For instance, do you have any other debt that should take priority, such as a tax delinquency, legal judgment, or accounts that have been turned over to a collections agency?
However, property tax delinquency and overdue homeowner insurance by the homeowner would constitute a loan default.
Wondering if your direct mail specifically mentions the tax delinquency issue, or if you just go with a generic «sell your vacant land» message.
In 2000 the Arkansas Commission of State Lands, as required by state law, sent a certified letter to Jones at the home in question notifying him of a tax delinquency and stating that the property would be sold by public auction in two years if the taxes weren't paid.
In 2000, the Arkansas Commissioner of State Lands («Commissioner») sent notice via certified mail to the Owner at his home's address about his tax delinquency.
Second, the Owner had been put on notice through property tax bills of the requirements to pay taxes and so the Owner had inquiry notice of the tax delinquency.
A property may be selling significantly below its market price due to special circumstances such as foreclosure, tax delinquency, and bankruptcy.
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