Sentences with phrase «tax dollars pay»

You see, as my tax dollars pay for them to take my MLS ® away from me, I also have to spend my own money contributing to CREA to keep the MLS ® that's already mine.
I'll let my tax dollars pay that interest and I'll invest that money elsewhere.
That's because charter schools are governed by a private entity and district tax dollars pay for the education of the students who attend the charter school.
Many families support voucher programs, as it allows them to use tax dollars they pay for education, but aren't able to use otherwise if they elect to attend a school other than the local private school.
How much of the tax dollars pay this small army.
He said there are some privately funded programs that provide education to inmates, but no tax dollars pay for those programs.
Your tax dollars pay for that.
Don Levy: «We're happy with the level of service we get for the tax dollars we pay.
I'm sure you'd be delighted to have your tax dollars pay for a bunch of Muslim, Pagan, Hindu, and Jewish religious displays, too, Thom.
Since my tax dollars pay for religious activities, I want religion out of public places all the more.
In a democracy, not everything your tax dollars pay for are going to meet with your personal approval.
You apply for a job in my community by running a campaign for a paid office that my local tax dollars pay for and you get elected then show up to your first scheduled meeting and decide to spend the first 5 minutes — eating donuts instead of working, speaking to the audience about your personal problems with your wife, telling the audience about an upcoming play your kid will be in, telling the captive audience about the benefits of being gay, speaking to them about God or praying aloud to your God regardless of which God the rest of the audience believes in.
We have 2.1 million people in prison and tax dollars pay to keep them there at $ 47,000 each.
I don't have a problem with anyone believing whatever they want — I just don't want my tax dollars paying for religious indoctrination.
A relatively small investment in our children is an investment in our country's future, one that will improve our chances that every other investment we're making with our tax dollars pays off in the coming years.
Local government needs to be in touch with our community, people don't want to see their tax dollars paying for community «extras» when they have no «extras» at home.
Since the charter school movement began in 1991 in Minnesota, these schools have filled a need in American society, giving individuals, communities, and local associations a chance to create their own schools — with tax dollars paying the basic costs.
Ball also reported that officials with the N.C. School Boards Association have identified private schools across the state that openly discriminate against students and families despite receiving public funding, putting gay parents in the position of having their tax dollars paying for schools that have a policy of refusing admission to their children.
As a result, East Greenwich High School students have no access to the school library; the same library that our tax dollars paid over $ 1 million to update several years ago.
If you make $ 100,000 per year, as in the previous example, you would not be eligible for any of the benefits that your tax dollars paid for.
Of course he has an agenda, all politicians do and I should have gotten to go to Africa too since my tax dollars paid for it, the ice caps on Kilimanjaro are back by the way.
In the event that all or any part of the payments required by this Article are not so includible in the Wife's income and are not so deductible by the Husband in the determination of their respective taxable incomes, whether by reason of Internal Revenue Service interpretation, amendment or repeal of existing revenue statutes, or otherwise, then the payments required by this Article shall be adjusted by agreement of the parties to carry out the intention of the parties with respect to after - tax dollars paid and received.
Knowing the questions to ask the tax professionals can make a huge difference in tax dollars paid versus tax dollars saved.

Not exact matches

If you build your nest egg only in tax - deferred accounts like a 401 (k) or IRA, you're going to pay a lot of taxes in retirement when you access these funds — meaning your retirement dollars may not go as far as you'd hoped.
Manafort «borrowed millions of dollars in loans using these properties as collateral, thereby obtaining cash in the United States without reporting and paying taxes on that income,» the indictment says.
State pension funds, facing a potential multitrillion - dollar shortfall, find themselves in the center of a four - way battle: Employees and retirees expect to be paid their promised benefits; the pension systems have clear obligations but may not have the resources to pay them; politicians are looking for ways to resolve the underfunding and balance the burden among retirees and workers; and state taxpayers, challenged to provide for their own retirements, resent the additional tax load.
Put another way: For every dollar of corporate income tax disbursed, companies paid an additional $ 1.09 in non-profit type taxes, $ 0.70 in other payments to governments, and $ 3.15 collected from customers and employees, and remitted to governments.
True, some investors may still be attracted to tax - loss harvesting because it's like getting an interest - free loan that is paid off in inflation - depreciated dollars.
As business owners we were required to pay a ten dollar tax each year.
Contributions to HSAs are made with pretax dollars (in most states), assets grow tax - free, and distributions are tax - free if used to pay for qualified medical expenses or as reimbursement for such expenses.
He said the company failed to properly pay his taxes on his behalf, made unauthorised loans, and overpaid for «security and other services,» costing him «tens of millions of dollars» and leading to financial trouble, of which he claims to have only become aware of in March of last year.
The concern some people have is that children will end up living for years in a local community, where they'll be entitled to education and other government services paid for with tax dollars.
If you put those two story - lines together, a mine which costs $ 20,000 per barrel per day to build and $ 10 per barrel to operate would pay an average of $ 42.50 per barrel in royalties and taxes (again, today's dollars) over the life of the project if the U.S. Energy Information Administration price forecast proves accurate.
«Manafort used his hidden overseas wealth to enjoy a lavish lifestyle in the United States, without paying taxes on that income,» the indictment says, adding, «Manafort then borrowed millions of dollars in loans using these properties as collateral, thereby obtaining cash in the United States without reporting and paying taxes on that income.»
Apple this week confirmed that it will repatriate its nearly quarter - trillion - dollar cash hoard and pay $ 38 billion in taxes on it.
If you pay for health insurance with after - tax dollars, your premiums might be able to count toward the deductible.
The government contends that it loses millions, quite possibly billions, of dollars each year on workers who've been classified as independent contractors but who haven't voluntarily paid self - employment taxes.
If, for example, you pay Tom $ 2,000 per month and let him get his own health insurance, he would have to pay for the health insurance with dollars shrunken by a tax bite.
Many investors believe they're only paying the expense ratio (used to pay marketing costs, distribution costs and management fees) when owning a mutual fund, but there are several other costs involved: transaction costs, tax costs, cash drag, soft dollar cost, and advisory fees.
Everyone who works hard wants to be self - sufficient, but until companies pay a living wage «your tax dollars are subsidizing McDonald's (mcd), Wal - Mart (wmt), and Macy's (m),» Crawford told me, adding that she hopes to bring about improvements not only for herself but for those she has met along the way.
In this case, you can minimize your tax bill and have more after - tax dollars by converting and paying the tax now vs. later.
I've heard that the old Medical Savings Account has been replaced by a new, expanded version that allows employers to assist their employees in accumulating tax - free dollars that these employees can use to pay for certain qualified medical expenses.
BIDEN, when asked who would pay more taxes in Obama's second term: «People making a million dollars or more.»
Digital currency owners are currently obliged to pay taxes when they exchange it for dollars or physical goods, but the new rule now effectively means all crypto transactions are a taxable event.
Vector has now paid the taxes, which amounted to «several thousand dollars,» according to the company's president, John Whelpley.
«The stock options held by the highest paid 100 CEOs in 2013 represent a tax break worth half a billion dollars
As a result of our Government's low - tax plan, the average Canadian family now pays 3,200 dollars less in taxes every year.
They found the federal treasury lost at least half a billion dollars in tax revenue that would have been paid had individuals not been able to funnel their personal income through corporations.
Using easy numbers, say you pay 40 % in total taxes and have $ 10k pre-tax dollars to invest.
That means that, while tax rates in Madison County aren't especially high, homeowners in the county pay more in dollar terms than homeowners in any other Mississippi county.
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