Sentences with phrase «tax effort»

The state also provides additional aid to match local tax effort above the required levy, and districts can obtain state aid for help in making bond payments.
Conversely, counties with fewer taxable resources need to make greater taxing effort to support their schools.
As the court ruled, in order to have an equitable funding system, we must ensure that all schools in all school systems receive similar revenues for similar levels of local tax effort.
First, wealthier counties are able to spend more on schools while simultaneously making less taxing effort.
The Board believes that the use of tax effort in determining the state share of each district's adequacy gap should be eliminated, but realizes that political difficulty and fiscal infeasibility of making this happen could imperil, or bring to an end, the pursuit of the larger goal of implementation of a well - funded formula.
Broadcom plans to redomicile to the United States from Singapore, President Donald Trump said on Thursday at a White House event where the company's Chief Executive Hock Tan cited Republican tax efforts.
Republicans in Congress are also concerned that a big push from Trump, who has historically low approval ratings, could damage tax efforts rather than help.
Any and all neurally taxing efforts must be accounted for in training.
Texas must specifically provide for equal return for equal tax rates, for all school districts, all levels of the state permitted tax effort.
The 2004 mean Equalized Aid was $ 5930 and decreased by $ 170 for every $ 1000 in net tax effort.
«State policy decisions made during the last 25 years have narrowed the educational investment gap by providing additional funds for the state's smallest and lowest wealth counties, and some of the state's poorest counties have narrowed the gap through strong relative taxing effort,» said Joe Ableidinger, Senior Director of Policy & Programs, Public School Forum of North Carolina.
The steering feel isn't very communicative, but it doesn't require overly taxing effort from the driver, either.
In addition to the full - state - funding portion of the education finance system, the state provides supplemental aid to property - poor districts to equalize local tax efforts.
The resulting revenue gap between the districts exceeds $ 900 per pupil even though Mesquite puts forth slightly greater tax effort and has a significantly more challenging student population.
The 1966 Royal Commission on Taxation declared that the family should be considered the «basic economic unit in society» and the focus of Ottawa's tax efforts.
Trump, traveling in Asia this week, called in to a meeting between White House officials and a collection of moderate Senate Democrats on Tuesday, hoping he could win their support for his tax effort.
The tax effort, which lawmakers hope to dive deep into next month, could prove to be another tricky venture.
The tax effort also has been marked by threats of violence over the years.
Money for special education varies based on different disability categories and a district's local tax effort.
All districts (or their taxpayers) receive extra money for specific programs (such as special adjustment aid, school levy tax credits, categorical aid and integration aid), regardless of wealth or tax effort.
The new formula takes into account relative wealth, local tax effort, geographic price differences, enrollment levels, local support as well as other factors.
The purpose of the overview paper was to examine the formula - driven components of the support allocated by the state of Illinois to its school districts and, among other things, to determine the relationships between such aid and school district spending, wealth, and tax effort.
The formula, which took into account the number of students and factors such as poverty levels and local tax effort, was abandoned in 2011 when Governor Corbett took office.
The current system provides districts with access to unequalized revenues through both M&O and I&S taxes, which ultimately creates funding disparities that are unrelated to tax effort and student need while enabling districts to waste tax dollars.
Other efforts revolve around implementing tax incentives to aid borrowers come tax season; some of these tax efforts aim to improve the benefits of employer contributions as a employment benefit.
It's unfortunate that people like JThompson believe that anyone who disagrees with human induced warming is an elitist or has some financial stake in fighting the disasterous cap and tax effort.
Witness the failure of past fuel - tax efforts, the resistance to fossil - fuel - displacing wind farms in some areas, and the persistence of costly tax entitlements like the deductibility of home mortgage interest payments from federal taxes — each, in its own way, testament to the dictum that «losers cry louder than winners sing,» in the words of University of Michigan tax policy expert Joel Slemrod.
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