Sentences with phrase «tax on banks»

There is clearly scope for a more ambitious financial transactions tax on the banks - I think the coalition's proposal is extremely modest.
There will also be a one off 50 per cent tax on banks on bonuses higher than # 25,000.
Government plans for a windfall tax on bank bonuses, branded as «populist» today by City figures, are one of several new tax measures on the rich.
The Facts: Minister Yamamoto must have missed the fact that the New Democrat leader proposes to reinstate the minimum tax on banks in order to generate the revenue for the renewed grant program.
Someone's been briefing that the chancellor's considering a windfall tax on the banks.
• Create one million jobs that pay at least a living wage; a new wealth tax on the top 1 %; a Robin Hood tax on the banks.
For instance, his second term (2010 - 2014) saw the Hungarian government enact additional taxes on banks (mostly foreign owned) and some parts of the energy and utilities sector as well (again, affecting substantial foreign interests).
It's not fair to raise VAT, which hits the poorest hardest, while cutting corporation tax on the banks and leaving bankers» bonuses untaxed.
b) A new tax on banks, ensuring that they help to pay to clear up the mess left by the financial crisis.
In terms of bringing relief to motorists, George Osborne's announcement, this morning, of an # 800m extra tax on banks gives him some more wiggle room for next month's budget.
The opposition have urged ministers to levy a # 2bn tax on bank bonuses to pay for 25,000 new homes and 100,000 new construction jobs for young people, as part of their five - point plan for boosting growth.
In addition, introducing a small Robin Hood Tax on banks, hedge funds and other financial institutions would raise # 20 billion a year at a stroke.
We speak with Gert on the notion of giving banks specific classes of licences for specific transactions and levying a transaction tax on banks.
He says Cable hinted at a windfall tax on the banks, which he says would be a mistake.
Yet there is concern the Senate plan may widen the scope of a tax on banks in a search for more funds.
A tax on banks?
We will fund this by a repeat of the tax on bank bonuses and by restricting pension tax relief for the very highest earners to the same rate as the average taxpayer.
«It's great that public support for a tax on banks» financial transactions is making people in the City of London sit up and notice,» he added.
- real cuts to departmental budgets, but priority public services protected - a tax on bank bonuses and a new 50p rate of tax on incomes above # 150,000.
Specifically: — a national insurance break for small firms taking on extra workers — a temporary tax cut for hard - pressed families — with VAT being the fairest and quickest option available — further cuts in VAT on home improvements — accelerated investment in infrastructure — and a serious programme to tackle the worsening youth jobs crisis, funded by a tax on bank bonuses.
We have put forward a 5 point plan to get demand and growth back into our economy — including tax breaks for small businesses taking on extra workers, a temporary VAT cut, and a tax on bank bonuses to fund 100,000 jobs for young people.
The only thing he has suggested so far to deal with the deficit is a tax on banks,» he said.
And let's have a Robin Hood Tax on the banks, so they pay us back for the mess they caused.»
Asking about the specific measures, all but one measure met with the support of a plurality of respondents, with the most popular measures being the rise in personal allowance on income tax and the tax on the banks.
Both the Tories and Liberal Democrats have pledged to introduce a tax on banks unilaterally if international agreement can not be found.
The scheme will be funded by a tax on bank bonuses and by restricting tax relief for the highest earners to the same rate as that for the average tax payer;
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