Sentences with phrase «tax overhaul legislation»

But again, we'll see if this «loophole» in tax law lasts the next round of tax overhaul legislation.
In New York, the campaign from Priorities USA will target Republican Reps. Claudia Tenney and John Katko, two lawmakers who voted in favor of last week's tax overhaul legislation in the House of Representatives.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo indicated Friday he would turn toward rejiggering the state's tax code in response to the federal tax overhaul legislation signed into law by President Donald Trump.
Rep. John Faso said in a telephone town hall last night that he remains undecided about how he'll vote on Republican tax overhaul legislation, with the House expected to take up its version of the later this week.
Independent schools might breathe a small sigh of relief in reviewing the final compromise version of the sweeping tax overhaul legislation released December 15 by the House and Senate conference committee.
Financial Management Independent schools might breathe a small sigh of relief in reviewing the final compromise version of the sweeping tax overhaul legislation released December 15 by the House and Senate conference committee.
WASHINGTON, March 20 - From a «grain glitch» hurting agriculture companies to a write - off for restaurant remodeling, December's hastily approved U.S. tax overhaul legislation was loaded with mistakes, but hopes of fixing them anytime soon are fading in Congress.
The proposal, included in the broader tax overhaul legislation, has been a flashpoint for Cuomo in the last several months.
Republican sportsmen in two GOP - leaning congressional districts are opposed to including the push to drill for oil in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska in the omnibus tax overhaul legislation, according to a poll released Friday by the New York League of Conservation Voters.
But the split in the delegation underscores the heavy lift tax overhaul legislation will continue to be for New York Republicans unless major changes are made in future versions following negotiations with the Senate.
[26] And discussions about limiting the charitable deduction in one way or another are part of tax overhaul legislations to be put forward later this year by Speaker Ryan in coordination with the Trump administration.
Rep. John Faso won't be changing his vote to the «yes» column on the federal tax overhaul legislation, he said Monday in a statement.
ALBANY — U.S. Rep. John Faso said in a telephone town hall Tuesday evening that he remains undecided about how he'll vote on Republican tax overhaul legislation, with the House expected to take up its version of the later this week.
The Senate approved its version of the tax overhaul legislation late last week; the House of Representatives approved its own package several weeks ago.
A shutdown of the federal government is preferable to Congress passing bad policy like the tax overhaul legislation, Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday told reporters in a conference call.
A Republican - allied advocacy organization has launched a $ 1.5 million TV and digital ad campaign ahead of this week's vote on the tax overhaul legislation in the House of Representatives.
With Congress poised to make further gains on its tax overhaul legislation this week, a group is launching a national digital ad campaign to push for the preservation of state and local tax deductions.
The tax overhaul legislation being considered in Congress today has divided the state's Republican members of the House of Representatives.
Republican Rep. John Faso in a statement Wednesday said he would vote against his party's tax overhaul legislation, saying he could not support the measure «in its current form.»
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is blasting Senate Republicans for advancing their tax overhaul legislation.
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