Sentences with phrase «tchotchke items»

Not exact matches

Its shelves are stocked with so many stationery items, fashion accessories and home decor tchotchkes that general merchandise now constitutes nearly 40 % of all sales.
But with the sheer volume of gifts and promotional items that people receive from businesses increasing every year, how do you cut through the tchotchke clutter and choose a memorable gift that gets you noticed and reinforces your relationship?
He is known for blending the theory of abstraction with the banality of tchotchkes and household items, amounting to acid - colored mashups that will soon take over the museum's second floor.
Installed wonder - cabinet style in a shelf - lined gallery, the items range from art to artifact to tchotchkes; leap across cultures; and trickle from high to low, where racial stereotypes and kitsch frequently take over.
by scaled back i mean less of the christmas junk - ya know, the tchotchkes... i used more natural stuff and items i already use in my decor instead.
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