Sentences with phrase «teach about making»

I love this question because I thought of my own precious daughters and what I want to teach them about making a home.
They will teach you about making good decisions in your future home buying experiences, and provide great information about the qualifying process, improving your credit score, and much more.
In order to promote good self discipline in children teach them about making healthy choices — explain why they have to do something and the resulting reward.
It's easy to get started growing their own sprouts, and it's also a great way to teach them about making healthy eating choices and about knowing where our food comes from.
He then found work in Denver with a confectioner who taught him about making caramel with fresh milk.
I wanted to tell you what my husband taught me about making rice in rice makers.
Michael taught me about making your best judgment, being wrong, making your next best judgment, being wrong, making your third best judgment, and then doubling your money.

Not exact matches

The HBO series about a bunch of dudes trying to make it in Hollywood can teach something to aspiring business owners.
Musk's five - minute scheduling trick did teach me something new about productivity: It made me realize how often I stop whatever I'm doing to read or reply to new emails.
And that's not just about teaching more kids to code, in the hopes that more of them will make tech their careers.
I had seen programming boot camps starting to pop up in the U.S. and, given what we'd learned about teaching people, it made obvious sense we should bring that model to Canada.
There's no better time than the beginning of a career to teach a new team member about what makes your company and culture special.
Core pursuits are things that make you feel gratified and fulfilled: volunteering, traveling, teaching, sports... activities that make you feel good about yourself and your life.
It's all about: Can you teach me something new, give me lots of opportunities to learn and shine and make the work (however brief) rewarding.»
Featuring bestselling author, venture capitalist, and serial entrepreneur Chris Haroun, this course teaches everything you need to know about how to start a business, make it profitable, and launch an...
Independent researchers across the U.S. have spent millions of federal dollars developing dozens of evidence - based programs shown to teach children to make wise and responsible decisions about drugs.
Under federal securities rules, public companies aren't supposed to disclose «material information» about their business performance unless it's made widely available to the public, noted Stephen Diamond, an associate professor who teaches securities law at Santa Clara University.
He taught me a lot about making startup screens and building batch files.
Learn what Jamie did in his early days of his career that made him standout from everyone else and what that taught him about his unique selling position.
She's not about teaching people how to make huge amounts of money at once, but she does show her readers how little savings can really add up.
As history has taught us, inflation distorts decision - making in the economy, discourages saving, and increases uncertainty about the future.
Our «Make # 5 Grow» schools programme helps teach children about money — encouraging young entrepreneurs across the country.
BUILDING ON BEDROCK: What Sam Walton, Walt Disney, and Other Great Self - Made Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us About Building Valuable Companies For founders and investors — based upon research, and told through the stories of famous and not - so - famous American entrepreneurs.
I have not retired yet — I'm still teaching economics, writing an investment newsletter and speaking at conferences — but like many of you, I'm concerned about making sure my wife and I have enough to live on if and when we decide to retire.
This issue of trading being taught vs. it being a natural gift was first made popular by the famous experiment by Richard Dennis and Bill Eckhardt who had an ongoing dispute in mid-1983 about whether traders were born or made.
YouTube Blogger: You can start your own mini reality series and show people what your daily life is all about, teach people different skills, do comedy skits, and still make money from it on YouTube through the YouTube adsense program.
(Anything that you can summarize, make a cheatsheet for, review, say something nice about, teach someone else about?)
Paul and his family also enjoy the multi-cultural make up of the area: a snapshot of what Canada is all about and a perfect opportunity to teach their son about tolerance and the richness that surrounds us.
Then someone made a movie about it and wrote a catchy song and a book about it all from this teaching.
Never, so far as I can tell, has modern historical study made it impossible for a contemporary person concerned about intellectual integrity to believe what the Church (or the synagogue) has long taught as necessary for true faith.
Non-Catholics often worry about an excessive Catholic devotion to Mary, and in some cases the worry is justified; but in Catholic teaching and tradition — and here Milosz is typically Catholic in making Mary his last reference — Mary, though beautiful in herself, leads us first and last to Christ, who is beautiful even in his dying.
I do not embrace the man - made hierarchy of the Catholic Church or the secrecy and corruption it engenders, but I understand why they are concerned about nuns and priests - those who bear their name - and what it is they teach.
Maybe they can move the old Arch Bishop who covered it up out, make him a cardinal, then make his replacement a cardinal for gladhanding the victims and sweeping things under the rug... then plead poverty and go about a few punitive church closings to teach the lay parishoners not to stand up to them no matter what their crimes... like they did here in Massachusetts.
My cartoon and post make reference to his ideas about the offensive presence of women's bodies in the teaching role.
Well, given that many atheists are actually more informed (as studies have confirmed) than believers, a better analogy would be that it's like asking a former professional chemist now teaching an English class about chemistry instead of asking the Chemistry teacher who never made it past chem 101 as an undergrad.
You can even make judgments about the value of the religious ideas you were taught or that you possess.
Right wing conservative types have a Jesus who is against gay marraige, is anti-abortion, thinks there should be prayer in school, and teaches the prosperity stuff and so on... Left wing liberal Christians quote the verses about giving up possessions, feeding and clothing the poor... inner city Christians often have a Jesus who is about social justice... we were made in His image?
A few people back in the 1890's or something made some dubious statements about race that frequently get thrown in our faces, and it is very hurtful to us because they are not representative of what nearly all Mormons believe — or teach in church.
The fact is if you believe the words of God and the teachings of Jesus, this practice is an abomination and nothing that anyone can do to make it pretty, nice, sweet, loving or any other thing to make it acceptable can override what the Lord says about it.
If it is evident that Christians are not held to fulfilling the most momentous vow they will ever make to another person, young people and others may be forgiven for thinking that the churches are not entirely serious in their moral teaching about other matters, especially those related to sexuality.
I just want to testify, for those who are questioning or unsure about Calvinism, that it asserts a false and unlivable theology, teaching that God loves only some, and cruelly punishes the rest, whom he rendered unable to do good for — yep — not doing what he made them incapable of doing.
I know ignorance makes people say stupid things but as many problems it has a solution: reading and learning!!!! Muslims will never say anything bad about the Holy Books or about the prophets because all of them are part of Islam and it's teachings.
We see it as a book about what is antecedent to itself — the person and work of Christ, the Word made flesh, teaching and suffering among us.
Christians do not then force others to believe anything, but rather go to their homes as Jesus commanded his genuine disciples to do, seeking to discuss, reason and hopefully teach them about our Creator, Jehovah God and his kingdom, for Jesus said just before he ascended to heaven: «Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.»
It is your task to teach newcomers about Christian doctrine and Christian behavior and that sort of thing; it is our task to make sure that newcomers know about local traditions.
someone has misled you about a few things but just as Jesus and his followers in the first century did anyone who follows Jesus teachings does go door to door and makes disciples, (Matt.28: 19,20) but the hope is for all not just 144,000.
All I see are a lot of believers making a lot of claims — often contradictory — unsupported by any evidence about God and his teachings.
Jesus» teaching about the basileia of God leaves many questions unanswered, but it nevertheless makes some points very clear.
Mom taught me that when we delight in God first and foremost — in a sense, make our dreaming about knowing Him — He shapes our desires.
Someone who has made a study of religion and teaches them may know far more than you do about Christianity.
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