Sentences with phrase «teach content in»

We must also stop assigning teachers to teach content in which they are not trained or certified.
If there's a gap in a student's knowledge, Pardoe will pull students into smaller groups — even in groups of two — and teach them content in a more traditional way.
For example, revise a lesson to teach content in three different ways.
As someone who entered the profession with a generic certification for grades 1 - 8, I would now need additional certification to teach content in middle schools.
We teach content in that language, and that's the only way to do it.
One Albemarle teacher used the same Legos - based maker project to teach content in history, science, math, language arts, reading, and writing.
«Teach the content in a meaningful, age - appropriate way and the children will connect to the world and to others.
These behaviors range from the innocuous — teaching the content in state standards — to the likely harmful — outright cheating.
Bruner would also go on to claim that learning merely to pass a test or avoid punishment was ineffective learning, and that the best and most thorough form of education came when one was taught content in a way that makes it appealing and memorable.
This is the order that I taught the content in, you may wish to change it!
He was a talented mathematician and always taught the content in a methodical way.
When a teacher comes back and teaches that content in a short period, the one being taught isn't provided with ongoing processes and protocols to learn, make mistakes, and grow in practice.
After all, study after study shows that teaching content in a variety of ways improves comprehension and retention.
She is the sole instructor of the Clinical Pathology courses at MSU and teaches content in hematology, parasitology, urinalysis, clinical chemistry, serology and immunology and has taught microbiology in the past.

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These programs attract some of the best students and teach them most of the content they would learn in a traditional MBA.
At the heart of the changes at Wharton is what the school is calling «pathways for fulfillment» — essentially required courses in six different «content areas» that are broader than the traditional disciplines taught at most business schools.
Since then, we've created more videos and house them on our website in a section called Pixability University, which teaches people how to make better web videos, including how to improve content, on - camera appearance and other aspects.
Teachers will learn to find common threads in their teachings, and use them across content areas to strengthen learning and resonate in students» minds throughout the day.
In it, author Nathan Ellering will teach you how to use the four pillars of awesome content in your blog titles, how to use psychology to increase shares and clicks, and how to use the best words to capture your audience's unique interesIn it, author Nathan Ellering will teach you how to use the four pillars of awesome content in your blog titles, how to use psychology to increase shares and clicks, and how to use the best words to capture your audience's unique interesin your blog titles, how to use psychology to increase shares and clicks, and how to use the best words to capture your audience's unique interest.
Phoebe has awesome content and really helps the listener get into the nuts an bolts of what the guest is teaching so that they can rocket in their business!
Insightful content that drives controversy, elaborates on ideas, solves problems or teaches valuable skills strengthens credentials and fuels the image of being an expert in the industry.
So, he's taught himself how to start each speech by talking about a relatable moment from his past — when he was in a rap group and decided to focus on producing video content in order to increase his branding.
In our college also where we teach digital marketing course in Pune ( we see now students are also very curious about developing content not just for their website blog but for whole umbrella of digital mediIn our college also where we teach digital marketing course in Pune ( we see now students are also very curious about developing content not just for their website blog but for whole umbrella of digital mediin Pune ( we see now students are also very curious about developing content not just for their website blog but for whole umbrella of digital mediin-pune/) we see now students are also very curious about developing content not just for their website blog but for whole umbrella of digital media.
The challenge with training adult sales professionals is not in the content or sales techniques taught, but ensuring those skills and best practices you introduce are actually put into practice, that is a change in their daily behaviors and routines.
ReadWrite — Unlike most of the other blogs in this category, ReadWrite doesn't necessarily teach you about content marketing so much as it gives you content to write about.
It is through His teachings that I can be content with my life and how I can work with all the negativity in this world.
The content, however, is scriptual, because other passages in the Bible can confirm the teachings.
Sketches are in fact pleasant source of teaching instead of content.
That the majority of the relatively few men coming forward for priesthood now want to be faithful to the magisterium is likely due in large part to the enormous efforts of John Paul II and Benedict XVI to teach the «full faith», the «full content of the life of Christ».
Back in November 1977 the co-founder of Faith Movement wrote, as editor of this magazine, «There will be no traditional priesthood left in Europe in ten years time, among the younger clergy, unless a start is urgently made to teach priests the full faith, the full spiritual heritage of the Church, and the full content of the life of Christ in the traditional image of the priest of the Western Patriarchate, the priesthood of the Latin rite, which is the priesthood of the fullness of Peter and Paul.»
But the value of the book lies in the interpretation of Jesus» teaching as a whole, and this interpretation becomes more rather than less convincing if we ascribe to Jesus himself more of the Gospel content than Professor Bultmann is ready to do.
We usually focus on the content of faiths and policies in disputing groups; for example, the Catholic bishops» pastoral letters, the sermonic messages of Martin Luther King, Jr., and black churches, Mormon doctrines about equality or inequality, New Christian Right teachings based on revealed truths, or Jews» concepts of the land of Israel.
For that reason the Church teaches moral maxims with specific content to be observed by the faithful in every case where the inner structure of reality to which these principles apply is actually present and where this presence is recognized by the Christian.
One does not learn, in any systematic fashion, what distinctive doctrine Rabbi Soloveitchik formulated, or why the content and manner of his teaching continue to arouse controversy.
«Older generations wanted content and Bible knowledge, preferring to be left to themselves to apply the teachings of the Bible to their lives,» Hahn wrote in Gen Xers After God (coauthored with psychologist David Verhagen).
Faith does, to be sure, have an objective content in the form of the truths that God has revealed, so there have to be dogmas and there has to be a teaching authority.
The content of official Roman Catholic teaching in sexual matters is generally well known.
Hirsch replied to my criticisms by admitting that in his later writings Dewey may indeed have considered the importance of teaching the content as well as the skills of literacy and was therefore not as Rousseauian as Hirsch had made him out to be.
Nor will the course content represented in the sections on «Teaching Religion.»
The religion does not simply grow from developing the content of the founder's teaching; the life of the founder is held to be one of the crucial moments, perhaps the crucial moment, of history, in which some new relation to the transcendent has been established.
It is well described by Pope John Paul II in Tertio Millennio Adveniente: «The Council's enormously rich body of teaching and the striking new tone [emphasis in the original] in the way it presented this content constitute as it were a proclamation of new times.
Their witness could be called «catechesis with a punch» - the outstanding content of their teaching is hammered home by the enthusiasm and energy of the teachers who as college students are usually seen as «cool» in the eyes of their youthful audiences.
We would also think as Christians about our churches, about how we educate as well as the content that we teach, about how we relate to one another in the church, about how we worship.
In its response to the Government's consultation on what content should be included in the guidance, the Church says pupils should be taught that «humans express their sexuality differently and that there is diversity in sexual desire»In its response to the Government's consultation on what content should be included in the guidance, the Church says pupils should be taught that «humans express their sexuality differently and that there is diversity in sexual desire»in the guidance, the Church says pupils should be taught that «humans express their sexuality differently and that there is diversity in sexual desire»in sexual desire».
Some of the emerging educational gurus claim great strides in «teaching content» through the Net and other distance technologies.
His years of teaching in the classroom and making presentations to non-Muslim groups clearly inform the structure and content of his book.
In the former case, preaching is quite aside from the rest of the seminary curriculum because preaching so taught has its form defined not by the content of the Gospel nor the nature of Christian faith but by Greek rhetoric.
But the parables represent by all odds the most markedly individualistic characteristic of the teaching of Jesus; both in form and content they were highly original and strongly stamped with the personality of their author.
This silence becomes a little less perplexing, perhaps, when we recall that the letters of Paul are genuine letters, addressed to actual churches, that their contents are in large part determined by the requirements of particular concrete situations, and that therefore they can not be expected to indicate to modern readers the entire content of Paul's missionary preaching and teaching.
Indeed, on accepting this view of the tradition, one's first impulse is simply to give up the ghost and content oneself with selecting from the earlier strata of the tradition such teaching as is in keeping with one's overall view of the historical Jesus, making no systematic attempt to defend the authenticity of each saying used.
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