Sentences with phrase «teach examples of»

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Take the (infamous) example of «Tay,» described by The Verge in a March 2016 article titled «Twitter taught Microsoft's AI chatbot to be a racist a — hole in less than a day» (the «a — hole» being my addition).
If you currently are taking advantage of such programs (for example, by teaching in low - income areas or working in nonprofits or fields such as nursing or law enforcement), consolidating your loans could affect the terms of that forgiveness.
Although the T. Rowe Price survey found that 69 percent of parents are very or extremely concerned about setting a good financial example for their kids, 40 percent are relying on a «do as I say, not as I do» attitude for teaching their kids about money.
Here are three great examples of millionaire entrepreneurs, as well as the lessons they can teach us:
I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example
For example, in teaching, women earned 89 %, business and management 86 %, and in sales 77 % of the salaries of men in the same occupation.
Example: Everyone's talking about the benefits of outsourcing, but nobody teaches how to onboard new contractors quickly and manage their work effectively.
«The teaching team had pre-calculated we were going to make an example out of them,» Blank says.
It's sort of like if Michelangelo was teaching a sculpting class, and at the end, he was selling his example statue for $ 1,100 and the students were offering theirs for $ 200.
He sets the example and references teaching of bishops conferences frequently in the letter, including those in Spain, Korea, Mexico, Columbia and Kenya.
Those who take part in simulated surgical training, for example, retain as much as 80 % of what they learned a year later, compared to 20 % among people who are taught in traditional ways.
There was something going on in comics where there was just a lot of raping going on... And I thought there was a much more complex and dangerous road to go down that doesn't have that in it, and as a male creator, do that: teach by example.
This is such a bad decision, for so many reasons, that I think it's destined to be taught as an example of «what not to do when rebranding» for years to come.
But look at risk as an example of the entrepreneurship - management divide: Many business schools and programs teach tactics for managing and mitigating risk.
All the examples that we discuss here have been conducted by members of the HubSpot marketing team, and each test can teach you a lesson about A / B testing.
For example, look at how Magdalena Georgieva uses Fight Club — a movie almost all of us know and love — to teach HubSpot readers marketing lessons.
These aren't actual trades I took, but the charts you see ARE good examples of high - probability price action signals that I teach in my courses and that you can and should learn how to trade.
For example how we teach our kids or how we donate part of this websites earnings to poor people, schools or foundations.
IPT's The Basics of Saving and Investing: Investor Education 2020 teaching guide has just been updated to include more information, new handouts and examples, and more!
The National Institutes of Health, for example, spent $ 1,552,145 of your money to develop a video game that teaches parents how to feed their kids vegetables.
While the example of Richard Dennis and the «turtles» was a good example of the fact that trading can indeed be taught, there is a problem with learning a strict set of trading rules.
Ms. Evans says she was following the example of her 89 - year - old father, who «taught me that you haven't lost it until you've sold it.»
For example, on BiggerPockets alone you have an incredible amount of resources to teach you how to never put money down on properties.
But rather than incentivize teaching innovation that would allow science educators to discuss religion and ethics --- for example, creationism in light of evolution and vice versa, or the scientific and ethical implications of stem cells and in vitro fertilization — many teachers are afraid to even mention these issues, despite their importance, for fear of losing their jobs.
Salafi teaching upholds the first three generations of Muslim history (salaf) as sacrosanct alongside the prophetic example.
L4H is a prime example of a christian supremacist... to think this guy «teaches» his version of belief is scary to say the least.
A number of the major religions have even accepted this as you're not actually worshiping Buddha, just following his examples and teachings as to how to be a better person in life.
I'm reading NFIB v. Sebelius (the Obamacare decision) in preparation for teaching the case to my constitutional law students and came across the following most interesting passage in in Justice Ginsburg's opinion: «A mandate to purchase a particular product would be unconstitutional if, for example, the edict impermissibly abridged the freedom of speech, interfered with the free exercise of religion, or infringed on a liberty interest protected by the Due Process Clause.»
The Eastern Orthodox Church, for example and certainly not exclusively, endorses the teachings of pioneering Christian monastics known as the Desert Fathers, who placed great emphasis on living in continual «remembrance of death.»
For example, advocates of autonomy might defend euthanasia as death with dignity, while most Christian teaching judges euthanasia and physician - assisted suicide to be actions beneath and against human dignity.
But Catholic teaching typically explains a hierarchy of public issues, prioritizing marriage and sanctity of life, for example, which are intrinsic to Christian faith, over important but less theologically binding issues of prudential judgment, such as federal entitlement programs or immigration.
I am sorry that someone may not have been the best example of what we are taught.
Plus other people have mentioned bombing mosque's, what kind of example are we teaching are children and future generations??
Although there is some dispute about his teaching, it would seem that Spinoza, for example, equated God with the systematic perfection of the world order.
Through his example, one of the things he taught us best, was how to hang in there, be tough, and provide for our families.
If these men want to teach male headship and female submission and can do so without oppressing anyone then fine, however, there are so many examples of their teaching being used to control, restrict, oppress people that it needs to be challenged.
It is also true that later people used (and still use) his teachings to oppress others, but many (perhaps most) Christians today look to the example of Jesus for guidance in how to treat others, not to the Old Testament.
Consider, for example, these posts by Tom Beaudoin, who teaches theology at Fordham University (home to some of the Jesuit mentors of my youth).
This fake rapture theory goes against Jesus» truth that He returns to His favorite place on earth, that we are to endure to the end, the meek shall inherit the earth for examples of some of his scriptures that contradict that teaching.
The biggest problem with Muslims are that they are not following teachings of the prophet and setting up good examples of Islam to others.
Loving one another (family specifically) unconditionally and teaching love by example is far more of a noble focus than spending much of our time obsessing over and trying to please a god whom there is zero proof of existence.
I do this as a Christian, trying to follow the teachings and example of Jesus.
I was taught, for example, the Enlightenment mythology of the dark, anti-intellectual ages dominated by the Church and the growth of human knowledge and freedom brought by those who rejected religion and discovered science.
People are taught and to clarify what I mean by this, I'll give the example of an abusive home: So Little Joey is born to parents where Dad totally control's the home.
That being said, legalism, absolutes beyond basic issues, problems with universalizing Bible historical times issues to today, misinterpretation of things past to things future (dispensationalism good example) all are rooted in being so locked into the Bible and one groups teaching of that Bible, over another.
In the letter, which I couldn't find online, he begins by «reiterat [ing] my uncompromised commitment to the Magisterium of the Church in all its fullness, including the Church's unambiguous teaching on homosexuality,» providing a number of examples.
«A church that puts its faith into action focuses not on themselves but on Christ's teaching and his divine example of compassion,» says Zondervan's director of church engagement.
To cite but a few examples, there is no mention of distinctively Catholic moral teaching, or of bishops and communion with Peter, or of the teaching authority of the Magisterium.
The lives of the saints do not present us with a new theory of virtue, but a new way of teaching, a new strategy that builds on the tradition of examples, but enriches it by unfolding a pattern of holiness over the course of a lifetime.
I'm skeptical of both groups, especially when they are such a questionable example of what Jesus teaches / what the Humanists proclaim they value.
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