Sentences with phrase «teach foreign language programs»

An endorsement in a foreign language prepares individuals to teach foreign language programs at various educational levels.

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(In fact, Mandarin could only be taught as a foreign language since it is only one of the many dialects spoken in China and is rarely the native tongue of Chinese immigrants to the U.S.) But these programs do not fit the theoretical model of bilingual education since the children learn to read and write first in English and the Mandarin is only a small part of their instruction.
In a study I undertook in 1989, I found that 12 percent of the elementary and middle school magnet programs in my sample specialized in basic skills and / or individualized teaching; 11 percent offered foreign language immersion; 11 percent were science -, math -, or computer - oriented; 10 percent catered to the gifted and talented and 10 percent to the creative and performing arts; 8 percent were traditional, back - to - basics programs (demanding, for instance, dress codes and contracts with parents for supervision of homework); 7 percent were college preparatory; 7 percent were early childhood and Montessori.
But at many of the approximately 160 remaining dual language programs around the city, principals are struggling to fill the teaching spots amid a dearth of certified foreign language teachers, parents and experts said.
Although the FY11 budget request includes a $ 38.9 million increase in funding to support teaching and learning in the arts, history, civics, foreign languages, geography, and economics, the administration proposes to combine eight subject - specific grant programs into a single competitive grant program.
Teachers of foreign languages who have lived abroad in nations that speak the language (s) taught in a study abroad program or who have earned other form of experiential learning will sharpen their skills in the language and may be able to gain a competitive edge in the hiring market.
Fernando Reimers — Professor of Education and Director of HGSE's International Education Policy program — stresses the importance of teaching tolerance and global values, as well as developing foreign language skills and knowledge of world history, cultures and geography.
Through these programs, students can earn a degree that allows them to teach foreign languages, geography, physics, political science, biology, English and other subjects in a middle or high school classroom.
The English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement program prepares superior language students for an instructional license to teach foreign language and / or English as a second language in elementary through secondary schools.
Specific provisions included scholarships and loans to students in higher education, with loans to students preparing to be teachers and to those who showed promise in the curricular areas of mathematics, science, engineering, and modern foreign languages; grants to states for programs in mathematics, science, and modern foreign languages in public schools; the establishment of centres to expand and improve the teaching of languages; help to graduate students, including fellowships for doctoral students to prepare them to be professors at institutions of higher learning; assistance for the improvement of guidance, counseling, and testing programs; provisions for research and experimentation in the use of television, radio, motion pictures, and related media for educational purposes; and the improvement of statistical services at the state level.
After all, this is presumably why we have study abroad programs and why we attempt to teach foreign languages.
Foreign Language Study Abroad (FLSAS) offers an immersion program that teaches languages in the host country.
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